If you are a beginner player, you must use a character combo Free Fire This. That way you can get Booyah easily.
With the huge increase in the popularity of Free Fire, a large number of new players have joined the game. Many of them want to improve, and one of the most important factors affecting the gameplay is the choice of character. As a result, beginners are often looking for the best to enter.
Besides that, by buying the required skill slots, you can create combos of Free Fire characters and combine their skills. Here are some Free Fire character combos that you must try.
List of Free Fire Character Combo for Beginners
In Garena Free Fire, you can make combos of Fre Fire characters by buying skill slots. With over 40 playable characters with different abilities and more to come in future updates, creating a successful skill combination will depend on your playstyle, preference and whether they are playing solo or in a duo/squad.
Starting today, before the OB33 update, it can be said that Alok is one of the best choices as a main character. Her Skill Drop the Beat creates an aura that increases movement speed of allies by 10 percent and recovers five HP per second for five seconds, making her strong when playing solo or in a squad.
Below are some Free Fire character combos for beginners to make it easy to get Booyah.
Skyler + D-bee + Leon + Otho
Skyler's ability releases sonic waves, which damage a total of 10 Gloo Walls within 100 meters. Additionally, each deployed Gloo Wall will result in increased health recovery starting at 9 points with a cooldown of 60 seconds.
Coming to the D-bee skill, it increases movement speed and accuracy by 15 percent and 4 percent respectively. However, this only happened when the players were shooting while moving.
Leon's Buzzer Beater ability restores the player's 30 health points after they survive a battle. Lastly, Otho's ability reveals the positions of other enemies within 50 meters after they have finished off an enemy. Information is shared with teammates informing them of enemy locations.
K + Miguel + Moco + Hayato
K has the ability 'Master of All', which increases the player's max EP by 50. He also has two modes:
- Jiu-jitsu: This leads to a 500 percent increase in EP conversion rate.
- Psychology: 3 EP restored every 1 second, up to 250 EP.
There is a small 3 second cooldown on the mode switch.
Miguel is good enough to be paired with K as he refills 80 EP after a user gets a kill in Free Fire. This can then be converted on the fly while in Jiu-jitsu mode.
In Moco's 'Hacker's Eye', a 5 second tag is applied to enemies when the user hits them. Similar to Otho, teammates get location details. Finally, Hayato's Bushido ability increases armor penetration by 10 percent with every 10 percent decrease in maximum health.
Alok + Jota + Jai + Luqueta
Drop the Beat recovers 5 HP/s for 10 seconds and results in a 15 percent movement speed increase. A 45 second cooldown is then applied. Jota is perfect for aggressive players as it restores HP when they hit enemies with a gun. Additionally, immobilizing an enemy will refill 20 percent of HP.
Raging Reload restores magazine capacity by 45 percent after the individual defeats an enemy, but there's a catch. This only applies to weapons from the AR, SMG, Pistol and Shotgun categories.
The last part of this Free Fire character combo is Luqueta's Hat Trick, which increases the player's maximum health by 25 to 50 with each kill.
Kelly + Joseph + Hayato + Alok
This combination is great for players who like short-range gameplay. With Kelly's Dash skill which increases sprint speed, Joseph's Nutty Movement ability which increases movement speed by 10 percent for one second when hit, and Alok's healing and speed skills, players will be able to protect themselves and attack simultaneously. Hayato Bushido's ability is used for tank damage because it increases armor penetration when HP is lowered.
Paloma + Hayato + Kelly + Alok
Paloma's Arms-dealing skill that carries AR ammunition without taking up space and Bushido Hayato which increases armor penetration is a good combination for mid and long range players who prefer to take shots away from enemies.
Kelly is also a key addition to this combination. His Dash skill with healing Alok will come in handy when remote gameplay is no longer an option and players have to fight enemies up close.
Also read:Â These are the Reasons Why You Should Use Kelly in Free Fire
Caroline + Kelly + Andrew + Miguel
When playing solo in short-range combat, players must be fast with medium-sized weapons. That's where Caroline's Agility ability, which increases speed when wielding a rifle, comes in handy.
This player also needs to have protection, such as Andrew's skill Armor Specialist, which reduces the vest's loss of durability. Kelly will give this player speed when running and Miguel will restore energy when getting kills.
Also read:Â 5 Characters To Combine With Leon Free Fire
Those were some combos that you can use to get Booyah easily. If you have questions regarding the article above, please comment below.