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How to Make Netherite Armor in Minecraft

In Minecraft, there is no way to craft Netherite Armor because this armor set cannot be obtained by players through the normal crafting process.
How to make Netherite Armor
How to Make Netherite Armor. Source: The Master Miner/Youtube

How to Make Netherite Armor in Minecraft

In Minecraft, there is no way to craft Netherite Armor because this armor set cannot be obtained by players through the crafting process. crafting normal.

Netherite itself is a material from the Nether whose main use is to upgrade equipment or gears made of gems.

This material is stronger and more durable than gems. When in drop item form, they also have resistance to the burning effects of fire and lava.

If you are interested in making Netherite armor but don't know the right way, let's follow this complete guide!

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How to Make Netherite Armor in Minecraft

To get Netherite Armor, you must upgrade the Diamond Armor set you already have using Netherite Ingots.

Netherite Armor has 4 basic materials consisting of 4 Netherite Ingots, 4 Smithing Templates, Diamond Armor set (Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, and Boots), and Smithing Table. How to make?

Collect Diamond Armor Set

Diamond Helmet
Diamond Helmet. Source: TheAetherGamer/Youtube

The first step you can do is to prepare the Diamond Armor set. To make it, you need 24 Diamonds.

After collecting the required amount of Diamonds, you can now craft this Armor set in the 3 x 3 Crafting Grid. Here is the recipe:

  • Helmet = 5 Diamond
  • Chestplate = 8 Diamond
  • Leggings = 7 Diamonds
  • Boots = 4 Diamond

You don't have to complete this step in the first place, but it will be easier later because you can just upgrade the Diamond Armor set after all the materials are collected.

Go to the Nether and Make Netherite Scraps

Netherite Scraps
Netherite Scraps. Source: The Breakdown/Youtube

Next, go to Nether through portals to collect Netherite Scraps, a material you can only find in this world.

If you haven't already, a Nether Portal can be built by using 14 Obsidian on the ground in a 4 x 5 square. Once successful, light the portal on fire to activate it.

Once you arrive in the Nether, you will also need to collect 16 Ancient Debris. You can mine them using the Diamond Pickaxe.

Making Netherite Ingots

How to make Netherite Armor - Netherite Ingots
Netherite Ingots. Source: The Breakdown/Youtube

To make Netherite Ingots, you need to collect two materials, namely Netherite Scrap and Gold Ingot, 4 pieces each.

You can get Netherite Scrap by smelting Ancient Debris with a smelter that already has fuel. 1 Ancient Debris will produce 1 Netherite Scrap. Do this up to 4 times.

The next step is to make 4 Gold Ingots. You can get 1 Gold Ingot in several ways, such as melting 1 Gold Ore and 1 Raw Gold.

After successfully collecting both, you can immediately open the 3 x 3 Crafting Grid and insert 4 Netherite Scrap and 4 Gold Ingots. The combination of these items will produce 1 Netherite Ingot.

Creating a Smithing Template

How to make Netherite Armor - Smithing Template
Smithing Templates. Source: The Breakdown/Youtube

Before continuing the crafting process, you need to get the Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template. This item can be found in Bastion Remnants or Treasure Chests.

After getting 1 Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template, you can continue your search or duplicate it. To duplicate this item, you need to use 7 Diamonds and 1 Netherrack.

Crafting Netherite Armor at a Smithing Table

Smithing Table
Netherite Helmet. Source: The Breakdown/Youtube

The last step is to create a Smithing Table. If you don't have one, you can create a Smithing Table using 2 Iron Ingots and 4 Planks.

Besides making it yourself, you can also use a Smithing Table which usually appears in Toolsmith houses or in Trail Ruins.

To craft a set of Netherite Armor, place 1 Netherite Ingot, 1 Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template, and 1 type of Diamond Armor in the Smithing Table.

Repeat these steps until you successfully upgrade the existing Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, and Boots armor items.

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So, that's the complete guide to making Netherite Armor in the game. Minecraft. What do you think? I hope the article can help!

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