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Genshin Impact Core of the Apparatus Event Guide, Let's Make Robots!

Read this article to complete the Core of The Apparatus Genshin Impact quest, starting from how to do it to the recipe for making a robot
genshin impact 2.7 core of the apparatus

Event Core of the Apparatus Genshin Impact is events which is running and is events last for patches 2.7 this.

On events Here Vicigers will be invited to make various kinds of robots that you can later place in your Teapot.

Apart from that, you will get a little idea about Fontaine, the area that will be released after Sumeru is released.

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Vicigers can read more guides events This Core of the Apparatus is to make it easier for you to complete events and get a wide variety rewards. 

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Genshin Impact Core of the Apparatus Guide

core of the apparatus genshin impact bertrand
Bertrand (source: VCGamers)

The Event Core of the Apparatus was events available from June 29, 2022 to July 11, 2022 according to times servers what you play.

Your task is actually quite easy. You will help an NPC named Bertrand to make a robot and test the robot making tools.

You will later be asked to collect various kinds of materials to run the machine so that the machine can make various kinds of robots.

You can place these robots in the Teapot to decorate your Teapot.

Requirements for Core of the Apparatus Genshin Impact Participation

event core of the apparatus
Event (source: VCGamers)

Like events In general, Genshin Impact has passed, there are several conditions that you must meet to be able to participate events This Core of the Apparatus Genshin Impact.

The first requirement is that you must be at AR level 30+ to be able to do this events.

Then, you have to finish quests Ritou Escape Plan

This quest is part of Inazuma's Archon Quest, The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia Chapter 2: Act 1. 

You must also complete the named World Quest Chisato's Letter. This World Quest is also part of the same Archon Quest, so you only need to complete it.

If you have completed all the Quests in Inazuma, especially the Archon Quest, automatically events it will open so you can play.

Reward Event Core of the Apparatus Genshin Impact

core of the reward apparatus
Rewards (source: VCGamers)

The reward that you will get is quite a lot of Vicigers. You will get Primogems, Hero's Wit. and so forth.

Following are the details of gifts or rewards what you can get:

  • Primogem x420
  • Hero's Wit x12
  • Mora x300,000
  • Mystic Enhancement Ore x12
  • Material Weapon Ascension Jeweled Branch of a Distant Sea x6 
  • Material Weapon Ascension Narukami's Joy x6
  • Material Weapon Ascension Mask of the Tiger's Bite x6
  • Robot Vouchers

How to Open the Core of the Apparatus Genshin Impact Event

quest core of the apparatus genshin
Quest (source: VCGamers)

How to open events this is by doing quests The introduction is A-Toymaking We Shall Go.

How to activate it will usually be immediately automatic in the Quest section menu. However, you can activate it via the Event section menu.

Open the Core of the Apparatus section and click the Go To Quest button.

You will later be asked to meet Katheryne at Adventure Guild Inazuma and meet an NPC named Bertrand.

Bertrand will be located in Ritou so you can teleport to the place. Bertrand will equip you with a tool called the Material Collector.

You will use this tool later on events so make sure you always use or equip this tool while doing events.

How to Play Event Core of the Apparatus Genshin Impact

genshin material collector gadgets
Material Collector (source: VCGamers)

This event will consist of 3 stages, namely Source Material Collection, Elemental Charge, and Core Collection.

This stage will consist of 3 different Trial stages which are opened every 24 hours starting from the 29th of June.

So it should be if you do events after reading this article, you can already open all the trial stages. 

You will do these 3 stages sequentially to produce a Robot Voucher. You can later exchange this voucher to get a robot.

Material Collection stage

At stage Collection Materials You will be asked to collect various materials with a certain amount.

The materials used are Ore (stones you get from Silver Ore, Crystal Chunk, etc.), Fruits (Sunsettia, Apple, Wintermelon, Wolfhook Berry, etc.), and flowers (Sweet Flower, Sakura Bloom, Windwheel Aster, etc.) .

At stage trials, you will be asked to get 3 flowers, 3 Ore, and 6 free fruit that you can find.

Elemental Charge stage

The next stage is, Elemental Charge is the stage you have to do there regarding your character with elements for 15 seconds.

There are many ways for you to be exposed. It could be when you fight enemies like Slimes, get hit by Flaming Flowers, throw yourself into water, or even get struck by lightning.

During the trial you will be asked to go to several places to get exposure to these elements.

The places you will visit are Cape Oath for the Pyro element, Yaogang Shoal for the Hydro element, and Kujou Encampment for the Electro element.

You are simply exposed to elements from the enemies that are there. However, you have to be careful because there will be other elemental enemies that can cause elemental reactions.

The author's suggestion is that you can fight enemies that have these different elements and use characters shielder like zhongli to minimize the possibility of your character dying because of damage.

Core Collection stage

This stage is the final stage to get Vouchers. Here you are asked to fight enemies to get Core Propulsion.

In the trial stage you will be asked to fight 3 Slimes, 2 Specters, and 1 Hypostasis freely.

The enemies you fight will later affect your Voucher results where the enemies you fight are: Eye of Storm, Thunder Manifestation, Oceanid, Slime, Specter, and Hypostasis.

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Robot Recipes to Get Robot Vouchers

core of the apparatus genshin impact core archive
Robot Archieve (source: VCGamers)

You must get a voucher to exchange with Bertrand so you can get the robot from events this.

There are a total of 20 different types of robots that you can get. However, each of these robots has a different recipe.

Vicigers can see the robot recipe below which VCGamers has summarized to make it easier for you to get the robot you want.

No. Vouchers Material Element Enemy
1 Mirrorpool Horned Owl: Turning Fruit or Flowers hydro Hypostasis, Oceanid, Thunder Manifestations, Eyes of the Storm
2 Mirrorpool Horned Owl: Dancing Fruit or Flowers hydro Slimes
3 Mirrorpool Horned Owl: Air Time Fruit or Flowers hydro Specters
4 Thundering Horned Owl: Turning Fruit or Flowers Electro Hypostasis, Oceanid, Thunder Manifestations, Eyes of the Storm
5 Thundering Horned Owl: Dancing Fruit or Flowers Electro Slimes
6 Thundering Horned Owl: Air Time Fruit or Flowers Electro Specters
7 Flowfire Horned Owl: Turning Fruit or Flowers pyro Hypostasis, Oceanid, Thunder Manifestations, Eyes of the Storm
8 Flowfire Horned Owl: Dancing Fruit or Flowers pyro Slimes
9 Flowfire Horned Owl: Air Time Fruit or Flowers pyro Specters
10 Traveling Horned Owl Obtained randomly
11 Mirrorpool Triped: Tipping Ores hydro Hypostasis, Oceanid, Thunder Manifestations, Eyes of the Storm
12 Mirrorpool Triped: Jiggy Ores hydro Slimes
13 Mirrorpool Triped: Sitting Ores hydro Specters
14 Thundering Triped: Tipping Ores Electro Hypostasis, Oceanid, Thunder Manifestations, Eyes of the Storm
15 Thundering Triped: Jiggy Ores Electro Slimes
16 Thundering Triped: Sitting Ores Electro Specters
17 Flowfire Triped: Tipping Ores pyro Hypostasis, Oceanid, Thunder Manifestations, Eyes of the Storm
18 Flowfire Triped: Dancing Ores pyro Slimes
19 Flowfire Triped: Sitting Ores pyro Specters
20 Traveling Triped Obtained randomly


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