Evos Notnot is a beautiful BA who often goes viral on Tiktok because of her beauty. He is also a celebgram who has many followers.
Lidiawaty or known as Evos Notnot is a TikToker and also a Youtuber who has millions of followers. Not only active on social media, he is also known to have starred in various soap operas and soap operas on national television stations.
Not only that, he is also known to be good at playing, so it's no wonder that EVOS Esports, one of the best esports teams in Indonesia, recruited him as a brand ambassador. For those who are curious, what is Evos Notnot Lidiawaty like?
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Here are the charms of beautiful women who are now the idols of mobile game fans. Notnot Lidiawaty is a very complete package. Good in games to taekwondo. It's no wonder that many fans like it.
The charm of Evos Notnot
Evos Notnot or whose real name is Lidyawati may already be familiar to video game lovers in Indonesia and this time we will discuss interesting facts about her.
Often referred to as Evos Notnot, this woman has a beautiful face and flawless white skin, which is why many people are attracted to her. But what are the charms of Evos Notnot? Come on, look at the following article, look carefully.
Become a FTV Star

Suara Hati Istri is one of the shows that loyal Indosiar viewers have always been waiting for. Not only does it have an interesting history, this FTV also stars many well-known actors and actresses. No wonder this show always manages to steal the show.
Lidiawaty or often called Notnot is an artist who often stars in FTV Suara HatiWife. Popular in show business, Notnot is also quite active in sharing his daily portraits through his personal Instagram account.
Known as an actress, this 21 year old woman has a beautiful face. Through a series of uploads on his personal Instagram account, Notnot's charm often catches the attention of netizens.
Have Many Fans

Thanks to his role in several FTV titles Suara Hati Istri, the name Evos Notnot has become increasingly known. Now he has a lot of fans. This can be seen from the number of followers on the Instagram account which has reached more than 3.6 million followers.
Even though it is now widely known by the public, maybe not many know that Notnot is a player who is also the brand ambassador for Evos eSports. He is also a TikTok content creator and YouTuber.
This beautiful woman officially signed a contract with one of the best esports teams, namely Evos Esports, around June 2020. With an attractive face, of course Lidyawati is a woman who is liked by the players and can make the Evos Esports team have many fans.
Love Playing FF

Note that Evos Notnot really likes to play Free Fire games which incidentally many women who like this game. This can be seen on Notnot's YouTube account, which often posts itself by live streaming Free Fire.
Currently, his YouTube account has 1.11 million subscribers, although he only has 19 videos. He really likes playing Free Fire, of course, it's not uncommon to play Free Fire, even if he has reached a high rank.
It is recorded that Notnot has won a fairly high rank, namely 4 gold in Free Fire in the last 16 seasons. As we know, Gold 4 is a fairly high rank for the female player class, which is above the Bronze and Silver ranks.
Free Fire is currently undeniable as one of the esports mobile games that has many players. Note that this game can also be played by 80 million players in one day.
One of the Free Fire players who will play this 3 year old game is Notnot. As the brand ambassador for one of the best esports teams in Indonesia, Notnot makes Free Fire one of his favorite games.
Not just talking, Notnot is actually a Free Fire player and even has a Gold rating of 4 for season 16 at the time this article was written. Of course, you can't compare Notnot with highly rated professional players.
Even so, Notnot also has decent playability. In each of his live broadcasts, he often shows a shrewd game.
To share his playing experience Free Fire, note also often broadcast live on his personal YouTube channel. To access Notnot's channel, you can click here.
When Free Fire is live streaming, Notnot often invites subscribers to play together too. So, Booyah's friends often watch Notnot live streaming, they also have the opportunity to play together!
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Always Look Charming and Good at Taekwondo

Not only playing games, this woman who was born on October 8, 2000 is also known as an artist who always pays attention to her appearance. Not infrequently a simple and elegant appearance often inspires young people and their fans.
Even though she is beautiful, it turns out that Notnot has another hobby that is classified as anti-mainstream, namely being good at martial arts, namely taekwondo. He found this out by uploading videos to his personal YouTube channel of him practicing taekwondo and beating his friends.
Also read: 5 Most Beautiful Evos BAs, Make Your Heart Fall!
So, those are interesting facts about Evos Not that you might not know. Apart from being beautiful, it turns out that this woman has many skills, guys, one of which is taekwondo.