M249 PUBG Mobile new to this game has many differences that can affect the gameplay of the player. Check out some comparisons with the old version and also tips on using M249 PUBG Mobile here.
In the real world, this weapon is a typical weapon of the US armed forces. However, this weapon was made by a Belgian manufacturer, namely FN Herstal. Due to the popularity of the use of this weapon in the US armed forces, it is therefore also produced in America by the local branch of the FN factory.
Update 1.4 Krafton has introduced a new version of M249 PUBG Mobile which replaces the old one. How is it different from the old M249 PUBG Mobile? Check out some tips on using M249 PUBG Mobile Update 1.4 here.
New M249 PUBG Mobile Vs Old One
The new M249 PUBG Mobile in this game has a lot of differences compared to the old one.

The first significant change that you can easily see when using this new LGM is the increased recoil. The new one seems to get a nerf in stability.
Therefore, it is more difficult to control. Vertical recoil increases a lot. So you have to prepare yourself and try to pull the crosshair down and keep it steady.

In addition, the new version of M249 PUBG Mobile has lower damage than the old one. The base damage of the old LMG was 44, but the new one has a slightly lower base damage of 40. Therefore, you need more accurate bullets to take down enemies.
Moreover, the rate of fire also got a nerf after the update. The rate of fire is reduced by 17 percent. The LMG has reduced the damage per second of the new M249 PUBG Mobile a lot.
Then, this new LMG is weaker than M416. The only thing that keeps this weapon in use is its large ammo magazine.
Talking about stats, M249 PUBG Mobile is average. The damage is decent and equal to the average damage of AR weapons.
Its damage is 45 points about 2 points higher than M416 which has 43 points. The advantage lies in the size of the magazine and the rate of fire.
The firing speed is fast, even faster than Groza. Even though the damage is average, this LMG has 100 bullets in one turn, so it's perfect for destroying vehicles.
If PUBG has other aspects like destroying houses then this weapon is the best choice. However, similar to the LMG DP-28, this weapon has a long reload time.

Another obvious difference is the size of the magazine. After the update, the new magazine size of M249 PUBG Mobile has been reduced from 100 to 75.
However, the game developer added a new additional magazine for this LMG. This helped expand the ammunition capacity of the new weapon to 150 rounds per load. This allows you to win 1 vs 4 situations without having to reload ammunition.
Also read: Everything You Need To Know About The Beast M249 At PUBG Mobile
Tips for Using the New M249 PUBG Mobile

In the BR game, there is a very special weapon, the M249 PUBG Mobile. It is said to be special because it is only found in Air Drop. Big guns are indeed a little less eye-catching by PUBG Mobile game players.
This new version of LMG is very different. Therefore, you should learn some tips for playing with this new weapon.
- Use the extended magazine to increase ammo capacity.
- Shot in a crouching or crouching pose to reduce the vertical recoil of this weapon.
- In TDM mode, you can also pick up this weapon at a special spawn location. If you take it normally, you will have it with 75 bullets. But if you have an extended AR magazine in your backpack, you will have it with 150 bullets.
- Use the Burst technique when shooting, this is because the recoil is high enough so you have to shoot with bursts, don't shoot continuously because it can make our bullets go everywhere and not hit the target.
- Always pay attention to the number of bullets in the magazine, so you don't realize that the bullets run out when fighting. This is very detrimental to you, because this weapon has a long reload time.
Also read: LMG Comparison: M249 PUBG Vs DP-28, Which is Better?
That's the comparison between the new M249 PUBG Mobile weapon and the old one. Above you have also given some tips for using it. Remember that the LMG weapon is only in Airdrop which means getting it is quite difficult.