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Claude's Best Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends 2022

Claude's best gameplay is in the late game. However, don't play barbarians in the early ML game.
Build Hero Claude

Check this page to find out what are the best Claude gameplay tips that you can use in the battle at Mobile legends 2022.

Claude is one of the most unique heroes in the Land Of Dawn and for this reason, after being released in 2018, he has proven himself as a reliable sidelaner so far.

But the nerf on max attack speed increase from max stack in patch 1.6.48 makes him one of the least picked heroes. 

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So in patch 1.6.50, Moonton buffed Dexter, Claude's partner, which made him a popular pick again. Skill 2 Claude Battle Mirror Image is arguably the best escape skill among all the other MMs and for this, he can chase enemies or escape from them easily if used correctly. 

In this Mobile Legends guide, we will take a look at Claude's best gameplay tips in Mobile Legends 2022.

Gameplay Claude MLBB

Like every other Marksman, positioning is very important when playing with this hero. However, you should need a good understanding of the map to bring out the best from any hero. 

According to Claude's gameplay, we can divide it into three phases. Our Claude Mobile Legends gameplay guide includes the perfect game plan to make it even more OP.

Early Game

Game Claude
Early Game

This hero is very weak in the early game like most other Marksman, so be careful until you get the Demon Hunter Sword. Unlock Skill 1 first and hit the minions plus the opposing sidelaner to get the maximum number of stacks to clear the lane faster.

Be sure to stay at a safe distance when doing this. You can use the Second skill to check the bushes for possible threats or to clear the lane from a safe distance.

If you act as a core hero then the focus of your game in the early game is jungling and roaming to enrich yourself and help side laner heroes who are in war, in this phase you don't have to play barbarians and do open wars.

In this phase, don't play barbarians when roaming up and down, just take care of the lane until you are rich and have great damage.

Mid Game

Game Claude
Mid Game

After getting the Demon Hunter, Claude's gameplay is ready to deal considerable damage. Be sure to rotate and gank whenever the opportunity arises. If Turtle will appear in your lane, pay attention to the map for the possibility of gank using the ulti at the right time.

Always prioritize the enemy mage and marksman first because they are squishy. Don't forget to fill the stack to the maximum before using Ultimate because you who are stacked to the maximum do more damage by using Ultimate.

Don't take risks and chase kills, farming is important because like every MM, you also shine in the late game.

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Late Game

Game Claude
Late Game

After getting all the items Claude is now ready to bring hell to his enemies. Position yourself behind the tank and continue to use the first skill to slow down the enemy and deal damage. Keeping the stack maxed out is an essential skill for properly mastering Claude's gameplay.

Don't waste the Second Skill unnecessarily because it can help escape or chase enemies. Keep in mind that Claude's Ultimate has a circular range so you don't need to always jump into the middle of the enemy to deal damage, just make sure the enemy you are targeting is within this range.

Claude isn't a nightmare for most of his fellow MMs but CC equipped MMs like Moskov, Brody, Mage like Kadita, Eudora, fighters like Zilong, Guinevere, tanks like Hylos, Franco can prove to be dangerous as these can all interrupt his Ultimate midway through. . .

Claude is a great choice against almost any hero, but like most MMs, he is also vulnerable to Assassins.

But thanks to skill properly. An excellent pick for ranked play, he's definitely a good pick for the current meta. 

Also read: Best Kaja Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends 2022

Claud's gameplay tips will definitely help in guiding easy wins with him in Mobile Legends. 

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