Location for farming Cor Lapis Genshin Impact it is quite complicated compared to some other materials.
This yellow stone is one of the character's ascension materials used by several characters such as zhongli.
Unlike other materials, when approached there will be the name of the material you are farming.
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Cast Lapis requires certain handling before you know that this material is the stone you need.
Does the character you build need Cast Lapis? We will share farming routes and Cor Lapis locations in this article.
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Craft and Characters Requiring Layer Cast

Lapis Cast is one of the materials used for crafting and is used to increase a character's ascension level.
So far there are three characters Genshin Impact who need Cor Lapis for ascension, namely: zhongli, Keqing, and Chongyun.
While some materials that you can make yourself (crafting, dye, forging) that require Layered Casting are:
- Dustproof Potion: Increases party Geo RES
- Unmoving Essential Oil: Increases the party's Geo DMG
- Yellow Dye: Material for making furniture
- Special Unmoving Essential Oil: Material needed in The Heavenly Stone's Debris quest
- Geoculus Resonance Stone: A tool to track the location of Geoculus
- Geo Treasure Compass: A tool for tracing chest locations in the Liyue region
Also read: Guide to Making Condensed Resin in Genshin Impact
Preparation of Layered Cast Farming

Apart from the difficult farming locations, Cor Lapis is also difficult to identify directly.
When you are going to farm Cor Lapis, we recommend having a party character who can identify special materials for each region from the character's passive talent.
You will need Yanfei or Qiqi who has this passive talent. A hand-shaped icon will appear on the mini map on the left of the screen.
The color of the stone, which is one of Liyue's unique materials, is clearly visible and the location of Cor Lapis will be easier to identify in this way.
However, when approached you have to give certain treatment to be able to pick it up.
New Cast Lapis can be harvested if you give it GeoDMG or Huge Physical DMG.
You have to bring a Geo character like zhongli to deal Geo DMG.
If you don't have Zhongli, you can bring a character who uses a weapon Claymore such as Diluc, Noelle, Chongyun, Itto, and others.
Swords, Polearms, and Bows can also provide Physical DMG. However, the Physical DMG given is less blunt so it can take a long time to say compared to DMG from Claymore.
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Cor Lapis Farming Locations and Routes
Cor Lapis is spread in almost all areas in the Liyue region. But usually the location of this stone will be very individualistic.
From a short distance, usually you can only farm 1-2 Layered Casting stones, although there are some places that also have 3-4 Layered Castings.
In total there are 161 Lapis Cor that you can farm in one route. However, there will be a 2-3 day cooldown time to be able to re-farm Cor Lapis.
We will divide the farming location into several sections to make navigation easier from the Cor Lapis position.
Guyun Stone Forest

At this location there are a total of 5 Cor Lapis stones. The first location is near the northern Teleport Waypoint.
You can walk north of the Teleport Waypoint and if you approach it a Geo Slime will appear when you farm the stone.
Next, you can teleport to the Domain of Guyun. Head west to find another Cor Lapis.
There are 2 layers of Cor above the domain where you have to climb the hill from the nearest incline from the enemy Electro Cicin Mage. The last layer of Cor can be you on the westernmost island of the domain.
Yaogang Shoal – Mingyun Village – Sal Terrae

In this section there are 17 total Cor Lapis in the eastern part of the Liyue region. However, there are sections that require quests to unlock areas.
The Yaogang Shoal section has 2 Layer Cor. One in the very west of the island and east. You can go to the Statue of Seven and glide to the location.
The Lapis Cors in Mingyun Village were all located in caves. The first location you can teleport to the Palace of Liashan domain and enter the cave in the southern part of the domain.
The next location is in the northern part of the domain. You can teleport to the Teleport Waypoint north of Mingyun Village and walk south to find the cave.
You can find the last 2 layers of this area by walking west from the Teleport Waypoint north of Mingyun Village.
For the Sal Terrae section you have to open the bottom of this area. The way to open it is to run the first part of the story Quest Zhongli Historia Antiqua.
Next, the underwater part will open and you can directly farm in the marked location.
The parts that are not underwater you can travel through the domain Ridge Watch.
The Chasm – Qingxu Pool – Dunyu Ruin – Lingju Pass

A total of 45 Lapis Cor are in this section with The Chasm section having the most total of 22.
All Lapis Cor in The Chasm area are at the top (The Surface) so you can immediately teleport to the nearest Teleport Waypoint or Statue of Seven from the location sign.
You will get the rest by teleporting to the Teleport Waypoint near Lumberjack Valley and there will be 2 Lapis Cor between the hills.
The Lingju Pass, Qingxu Pool, and Dunyu Ruin sections are also at the top and do not require quests.
Usually, Cor Lapis will be behind the other rocks in this area so you have to look carefully in this section.
Qingce Village – Wuwang Hill – Stone Gate

There are 16 Cor Lapis in the northern part of the Liyue region which includes Qingce Village, Wuwang Hill, and Stone Gate.
In the Stone Gate section, you can walk the road that leads to Mondstadt and look for Cor Lapis on the rock near the waterfall according to what is marked in the picture that the author has provided.
Cor Lapis, which is located in the Wuwang Hill section, has high rocks and caves. You can climb from the highest Teleport Waypoint, close to the Rhodeia boss area, and the cave just below the east Teleport Waypoint.
Qingce Village is in an easy to find location which is on the rocks east of the Teleport Waypoint, a separate island with the Eye of Storm, the path leading to Qingce Village and close to the water.
North Minlin

You can find Lapis Cast Remains in areas that include: Mt. Hulao, Mt. Aocang, Luhua Pool, Qingyun Peak, Cuijue Slope, and Jueyun Karst.
This section will place Cor Lapis at the bottom of a hill or mountain so you don't have to climb a lot.
for Mt. Aocang and Mt. You can find Hulao by rotating the mountain area, steep rocks beside the mountain, and a hole under the mountain.
The Nantianmen, Wangshu Inn, and Guili Plain areas don't have Cor Lapis so you don't need to farm in these areas.
Use the Teyvat Interactive Map to make it easier for you to find the most precise coordinates from where Cor Lapis is.
Those are the farming routes and Cor Lapis locations. Top up your Genesis Crystal at VCGamers Marketplace and get the dream character!