There are several characters FF Max for the Factory Challenge that you can win the mode in March 2022. Who are they? Keep reading this page to find out.
There is no dearth of game modes in Garena Free Fire MAX, as users get various options in addition to customizable variants.
Battle Royale, Clash Squad, and Lone Wolf are some of the most famous game modes. However, custom rooms allow users to create in-game matches by making desired adjustments to specific modes.
Players along with their friends and other players who know the room password can participate in special matches.
Creators popularize one of a kind custom space matches like “Factory Challenge”. Special room challenges feature a 'match setting' in which the player must descend on the Bermuda factory to fight.
Weaponry and character abilities are one of the most important aspects of Free Fire MAX, but the absence of the former makes the latter even more important.
So, here you have summarized a number of FF Max characters for the Factory Challenge that can be used properly.
Best List of FF Max Characters for Factory Challenge

The first FF Max character for the Factory Challenge is Dimitri. Dimitri has a 3.5 meter diameter healing zone that restores HP for 10 seconds dand the recovery rate for Healing Heartbeat was three HP per second.
Therefore, Dimitri is one of the most important characters in Factory Challenge Free Fire MAX for both the player and his allies.

The FF Max character for the second Factory Challenge is K. K ranks among the best characters in Free Fire MAX. It grants the user two different skills, and the Gamer receives an additional maximum EP of 50 points with two modes — Jiu-jitsu and Psychology.
Psychology Mode is quite helpful in Factory Challenges, which provides continuous EP recovery at a three-point rate after every 2.2 seconds.

Kelly is one of the FF Max characters for Factory Challenge that you can use in March 2022. The sprint speed buff, although small, is very important during Factory Challenge matches.
Pthe user can receive a 1 percent increase in sprint speed by equipping Kelly, and one can easily escape or catch enemies with the increased speed.
In addition to Dash, Kelly offers an Awakened state which increases damage from any weapon (for one shot). However, it does not have any application in the Factory Challenge.

Alok is also the FF Max character for the Factory Challenge in March 2022. The user needs spare HP along with movement skills to survive and become the winner in the Factory Challenge.
DJ Alok helps players of similar abilities by giving the user a 10 percent buff in their agility, which is very important in the mode.
In addition, users can receive a continuous supply of five HP/second using DJ Alok. Both effects do not stack and have a duration of five seconds.
Even though DJ Alok is one of the best Free Fire MAX characters, one has to have decent skills to handle him.
Also read: FF MAX Settings For Aim And Improve Accuracy

Our final list as a FF max character for the Factory Challenge is Kla. Kla is arguably the most formidable character for the Factory Challenge because of his abilities.
Kla's passive ability increases fist damage by 100 percent, allowing the user to quickly execute enemies. However, you need to have decent movement skills to take full advantage of Kla.
Kla is without a doubt the best character for this mode as the challenges are all about brawls and melee combat, and no one is better than Kla for brawling. He has a passive ability called Muay Thai, and increases fist damage by 100 percent when equipped.
Kla can be upgraded to level 6 with character fragment cards, maxing out his fist damage by 400 percent, meaning players will be knocked down in one hit from Kla.
Also read: How To Get Free Diamonds And Characters In FF MAX
This list of FF Max characters for Factory Challenge is in no particular order and solely reflects our opinion. The skills listed are at the first level of each character and the user can upgrade them.