Lovers games must be familiar right, with a game called Free Fire? Yup, games which have the battle royale genre This one has become one of the most popular games lately.
How come? Ranging from children, teenagers to adults play the game Free Fire This. Especially in a pandemic like now, which requires people to stay at home, so this game is perfect for treating boredom.
In game Free Fire, the players will be gathered together with other players on a remote island before the game starts.
Then after that all the players will simultaneously get into an airplane that will fly to a large island, where the island will be the battle ground for the player.
In the airplane, the players can choose the time and also the right place to land. Although for some people this is a trivial matter, this will be very influential in determining who will be the winner.
Why determines the place can be a determinant of the winner? Because if the time and place of this landing are determined, it will affect the players to get a weapon as well items equipment for survival.
Because of that, the players couldn't land and make decisions on landing haphazardly.
If you want to be the winner who managed to survive until the end of the battle and get the 'Booyah!' the players must make or have a plan while on the plane or at the start of the island. This will make it easier for players to win games.
in determining the place landing in maps In any FF, there are several things that must be considered, namely paying attention to the number of other players who will jump, avoiding crowded locations, aircraft paths and the middle of the game. maps, and immediately look for weapons when landing.
Now, apart from that the players also have to know here good way to land deep Free Fire games. How to? come on, see the discussion below!
Good landing
Get off the plane in a quiet place

para player must be able to landing in maps Lonely FF, but has loot items a lot. Apart from being quiet, landing in maps The selected FF must also be far from the presence of enemies.
This will make the player can last longer and have a lot loot items prepared. So that when one day the enemy attacks, the players will be ready to attack again or defend.
When the players will landing in maps FF, it must be ensured that the location for landing is far from the aircraft's flight path. This will prevent players from landing in places where there are likely to be a lot of enemies.
Players trying to land on its flight path and landing in maps FF, which has many enemies around it, will find it difficult to find weapons in that place because they have been taken by enemies around them and become an easy target for enemies.
Always close to the team

One of these things is a rather important way, namely para player Do not let landing in maps A distant FF with his teammates. Because if one player is separated from a teammate, then that player can become an easy target for the enemy team.
Avoid the roofs of buildings to serve as landing sites

This one thing needs to be avoided by the players, because if the roof is used as a landing place, when it comes down it will give damage which is quite "sick" so that it can harm yourself.
The players must pay attention to this so as not to waste the blood they have due to dropping from the roof of the building. Not necessarily in the place or location it provides medical kits, which will add even more danger to the players.
Must choose a building with an open floor

Compared to on the roof of a house and then going down and reducing HP, it's better for players to land on a building that has two floors.
By landing on a two-story building, players will have quite a lot items, because loot items usually available on the first floor and second floor.
Good landing place
As explained above, the players must pay attention to the location landing in maps FF and the time to land, because it will affect the supply of weapons as well items complement that will support the players to survive until the end.
So a good place to be a landing site, is landing in maps FF which has a stock of weapons as well items lots of complements to support the players survive until the end and become a winner.
That's the reason why the landing location is important in this game. Come on play now and try the methods above to become a winner!
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