Not all heroes are easy for you to conquer, especially when using ML skill combos. So, there are 6 heroes who have the most ML skill combos to use. Who are they? Check this article to find out.
All heroes Mobile Legends does have different ML skill combos, some are deadly and some are not. One of the roles with the deadliest ML skill combos is Mage. Heroes in this role can kill targets early or late in the game at once.
There are so many heroes in Mobile Legends, but so far there are a total of 107 available heroes. All of these heroes have their own skills, some are easy to use and some are difficult to use.
For example, the following six heroes fall into the category of heroes that are difficult to master because the ML skill combos are very complex and difficult to use. Are you curious about this hero? Let's check the following reviews.
Rows of Heroes with the Hardest ML Skill Combo

The first hero with the most difficult ML skill combo is Selena, this hero belongs to the Assassin and Mage roles.
Selena's hero combo skill is very complicated, it requires powerful hand speed and instinct when using it. Selena also has a large number of skills, a total of seven different skills that you must understand well.
The following is the ML skill combo model that Selena most often uses to kill opponents: throw skill one (Abyssal Trap) then throw skill two (Abyssal Arrow) simultaneously at the target, then use the ultimate skill (Primal Darkness) to improve the skill. Approach the target then activate one more skill (Soul Eater) & press basic attack. Finally, aim skill two (Garotte) at the target until he is killed.

The 2nd hero with the most difficult ML skill combo is Roger, this fighter also has a very complicated ML skill combo. Roger has a slight tendency to use the hero Selena, they both have seven different skills with different effects.
To kill enemies, Roger must use all of these skills. It takes perfect hand speed & timing when using it.
The following is the deadliest ML skill combo model that Roger user often uses: make sure Roger is in the human body, use skill one to reduce physical defense then activate the ultimate skill to change skills. Immediately then activate skill one and skill two, finally use basic attack until the target is killed.

The third hero who uses the most complicated ML skill combo is Yve, this hero belongs to the role of Mage. Yve has a very complicated ultimate skill combo, not only speed but also requires accuracy when using it. For the first skill and the second skill itself, it's easy to use, these 2 skills are more suitable for farming and paying off the target's HP.
The following is Yve's most lethal ML skill combo model that is commonly used: make sure Yve's location is safe from attack versus when using her ultimate skill because Yve can move when attacking. Aim the ultimate skill of the opponent's crowd then move the opponent's area to give a slow effect, finally just tap on the location of the target to cause a large burst of damage.

The hero with the fourth most difficult ML skill combo is Lancelot, you will definitely have a hard time using it. Lancelot does not have a specific skill combination.
Everything needs to adapt to the situation. What is clear is that Lancelot's skill combo requires hand speed and the right skill placement if it can be killed if it misses.
However, this is an example of an ML skill combo that is most often used by Lancelot users when facing 1 on 1. Use the second skill first, then the last skill at the target location. Finally, use basic attacks to kill them. If the target moves away, use Ability 1 to track the target.

The next hero is Lunox. This hero is also difficult to use. Like Lancelot, Lunox has the most difficult skill combination to use because it needs to adapt to situations.
You cannot use one type of attack under all conditions. Lunox has lots of abilities, with a total of six abilities that have various effects on this hero.
In desperate situations, Lunox usually uses ultimate powers to save herself. And while in an attacking position, Lunox uses the ultimate power of chaos skill to kill enemies.
Lunox will put magic damage on the enemies around him and recover his HP. if this skill hits an enemy hero, then the healing effect given will be greater, which is 2 times the usual. This skill will make Lunox very powerful for team fights.
Using the Starlight Pulse skill will add a Power of Order stack or a yellow stack to Lunox's leader.
This Chaos Assault skill is very feared by the opponent because it can do the same damage using the HP they have. The thicker the HP they have, the greater the damage this skill will do.
Especially if this skill is used when the ultimate skill is active because it doesn't have a cooldown. Using the Chaos Assault skill will place one stack of Chaos power or a purple stack.
Also read: The Strongest Lunox Counter Hero in Mobile Legends 2022

Finally, there is the Paquito hero. This fighter is really extraordinary in season 22. Mastering Paquito is very difficult, this hero is not suitable for you as a beginner.
When using this hero, you don't only need hand speed, but also instinct and the right attack timing. There are also calculations that you have to master, this hero can be very annoying if you can maximize his passive abilities well.
This is the most lethal skill combination of hero Paquito. First track the target with skill 2, then alternate between skill 1 and basic attack, and finally use the ultimate skill twice to kill it.
Also read: The advantages and disadvantages of Paquito Mobile Legends
Those are the 6 heroes with ML skill combos that are difficult to use. If you intend to use it, then you need to practice first before playing rank.