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How to Use Grenades Properly in PUBG Mobile

PUBG Grenade Throwing

Check out how to use grenades properly at PUBG Mobile in this article, which will give you some tips and tricks on how you can throw grenades without exposing yourself to enemies. 

The first thing you need to learn is how to use grenades properly, which is the most important thing.

If you throw a grenade like throwing a rock without any justification, your enemy will see the grenade. They will have enough time to get away from the explosion or the damage.

However, if you throw the grenade correctly, then the enemy will not have time to escape the damage from the explosion. In other words, the enemy would instantly die.

To find out how to properly throw grenades in PUBG Mobile, keep on reading this article till the end.

How to Throw Grenades Properly

Throw Grenades At The Right Time

separate grenade slots

The first way to use a grenade is to throw it on time. What you have to do here is you have to throw a grenade at the target, and it has to explode just before it hits the ground or when it bounces.

If the target is under 20 meters, then throw the grenade until the timer reaches 1 or 2 seconds. Likewise, if the target is 30 meters away, then you have to throw grenades until the timer reaches 2 or 3 seconds.

You can't always tell exactly how far the enemy is. You need to throw grenades at the time you think is right. If it doesn't work, then you can learn from those mistakes.

After some time of practice, you'll know exactly how long you have to throw the grenade depending on how far the target is. Eventually, over time, you'll learn how to throw a grenade perfectly.

Throwing grenades for too long can also get you and your teammates killed. So you have to learn how to throw grenades properly.

Move Against the Enemy


How to use grenades next is a tactical tip that will give you an advantage against your opponents when they jump and shoot at you. If your enemy shoots, just follow this process.

As soon as you see the enemy jumping, you must start moving in the opposite direction. In other words, if the enemy moves to the right, you have to turn it in the opposite direction.

Doing this will confuse the enemy with your position. This will mess up the enemy's strategy, and they will lose all focus on shooting at you. That way, it will be easier to throw grenades at the enemy without being noticed.

Throw On The Ladder


How to use grenade number three is a surprise attack on the stairs. The idea of this trick is quite simple. When you hear enemy footsteps, move towards the stairs and jump.

Switching to FPP view is optional and by doing this the enemy will not know what you have done. Most likely your enemies won't be able to see even if they see you jumping like this. They will not have enough time to move.

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This trick also works on buildings in Military Base. You need to remember that this trick only applies to certain types of stairs. Most of the stairs are V-shaped, but this is also a bit risky.

If you jump too slow or too fast, it might be risky, but still, your opponent will never know that you're jumping like this. So you can always surprise them. However, if the enemy is more than one, then this trick is not recommended.

Throw From Behind the Enemy

If you've ever been in a situation where you ran out of ammo in a close firefight, follow this route. In a situation like this, you need to try to get behind the enemy. Try to stay behind the enemy until the weapon reloads.

When you are behind the enemy, you can throw grenades without them knowing. It will be very difficult for the enemy to notice, especially when you are spinning behind them.

Try your best to stay behind the enemies until you are ready to throw grenades. Learning how to use grenades with this trick will surprise enemies and is perfect for one vs four positions.

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So, those were some ways to use grenades properly in PUBG Mobile so you can get kills easily. You have to prepare three grenades in your backpack to practice this method.

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