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Recommended Best Minecraft Charms for 2023

One of the Minecraft charms that you can use in 2023 is Fire Protection which can protect you from fire.
Minecraft charms
Minecraft charms. Source: Youtube.

This time we will review the best Minecraft charms in 2023. There are some recommendations for the best charms that you can use.

Every charm minecraft different from the others, and you can place them on items in different ways. This enchantment itself can be placed on items via the enchantment table. 

This table is made using four blocks of obsidian, two diamonds, and one non-enchanted book. Some minecraft enchantments can't be found in the enchantment table, so you'll have to use the anvil.

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The anvil made it possible to enchant items using a magic book. You can make an anvil using four iron ingots and three iron blocks.

List of the Best Minecraft Enchantments of 2023

There are different enchantments for different items in Minecraft. Below, VCGamers has summarized some of the best minecraft charms you can use in 2023.


Luck. Source: Youtube.

Luck is one of the best charms players have when they mine items in Minecraft. This enchantment increases the number of items dropped when the player mines certain blocks. 

For example, mining diamond blocks with a magic pickaxe will cause more diamonds to fall. Luck also increases the chance of dropping rare items like flint.


how to make potions in minecraft
Better. Source: Youtube.

Mending is one of the best charms in Minecraft. What Mending does is take the XP that players gain from doing simple tasks around the world (such as mining blocks, killing monsters, and smelting items), and uses it to improve the durability of enchanted items. 

The only downside to Mending is how difficult it is to find. Mending is an extremely rare enchantment, meaning it may take a while for players to find one. 

Mending will never be seen in an enchanting table, so you should find it as an enchanting book.


Sharpness. Source: Youtube.

Sharpness is very useful when players fight monsters in the game. Players can use this enchantment to add a damage boost to their weapons. 

Each Sharpness level increases the amount of melee damage the player's weapon will deal by 1.25 (Bedrock) and 0.5 (Java). You can apply Sharpness to swords or axes.

When players collect XP orbs, some of them will be converted into durability for the armor enchanted with them. The conversion rate from XP to durability is two per XP consumed.

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Unbreaking. Source: Youtube.

Unbreaking is one of the best enchantments for armor in Minecraft. It allowed the armor not to take too much damage when the player was hit. 

Since armor is meant to be hit and reduce the damage players take, having higher durability allows them to stay in battle longer. 

There are three levels of Unbreaking, with each one increasing the amount of damage the armor can sustain.

Fire Protection

Rail Activator Mechanism
Fire Protection. Source: Minecraft Forums

Fire Protection can reduce the amount of fire damage received by players. If players are planning on being around a lot of fire or lava (perhaps in the Nether), this is a great enchantment to wear armor with.

This was because each armor enchanted by Fire Protection reduced fire damage by 8 percent of the enchantment level. Fire Protection IV provides a 32 percent reduction in received fire damage.

The max limit for Fire Protection is 80 percent, meaning players shouldn't try to stack above the limit due to diminishing returns.

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