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The Fastest Way to Register Axis Cards

How to register axis card is very easy. Provided you already have an ID card and KK for registration requirements. Without it, you can not register.
cara registrasi kartu axis
how to register axis card (image; youtube)

As one of the largest cellular operators in Indonesia, there are many Axis users in the country. So many users are looking for ways to register cards axis.

One of the products of the Axiata Group company, it is known for its affordable internet services covering national and international levels. 

The condition is, to use this cheap internet service, you must first register an Axis card. How to register axis card? Check out the article below!

AXIS Card Registration Requirements

Cara Registrasi Kartu Axis Paling Cepat
The Axsi card has lots of promos and is cheap

In accordance with applicable regulations, Axis card users are required to register according to population data. If you meet the requirements, you can register a new Axis card.

The following are some of the requirements that you must meet before registering;

  • Identity card, know NIK number
  • KK (family card)

How do I register for an Axis card if I don't have a KTP? You can find NIK in KK with 16 digits. Don't forget that if you don't have a family card, you can be sure that the Axis card registration process will not be carried out.

How to Register an Axis Card

After you have met the requirements above, you can register the card you are using. 

Through Dial Up

Cara Registrasi Kartu Axis Paling Cepat
register axis card via dial up number

As a new user, you can register an Axis card offline only by using Dial Up. This message automatically appears on the phone screen after the first activation of the phone with an Axis card.

You simply fill in the information requested by operator. Enter the NIK and KK numbers according to the instructions. The registration process will be completed automatically. Only if you insert the Axis card while the phone is on, the Dial Up message will not appear.

Through the Nearest Outlet

cara registrasi kartu axis
how to register axis card (image; youtube)

​If you can't register your Axis card with Dial Up, you can go to the nearest branch. You can seek customer service assistance at Axis stores. Just bring your KTP and KK, then the problem is guaranteed to be solved. Just registering at a branch usually takes a long time because there is a queue ahead unless the branch is empty. 

via SMS

list of axis cards via SMS (image; youtube)

Before registering at the outlet, it's a good idea to try the Axis card registration method using SMS. This method is ideal for new users. The method is as follows:

  1. Open SMS / Messages
  2. Enter Enter REG number (space) NIK#KK, for example REG 12345678998765432#3201060400123002. Make sure you enter your KK and KTP numbers correctly
  3. Send to 4444
  4. Please wait a moment for the reply from 4444
  5. You will receive a confirmation if successful. 

Meanwhile, if you get a response that says “Sorry, your request could not be processed at this time”, that means you have to start the process from scratch.

Meanwhile, if the answer “Sorry, the wrong family card number was entered” appears, you need to check your family card number again and register again.

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How to Re-Register Axis Card (Old User)

daftar kartu axis lewat SMS
old user axis card list

For those of you loyal Axis users, you also have to register. Axis card registration is easy for existing users. You just need to follow a few steps below:

  1. Open the message, write REPEAT#NIK#No.KK for example REPEAT#12345678998765432#3201060400123002
  2. Send a message to 4444

Have you successfully completed Axis card registration but still haven't received confirmation? Stay calm. How to check Axis card registration is successful or not, can be done online through the Axis website.

This method can also be used to determine whether a NIK has been registered or not. The method is as follows:

  1. Type https://Axis.co.id/cek-nik in the browser you are using. It could be Google Chrome, Mozilla or Opera Mini
  2. Enter the NIK that you registered earlier
  3. Check the Terms and Conditions column
  4. Enter the captcha code or tick "I'm not a robot"
  5. Click Check NIK
Also read: Complete! Here's How to Check the Latest Indosat Number 2022

Wait until the process is complete. Information NO Axis Card Registration will be displayed after the process is complete.

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