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Beginner? These 5 Best Tips to Win Sausage Man Must Try!

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Hola Vicigers! Games Sausage Man as So Funny's masterpiece as developers, has been hotly discussed recently gamers. No wonder games this sausage has been downloaded more than 1 Million times after doing soft launch last June 25th.

In games This Sausage Man, players are invited to feel the excitement battle royale such as PUBGM, Apex Legends, Mobile Legend and Free Fire. For those of you who are connoisseurs of PUBG Mobile, how to play Sausage Man is not much different. how come.

For you beginners, we have summarized five tips for winning Sausage Man. Curious? Let's check this out!

Learn Landing Locations!

Like most things in general battle royale games, the landing location is one of the important things that Vicigers friends have to consider carefully.

As for maps in games Sausage Man has the advantage of having a location with good loot so that it is targeted by many players, and the disadvantage is that there is also a quiet place which is usually located in the outermost area folder.

There are two maps battle royale that's inside Sausage Man until now, namely Battle Island and Rainbow Island. If you are a beginner and still adjusting to games this, first you can land in a place far from the crowds.

Choose the Right Weapon!

It has become part of the mandatory things when playing battle royale games to master every available weapon. In this game, of course, there are many variations of weapons that are equipped with their respective advantages and disadvantages. There are also types of weapons that are strong at close, medium, and long range. 

Try to get two types of weapons such as SMG and Assault Rifle when you get off the bus so you can get the best weapon to kill enemies. You can replace it with another type of weapon after that, for example, like using snipers to immobilize enemies at a distance, or shotgun for close range.


Almost similar battle royale games other, looting is the first thing you should do after getting off the vehicle. You go down without being equipped with anything and you also have to find your own armor.

These equipment can be in the form of armor, bags, scopes, helmets, weapons, as well as healing items which are widely scattered in the game map. 

Loot first, you have to find a weapon first so you don't fight empty-handed. In connection with the limited looting time and inventory capacity, as much as possible, make sure you prioritize it looting just the stuff you need.

For safer, you can try to do looting in a closed place such as in a house. Make sure you guys looting Assault Rifle or SMG type first. Why is that? Because these weapons are easier to subvert enemies compared to other types of weapons.

Don't Wrong Costume!

Yup, it might sound unreasonable, but it turns out that the costumes used also affect your victory at Sausage Man. Even though it's full of color, the costumes in Sausage Man can be used as camouflage with the surrounding environment. 

Another reason is because most of the locations on the map in Sausage Man are green, so as much as possible you also wear green accessories and costumes and avoid clothes with flashy colors too so that when you crawl across the grass you cannot be seen by enemies and do not attract your opponent's attention.


For your info, turn on the Gyroscope On feature for more exciting playing sensitivity, you will master matches or battles quite easily games Sausage this man accurately, shrewdly, and quickly.

However, to master the Gyroscope On feature, it turns out that you have to practice for several days, especially for you Freefire players. Why is that? Because they will definitely have trouble implementing this Gyroscope On feature with playing habits games FPS.

Next, there is the Lean & Peek On feature, this feature works when you are taking cover in trees or rocks. You guys here can easily pop your head left and right to shoot your opponent directly.

Also Read: The All New Sausage Man, Check Out These 4 Best Info!

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