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How to Quickly Level Up FF MAX 2022, Doesn't Take Long!

There are several quick ways to level up FF Max that you need to implement in the game. You can get more EXP every day.
Tips Push Rank FF

Gaining more levels is the easiest way to get new items on Free Fire MAX. Here's how to quickly level up in FF Max 2022 to increase the exp gain rate.

Gaining more exp in Free Fire allows players to level up faster, which unlocks more level up rewards. In this article, we will show you how to quickly level up FF MAX 2022 and not take long.

How to Quickly Level Up FF Max

Level is the main parameter that shows how professional and experienced a player is in Free Fire MAX. The higher the level, the more spotlight players get in the community. Therefore, it is very important to focus on their level.

MAX ID Free Fire level is calculated based on experience points (EXP). To reach a certain level, the player must pass a certain amount of EXP.

However, it is a fairly long-lasting process as EXP is only awarded after playing matches, and to earn more, performance must be decent in each match.

However, there are several quick ways to level up FF MAX. Here are five tips and how to quickly level up in FF Max 2022.

Use EXP Boost Cards

Cara Cepat Naik Level FF MAX

How to quickly level up FF Max by using EXP cards is the easiest way to speed up level grinding in Free Fire MAX. This card grants extra EXP after clearing a match, which is based on the amount of exp the player has earned.

So far there are only two types of exp boosters, 100 percent and 50 percent. The former can be obtained from the in-game shop in exchange for 100 diamonds and the latter can be obtained by checking in every Tuesday if the player is part of an active guild.

Note that these cards don't last long and players should use them as soon as possible.

The first is a double EXP card, which increases EXP by 100 percent and the second is a 50 percent EXP card, increases EXP by 50 percent.

The former can be obtained from the in-game shop in exchange for 100 diamonds and the latter can be obtained by checking in every Tuesday if the player is part of an active guild.

There are several other ways to earn EXP card. One should note that this card cannot be obtained permanently.

Try To Survive Until The End Of Each Game

Cara Cepat Naik Level FF MAX

The next way to quickly level up FF Max is to always try to last longer. This is the most important factor to increase exp gain for players.

In order to survive, try to ignore the hot spots and blue zones when landing, keeping your head down and away from populated areas. As long as you manage to avoid being eliminated early, you should be able to gain a fair amount of experience.

Survival time is one of the most important factors to consider to get more EXP. Here, it doesn't mean that players have to win every game.

If they weren't that pro at the title, they could only continue to move around the battlefield passively to increase their survival time.

As such, players should try to avoid early elimination as much as possible. When landing, ignoring hot spots and blue zones would be a better approach.

Using Medit When Outside the Zone

Cara Cepat Naik Level FF MAX

Another quick way to level up FF Max is to always use a medkit when outside the zone. The longer players survive, the more exp they will get.

Therefore, stalling with medkits outside the zone might be a good idea to gain exp without doing anything. Just land on the edge of the map and try to get as many medkits as you can.

After you get about 10-15 medkits, move towards an area without enemies and wait. Heal whenever outside the zone will kill. By using this trick, players can survive for at least 10-12 minutes and get additional exp quite easily from their placement.

Use the medkit on time to avoid being eliminated early. Do this for as long as possible. Make sure you stick around for at least 10-12 minutes. Finally, it was abolished because of the zone.

This trick will give you a decent amount of EXP. However, this particular procedure is only recommended for Free Fire MAX players who are in a hurry. If not, they should show their natural gameplay.

Also read: FF MAX Character Combinations for Push Rank May 2022

Play Squad Mode

Cara Cepat Naik Level FF MAX

Garena has put a lot of focus on the Free Fire ranking squad, and having a well-coordinated team is a fast way to level up FF Max nowadays. While you may not get as many kills, placement on the table will be higher, which puts a greater strain on the exp distribution.

However, the squad has to be good for this strategy to work. Therefore, try to communicate with team members and work together instead of going off on your own and doing the thing yourself.

Play in the Kalahari

Cara Cepat Naik Level FF MAX

The quick way to level up FF Max is to always play in the Kalahari map. Kalahari is the smallest map in Free Fire, and because of that, matches on this map are usually shorter. By playing in the Kalahari, you should be able to complete more matches in the allotted time, which results in more exp.

Practice is the key to winning matches in the Kalahari. Due to the smaller size of the map, battles occur quite early and players must be prepared to face enemies.

Also read: The 5 Best FF MAX Pets for Support and Healing in May 2022

That's the quick way to level up in FF Max 2022 that you need to do. By increasing the level every day, you can also get some free items and gifts.

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