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NieR Automata Collaboration with Babylon Fall Event Begins, Have You Played?

NieR Automata's collaboration with Babylon Fall comes in addition to NieR Automata's 5th anniversary. Check out the collaboration information here!
nier automata collaboration with babylon's fall

The collaboration between Nier Automata and Babylon's Fall finally took place on March 26, 2022.

Square Enix never stops spoiling players! In order to anniversary (anniversary) 5th, NieR Automata collaboration with Babylon's Fall will present events limited.

This news further increases the enthusiasm of fans games Square Enix after a few things announced during the Anniversary Nier Automata live stream this past February.

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Besides events NieR Automata's collaboration with Babylon's Fall, Square Enix also announced the release of an anime for NieR Automata and a demo of games Babylon's Fall.

Babylon's Fall itself is games from Square Enix and PlatinumGames which have been talked about since their announcement in 2018.

Cultivation process RPG games Babylon's Fall was disrupted due to the Covid pandemic that hit and eventually hampered the process. 

Babylon's Fall is finally slated for release on March 3, 2022, PS5, PS4, and PC through Steam.

NieR Automata Collaboration Limited Event with Babylon's Fall

Nier Automata's collaboration with Babylon's Fall presents an amusement park
NieR Automata Collaboration with Babylon's Fall Presents NieR Automata Theme Amusement Park

In order to celebrate the 5th anniversary of its release games RPGs action NieR: Automata, Babylon's Fall selected to host the collaboration event (events limited) between NieR Automata and Babylon's Fall.

NieR: Automata is one of them games the most loved of the 8th console generation, after its launch to widespread acclaim in February 2017. 

Storyline and gameplay seems to be the culmination of the various achievements of developer PlatinumGames in interactive media making NieR Automata so popular that it won various awards.

NieR Automata's collaboration with Babylon's Fall was revealed in a live stream celebrating the fifth anniversary of NieR: Automata this past Wednesday.

Square Enix and PlatinumGames announced that seasons 1 of Babylon's Fall will include various covers franchises NieR deep events NieR Automata collaboration with Babylon's Fall. 

Events NieR Automata collaboration with Babylon's Fall, players will be invited to visit locations in NieR Automata.

You will be able to visit the Machine Village and Amusement Park during the event as seen in the trailer:

NieR Automata's collaboration with Babylon's Fall also features costumes and unlocks cosmetics inspired by 2B, A2, 9S, Commander White, and Operator 210. 

You should definitely wait for NieR Automata's collaboration with Babylon's Fall. Predicted Square Enix and PlatinumGames will handle events these with care and deliver fantastic quality.

Evidenced by the direct involvement of Yoko Taro, director from NieR Automata himself as well as and Senior Game Designer Takahisa Taura. 

The NieR Automata limited collaboration event with Babylon's Fall was officially launched on March 26 2022 and will end on April 26 2022.

Because this event is being held for a limited time, those of you who haven't played should immediately play to catch up on various kinds events.

You can watch what excitement will be presented from events it's on trailers released by Square Enix on account Twitter Babylon's Fall.

NieR Automata's collaboration with Babylon's Fall is also a series of surprises from Square Enix after announcing it anime NieR Automata which Aniplex soon adapted.


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NieR Automata Collaboration Event List with Babylon Fall

nier automata collaboration with babylon fall
You can get Emil Head Cosmetics at the NieR Automata Collaboration Event with Babylon Fall

This NieR Automata collaboration event with Babylon Fall has 11 missions that you must complete during the campaign events ongoing.

You will get emblems themed NieR Automata when reaching the top rank on the Rabbit Amusement Park Leaderboard, place limited events this.

You will also get new skill hubs, cosmetics, and certain weapons inspired by the NieR Automata game.

If you have completed certain missions or gone to the Shop, you can get A2 clothes, some of Emil's cosmetics, and the 2B sword used.

The NieR Automata collaboration system with Babylon Fall has a system where you have to complete a certain low-level mission before you can do a more difficult mission.

Here's a list of all campaign missions available for the event:

  • Rabbit Amusement Park: Hard and Super Hard Mode (recommended strengths are 60 and 125) , opens April 12, 2022
  • Beachheads: I, II, and III. (Recommended strengths are 20, 60, and 125)
  • Certain Doom: I, II, and III. (Recommended strengths are 20, 60, and 125)
  • Once More Into The Breach: I, II, and III. (Recommended strengths are 20, 60, and 125)

Babylon's Fall game release is considered a failure

nier automata collaboration with babylon's fall demo game babylon's fall
Game Babylon's Fall Draws Various Criticisms

The NieR Automata collaboration event with Babylon's Fall was held due to the success of NieR Automata which further enhanced its skyrocketing success a few years ago.

NieR Automata itself managed to revive interest in the long-dormant NieR franchise, which originally debuted with the release of Cavia's Nier back in 2010.

Babylon's Fall is the next big project from the developer NieR: Automata PlatinumGames with Square Enix and is highly anticipated due to the success of the previous NieR Automata.

However, it was unlike any studio projects of the past. Instead of a strong single-player experience, Platinum's latest collaboration with publisher Square Enix comes in the form of a co-op action RPG built around the tiered development team's signature combat mechanics. 

Is known reviews Babylon's Fall did not get a positive response from players who were quite looking forward to it games this

Originally announced during E3 2018, Babylon's Fall has had a rocky ride to launch. 

This game is said to have bad mechanics, gameplay boring, less challenging storyline.

But some critics games said, Babylon's Fall has origin potential deep repaired patches subsequently both by Platinum Games and Square Enix.

There is events NieR Automata's collaboration with Babylon Fall which was greeted quite positively by the players is expected to make Babylon's Fall able to survive in the competition games.

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