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Now Clint Is More Suitable To Be A Laner Than A Jungler? Must Change Strategy Here!


Of course the players Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB) is no stranger to Clint which is one of the heroes of Mobile Legends and has roles as Marksman. Origin and reason Clint fight no one knows. 

Hero Mobile Legends which is quite feared and has a distinctive appearance like Cowboy is Clint. When fighting using 2 weapons at once.

Everyone in the Wasteland knows that heroes this is the fairest shooter among shooters there. He only uses his weapon to eradicate the guilty. his accuracy and speed make his opponent unable to move.

Damage per Skill Owned by Revamped Clint

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Skills support what you have Clint among them, QuickDrawBlind Smoke, Heel Rope, and Howitzers. Well, here it is skills and tips for using Clint:

Passive Skill: Quick Draw

Effect After using skills, Attack Clint will charge straight ahead as well as from Basic Attack will produce damage as many as 120%.

Skill 1: Blind Smoke

Physical Damage 150/180/210/240/270/300 pts from smoke grenades that will Clint throw it into the enemy area. Basic Attack as much as 25% to 75% will decrease due to grenade smoke as well as reducing Movement Speed as many as 60%.

Skill 2: Heel Rope

A net trap to be shot by Clint produce Physical Damage as much as 140/160/180/200/220/240 pts and slows down the first opposing hero about the net trap. On the other hand, Clint will jump backwards, to make distance with the opponent's hero.

Skill 3: Howitzers

Clint will throw a grenade at the target. when the grenade explodes can generate Physical Damage as much as 230/290/350 pts. Up to 5 grenades can be thrown continuously at this skill.

Based on the effect produced by each skills, so combos recommended, first use Heel Rope (Skills 2) to make distance with heroes opponent.

Use (skills 3) to drain HP heroes opponent and slow down his movement. Finally, to kill heroes opponent uses skills 3 (Howitzers).

Item Recommendations

For those of you who want to know item recommendations Build Clint, see the following reviews:

  • Demon Shoes, as much as +40 movement speed and +6 mana regen belonging to this item. If reducing or assists will restore mana for 10%, and if you reduce minions it will restore mana for 4% which is the passive of this item.
  • Blade of Despair, has +160 Physical Attack and +5% Movement Speed. As well as when attacking an opponent whose HP is below 50% it will increase Physical Attack hero of 25% is passive from this item.
  • Berserker's Fury, as much as +65 Physical Attack and +25% Critical Chance belonging to this item. Passive of this item, +40% Critical Damage.
  • Endless Battles, as much as +65 Physical Attacks, +10% Physical Lifesteal, +10% Cooldown Reduction, +250HP, +5% Movement Speed, as well as +5 Where's Reg, give extra TrueDamage amounted to 60% from Physical Attack with Cooldown for 1.5 seconds.
  • Malefic Roar, has +60 Physical Attack. Every Physical Defense possessed by the enemy is able to increase Physical Penetration of 0.05% when delivering damage on it as well as limited to 20%.
  • Rose Gold Meteor, has as much as, +30 magical defense, +60 physical damage and +5% physical lifesteal. When the hero's HP is reduced below 30% is the passive of this item, make shields which can absorb 510-1350 damage as well as improve magic defense as many as 25.

Recommendation Lane for Revamped Clint

In the current Mobile Legends meta, Clint considered less effective to be played as jungler. However, you can still play and fit in gold lane in a gameplay. Gold laners can help him develop well in early game

Hero Sidelane is a very important role to win lanes nor farming quickly because he will be relied on as the second core, namely a hero who can support his team, besides jungler. Hero sidelane, different from offlane, is a hero who is often placed on Gold lane.

In addition, the main role that belongs to Sidelane, which is to dominate in mid-late game because sidelaner heroes usually can't farming as fast jungler as well as need items. However, not all heroes jungler can be placed in Sidelane.

For those of you who are curious, try using it immediately Clint who have gone through this adjustment in the mission Road to Mythic.

Also Read: Hero Cyclops, This One-Eyed Boy Turns Out to be a Giant, guys!
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