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5 Best Genshin Impact CC Characters for 2022

Using the CC Genshin Impact character will make it easier for you to win battles in this RPG game.

Has a CC character Genshin Impact the strong ones give players a much better time in more difficult content like the higher floors of Spiral Abyss. Here are the 5 best Genshin Impact CC characters in 2022.

Crowd Control (CC) is the ability to effectively immobilize hordes of enemies, for example by grouping them into a certain area or making them lose control. In Genshin, there are many types of CC, including Elemental Reactions and certain combat talents. 

In this article, VCGamers will feature the 5 best CC Genshin Impact characters that you can use in 2022.

List of the Most Painful CC Genshin Impact Characters

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Spiral Abyss of Genshin Impact 2.6 can be completed with 36 stars if the player uses the right character.

With the official announcement of the 2.7 patch update and its maintenance break, it's about time Travelers try to clean up the current Spiral Abyss before it's reset.


CC Genshin Impact

Burst has a massive AOE that pulls enemies in and launches them into the air. Venti is an Archon, one of the gods in the world of Genshin Impact and that is reason enough to destroy him.

His Elemental Burst is one of the best Genshin Impact CCs in the game, with the ability to group enemies and absorb elements. He completely dominates in fights with smaller foes.

After unlocking the “Stormeye” Talent, Venti's energy will be replenished at the end of Grand Ode Wind. If an element is absorbed, the party member's Energy of that element will also be replenished. This allows Venti to consistently boost his teammates by rotating his Burst.

Venti, the Anemo Archon, is often compared to the newest Anemo character Kazuha as both are great characters who excel at crowd control.

However, players will have a much easier time with Venti with the current 2.6 Spiral Abyss in Genshin Impact. Floors currently support crowd control characters. Venti and his Elemental Burst can pull all mob-type enemies into one place to deal damage and save time.

Lucky players with Venti and Kazuha can have both of them on different teams to easily cross floors using Genshin Impact's CC ability.


CC Genshin Impact

Can CC suck up enemies with his Skills and Burst. Sucrose is a flexible character who can control crowds and debug enemies while buffing elemental reaction damage from other characters.

If the player runs an elemental reaction team but doesn't have access to Kazuha, Sucrose is definitely a good alternative.

He needs C1 and C4 to unlock his full support potential. This is not a difficult task because Sucrose is only 4 stars.

Since Sucrose wants as much Elemental Mastery as he can, having C1 can help Sucrose regain energy for his Elemental Bursts. C4, on the other hand, grants him the ability to increase a teammate's elemental damage by 20 percent.


CC Genshin Impact

Kazuha can attract enemies and launch them into the air with her Skill. There's a reason why Kazuha is currently the most sought-after support character in the game.

He is very versatile and can be used in almost any team. The EM buff is also generic and fits most builds in the game, unlike other supports which can only buff one thing.

While it does offer Genshin Impact less CC than Venti, it doesn't matter as not all enemies can be CCed. Kazuha's extra damage was worth a lot more.

Kaedehara Kazuha is currently the most used character by players who own it, according to global statistics. The whole kit screams crowd control, and players can efficiently insert elements into enemies and trigger multiple reactions.

His abilities and passives provide tremendous utility both on and off the field, making him a consistent choice on every possible meta team.

His vortex reaction has excellent synergy with other top characters as well. Kazuha lacks CC Genshin Impact when compared to Venti but makes up for it with damage.


CC Genshin Impact

Mona can paralyze enemies with his Burst and taunt them with his Skills. Mona is a powerful Hydro sub-dps character designed to trigger Evaporation. His main focus is his ability to drastically amplify Elemental DMG with his Elemental Burst, Stellaris Phantasm.

Her ability places debuff bubbles on enemies which not only increases the damage dealt to them, but also deals a burst of Hydro damage when the bubble pops. Using this Hydro blast to trigger Vaporize will deal a large amount of damage.

Beyond his powerful explosions, he can also function as a battery and taunt for added crowd control.

Also read: Build Kazuha Genshin Impact, CC Support with SS Tier Flavor!


CC Genshin Impact

CC with Petrification from Burst. zhongli is the best Shielder in the game and also one of the most powerful characters in terms of knowledge.

His tough shield can withstand all kinds of enemy attacks, allowing players to get away with all kinds of slick lineups. Plus, he's no slouch when it comes to dealing high damage. Zhongli can deal massive AoE Geo damage with his Elemental Burst, which also inflicts Petrify.

Also read: Venti Genshin Impact 2022 Build Recommendations

Players can also build Zhongli as a normal DPS attacker with the appropriate team support and equipment.

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