
Bus Simulator Raw Download Link Collection

Published by
Fikri Basrizal

Bus Simulator Raw Download Link Collection

Livery Indonesian Bus Simulator is a term for an image file PNGs which you can use later to change the appearance of the bus to be more attractive. If you want to get a lot of raw livery, let's read this article to the end! 

Currently, there are many Bus Simulator versions circulating on the internet and you can use them for free.

If you are interested in using Bus Simulator HD, in this article we have summarized the download link for you. So you don't need to search one by one.

So, for more details, let's look at the following discussion!

Also read:

Bus Simulator HD Raw Download Link Collection

Livery BUSSID PO Hiba Utama HD

Livery BUSSID PO Hiba Utama HD

Livery Name: Livery BUSSID PO Hiba Utama HD

Creator: Sir

Downloads: [Click here]

BUSSID Manhattan Red HD Livery

BUSSID Manhattan Red HD Livery

Livery Name: BUSSID Manhattan Red HD Livery

Creator: Blahbloh

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery BUSSID Safari Dharma Raya (SDR) HD

Livery BUSSID Safari Dharma Raya (SDR) HD

Livery Name: Livery BUSSID Safari Dharma Raya (SDR) HD

Creator: Blahbloh

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery BUSSID Gunung Mulia Air Suspension Standard HD

Livery BUSSID Gunung Mulia Air Suspension Standard HD

Livery Name: Livery BUSSID Gunung Mulia Air Suspension Standard HD

Creator: Blahbloh

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery BUSSID Muji Jaya AKAP Air Suspension HD

Livery BUSSID Muji Jaya AKAP Air Suspension HD

Livery Name: Livery BUSSID Muji Jaya AKAP Air Suspension HD

Creator: Blahbloh

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Pandawa 87 Tourism Green HD

Livery Pandawa 87 Tourism Green HD

Livery Name: Pandawa 87 Tourism Green HD

Creator: Blahbloh

Downloads: [Click here]

MB OH 1521 HD Tourist Bus Livery

MB OH 1521 HD Tourist Bus Livery

Livery Name: MB OH 1521 HD Tourist Bus

Creator: Blahbloh

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Agra Mas AKAP Standard V1 HD

Livery Agra Mas AKAP Standard V1 HD

Livery Name: Agra Mas AKAP Standard V1 HD

Creator: Doel

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery BUSSID Gunung Harta HD

Livery Name: Livery BUSSID Gunung Harta HD

Creator: BlahBloh

Downloads: [Click here]

JBHD Red Treasure Mountain Livery

Livery Name: Gunung Harta Merah JBHD Livery

Creator: Mas J

Downloads: [Click here]

Between Cross Sumatra Bridgestone HD

Livery Name: Antar Lintas Sumatra Bridgestone HD

Creator: Dayat Piliang

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Between Lintas Sumatra Executive HD

Livery Name: Antar Lintas Sumatra Executive HD Livery

Creator: Anton JR

Downloads: [Click here]

PO Bandung Express Luxury HD

Livery Name: PO Bandung Express Luxury HD

Creator: Doel

Downloads: [Click here]

Jetbus 2+ Dewi Sri Standard V1 SHD

Livery Name: Jetbus 2+ Dewi Sri Standard V1 SHD

Creator: –

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Jetbus Dewi Sri V2 EURO 5 HD

Livery Name: Livery Jetbus Dewi Sri V2 EURO 5 HD

Creator: Doel

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery BUSSID Eagle High Tourism HD

Livery Name: BUSSID Eagle High Tourism HD Livery

Creator: Blahbloh

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Fajar Riau Wisata OH 1626 HD

Livery Name: Fajar Riau Wisata OH 1626 HD

Creator: DSN Creative

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Hafana New OH 1526 HD

Livery Name: Livery Hafana New OH 1526 HD

Creator: Blahbloh

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery New Jetbus Lorena AKAP HD

Livery Name: New Jetbus Lorena AKAP HD

Creator: Sandy

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery PT. Transport Express Jaya Standard V1 HD

Livery Name: Livery PT. Transport Express Jaya Standard V1 HD

Creator: Blahbloh

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery BUSSID New North Star Jetbus HD

Livery Name: New Jetbus Bintang Utara HD

Creator: Sir

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery BUSSID PO Armada Bumi Minang HD

Livery Name: PO Armada Bumi Minang HD

Creator: Blahbloh

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery BUSSID Kurnia HD

Livery Name: Livery BUSSID Kurnia HD

Creator: Blahbloh

Downloads: [Click here]

BUSSID Setiawan HD livery

Livery name: Livery BUSSID Setiawan HD

Creator: Blahbloh

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery BUSSID PO Kramat Djati AKAP HD

Livery Name: PO Kramat Djati AKAP HD

Creator: Blahbloh

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Jetbus Sugeng Rahayu HD

Livery Name: Sugeng Rahayu HD Jetbus Livery

Creator: Blahbloh

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery BUSSID Jetbus Budiman AKAP HD

Livery Name: Jetbus Budiman AKAP HD

Creator: Blahbloh

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Jetbus Budiman AKAP V2 HD

Livery Name: Jetbus Budiman AKAP V2 HD

Creator: Doel

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Family Raya White EURO 3 HD

Livery Name: Family Raya White EURO 3 HD


Downloads: [Click here]

Livery BUSSID Bintang Luragung Asri BORNEO HD

Livery Name: Bintang Luragung Asri BORNEO HD Livery

Creator: Anton JR

Downloads: [Click here]

BUSSID Santoso HD livery

Livery Name: Livery BUSSID Santoso HD

Creator: Blahbloh

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery BUSSID Telaga Indah Armada HD

Livery Name: Livery Telaga Indah Armada HD

Creator: Blahbloh

Downloads: [Click here]

Prima Star Piano Sleeper HD

Livery Name: Bintang Prima Piano Sleeper HD

Creator: Blahbloh

Downloads: [Click here]

Family Raya Green HD Variant

Livery Name: Family Raya Green HD Variant

Creator: Blahbloh

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Lana Jaya HD

Livery Name: Lana Jaya HD Livery

Creator: Blahbloh

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery BUSSID Scorpion Holidays 728 HD

Livery Name: Scorpion Holidays 728 HD

Creator: Blahbloh

Downloads: [Click here]

Yudistira FF Bundle Pink Livery

Livery Name: Yudistira Livery FF Pink Bundle

Creator: YouTube Asia

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Yudistira FF Shotgun M1014

Livery Name: Yudistira FF Shotgun M1014 Livery

Creator: Sir

Downloads: [Click here]

FF Character Yudistira Livery

Livery Name: Yudistira FF Character Livery

Creator: Street Livery

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Yudistira Persib Bandung

Livery Name: Livery Yudistira Persib Bandung

Creator: Street Livery

Downloads: [Click here]

Pandawa 87 Sleeper Bus Blue Livery

Livery Name: Pandawa 87 Sleeper Bus Blue

Creator: IyoungID

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Pandawa 87 Green Yudistira

Livery Name: Livery Pandawa 87 Green Yudistira

Creator: Blahbloh

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Pandawa 87 Premium Coach Yudistira

Livery Name: Pandawa 87 Premium Coach Yudistira

Creator: Akhtar Pratama

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Anime Brook One Piece HD

Livery Name: Livery Anime Brook One Piece HD

Creator: Street Livery

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Blue Star V2 Yudistira

Livery Name: Livery Blue Star V2 Yudistira

Creator: Abrar Garage

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Bussid Yudistira Sinar Jaya Executive

Livery Name: Livery Bussid Yudistira Sinar Jaya Executive

Creator: BlahBloh

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Bussid Yudistira Sinar Jaya AKAP SR1 Legacy

Livery Name: Yudistira Sinar Jaya AKAP SR1 Legacy

Creator: Anan

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Bussid Yudistira Sinar Jaya AKAP Ori JB2

Livery Name: Yudistira Sinar Jaya AKAP Ori JB2

Creator: Anan

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Bussid Yudistira Sinar Jaya Ori

Livery Name: Yudistira Sinar Jaya Ori

Creator: Anan

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Bussid Yudistira Sinar Jaya Discovery

Livery Name: Yudistira Sinar Jaya Discovery

Creator: Anan

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Bussid Yudistira Sinar Jaya Legacy SR1

Livery Name: Yudistira Sinar Jaya Legacy SR1

Creator: Sir

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Bussid Yudistira Sinar Jaya Executive Wayang

Livery Name: Yudistira Sinar Jaya Executive Wayang

Creator: Hanafi Art

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Bussid Yudistira Sinar Jaya RN 285 Gray

Livery Name: Yudistira Sinar Jaya RN 285 Gray

Creator: Noyz

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Bussid Yudistira Sinar Jaya Ori Dirty

Livery Name: Yudistira Sinar Jaya Ori Kotor

Creator: BlahBloh

Downloads: [Click here]

STJ Varesh HD Bussid Livery

Livery Name: Livery Bussid HD STJ Varesh

Creator: Akhtar Design

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Bussid STJ Thorin Yudistira HD

Livery Name: Livery Bussid STJ Thorin Yudistira HD

Creator: Akhtar Design

Downloads: [Click here]

Livery Bussid STJ Shankara Yudistira HD

Livery Name: Livery Bussid STJ Shankara Yudistira HD

Creator: Akhtar Design

Downloads: [Click here]

Sudiro Tungga Jaya Radagast Yudistira HD

Livery Name: Sudiro Tungga Jaya Radagast Yudistira HD

Creator: Akhtar Design

Downloads: [Click here]

Sudiro Tungga Jaya Bavikha Yudistira HD

Livery Name: Sudiro Tungga Jaya Bavikha Yudistira HD

Creator: Akhtar Design

Downloads: [Click here]

Sudiro Tungga Jaya Apoorva Yudistira HD

Sudiro Tungga Jaya Apoorva Yudistira HD

Livery Name: Livery Bussid STJ Apoorva Yudistira HD

Creator: Akhtar Design

Downloads: [Click here]

Other Bus Simulator HD Templates

Game BUS Simulator Indonesia. Source: APKPure.

Here is a collection of BUSSID Livery from other buses that are no less aesthetic:

  • Livery Nakula SHD Agra Mas Sulthan – Downloads
  • Livery Nakula SHD Agra Mas – Downloads
  • Livery Nakula SHD Agam Tunggal – Downloads
  • 3 Star Livery Downloads
  • Blue Star Livery – Downloads
  • Livery BUSSID Haryanto SHD 07 Tourism Downloads
  • Livery BUSSID Haryanto SHD Linggar Jati – Downloads
  • Livery BUSSID Haryanto SHD Sensation Reborn – Downloads
  • Livery PO Haryanto SHD Suketi – Downloads
  • Livery Winspector Tuan Muda BannerDownloads

How to Install Bus Simulator HD Raw

How to Install Bus Simulator HD. Source: Silvia Mega Fania/Youtube

If you don't know how to install Livery in the game, here are some steps you can follow to install Livery:

  • Download the livery image file (PNG) above according to what you want
  • Then open the BUS Simulator Indonesia game
  • Then click the Garage menu
  • Then click the bus that matches the livery you want to install
  • Click the Paint icon
  • Then click Select File Livery
  • Then select Device Gallery
  • Select the livery image that you downloaded earlier
  • Then click install
  • Then you can choose Pay or Free by watching the ad first
  • Done

Also read:

Thus our discussion this time about Mentahan Bus Simulator HD. Hopefully this article can help you in playing the Bus Simulator Indonesia game.

Don't forget to top up your favorite games quickly and cheaply only at VCGamers Marketplace!

Fikri Basrizal