If you are a new FF game user, you can claim 5 free characters Free Fire this without the need to use diamonds at all. Curious? Just check this page.
Free Fire has become a popular esports game in Indonesia. The combination of the excitement of Battle Royale and the diversity of characters with their respective skills make this game very interesting. By 2022, more than 100 million users worldwide will be active every day.
In this game, there are various types of characters that can be played in each of these characters. With Diamonds you can get different characters. However, there are several Free Fire characters that you can get without using Diamonds.
List of Free Fire Free Characters

The first Free Fire free character is Laura. Laura is a sniper with the ability to use weapons properly. His Sharp Shooter ability can increase shooting accuracy. Laura increases accuracy by 30 percent when using binoculars.
Laura has a skill called Sharpshooter and is suitable for those of you who always use the sniper role. Sharp Shooter is a unique opportunity to have as many weapons as possible with minimal accuracy.
Laura's abilities in the Kalahari come in handy when the team wants to fight up close and needs sniper support. You can use 8,000 coins to get this character.

Paloma is a character who is said to have a terrible past and doesn't want to talk about it. She grew up on the outskirts of her country and is a role model for every woman there. But he became one of the arms dealers and ruled underground.
Paloma is a character with an ability called Arms-dealing, which is used to capture the weight of AR bullets. This allows his teammates to bring more important things to the team.
Paloma can be a useful support when playing. The good news is that you can get the Paloma character by spending 8,000 coins.

Raphael is also a Free Fire free character. Rafael is an assassin. He has extraordinary abilities that support him in the role of sniper.
His Dead Silent ability has a feature that allows him to shoot from a weapon without fear of being marked on the opponent's mini card within 8 seconds.
Therefore, this skill can hide its relatively hidden location if this skill is active. Because of this ability, Rafael doesn't have to worry about long-range snipers and his position being revealed by opponents.
Unfortunately, Rafael's ability has a relatively long cooldown, which reaches 90 seconds. Luckily, you can get this free character in Free Fire without using diamonds and it costs 8,000 coins.
This character skill can help Sniper users to provide strategic shots while disarming enemy defenses. This skill really helps players to finish off enemies easily and quickly.
Of all the Free Fire free characters, he has one of the most unique abilities that helps passive players. Also, the faster HP loss effect associated with the ability is the reason for using this character.

Hayato is a Free Fire character based on a Japanese character and has a skill called Bushido. Bushid Hayato's ability is that the lower the HP, the greater the armor penetration against the enemy.
Because of this ability, many players use Hayato as the front line in battle. Players often prefer to use Hayato as a rusher because of his Bushido ability.
However, Hayato can also be maximized as a sniper. With different abilities, Hayato can of course be a very valuable feature if you have it. To get Hayato, you have to spend 8,000 coins.
Also read: Mandatory Note! These are the Strengths of the Paloma Free Fire Character

Nikita is a professional bodyguard and his main job is to guide and care for Carolyn, the daughter of a Free Fire Organization employer. Nikita was brought up at school as a sniper.
This helps him with things quickly and instinctively. To achieve his goal, he joins Free Fire and becomes Carolyn's bodyguard.
Nikita's strength is called Firearms Expert and has the advantage of speeding up the reloading process when using a submachine gun. This feature is really useful if you always rely on SMG. If you want to get the character Nikita, you have to spend 2000 coins.
SMG weapons can make Nikita's character more optimal when using these weapons. A lot of SMG bullets will also cause enormous damage to enemies, especially since Nikita has the ability to speed up Reload.
Nikita is also suitable to be played when playing in Solo or Squad mode. But Nikita's potential will really be felt if he plays in a squad. The reason is very simple, namely buff. Nikita is very fast when getting buffs or fixes from his team members. This is because rushers are very vulnerable when dealing with conceptual enemies.
With the buff as a fix, Nikita isn't afraid to play barbarian. Jumping forward and quickly taking on enemy members was the best thing Nikita could do. Especially with the right SMG weapon.
Also read: DJ Alok vs Nikita vs Thiva FF: Which is better after OB33?
Those are some free Free Fire characters that you can get without having to buy diamonds. Although the impression is not "premium", these characters have abilities that should not be underestimated!