Players rarely use shotguns Free Fire because they don't shoot bullets like SMGs and Assault Rifles. However, the Free Fire Shotgun provides the highest damage rate compared to other weapons in this battle royale game.
Gamers often make mistakes when using the Free Fire Shotgun in BR and Clash Squad matches. Here are some mistakes you should avoid to get more kills with this type of weapon in Free Fire.
Avoid Doing This When Using the Free Fire Shotgun
Mid to Long Range Combat

Free Fire's shotgun is intended explicitly for short-range combat, so if you use it in long and medium range combat, you will be defeated very easily by the enemy.
Once you use them for short range combat, you can deal more damage to their enemies.
In the past, the M1887 was quite good, even though it was used at medium ranges. But for now all weapons of this type will eventually have to be used at a much closer range than before.
Those of you who use this weapon often make mistakes, where to use it at medium range. This is one of the fatal mistakes, because from that distance it won't do a lot of damage.
Do Not Use M1887 Unless You Are Really Sure

Sometimes, players have difficulty choosing their preferred Free Fire Shotgun. However, you must always remember that M1887 is capable of dealing maximum damage to enemies.
However, they have very bad magazines, so you have to be accurate with their shots or avoid them altogether.
Even though you only lose 1 bullet, it is very important and you must always reload before competing against enemies at close range. If you forget to do things like this, surely when you fight your enemies you will experience difficulties and may lose quickly.
The shotgun in the Free Fire game doesn't have enough ammo or bullets. So you don't need to waste 1 bullet when you want to fight, because this will indeed affect the damage you give to the enemy later.
Has a Bad Stock of Weapons

Every Free Fire gamer is aware that they can use two weapons to defeat the enemy. If you want to play with the Free Fire Shotgun, you have to make sure that you have a strong Assault Rifle as a backup weapon to take down enemies at long and medium ranges.
When using this weapon and wanting to rush, of course the enemy will also prepare a number of things in advance, this is a mistake. So try to be able to carry medium-range weapons too, because this is one of the things that is quite important too.
When advancing using the Shotgun, enemies who are exposed to great damage will immediately try to escape. When the enemy is about to run away, try to change weapons immediately and kill him from a medium distance.
Also read: Top 5 Hot Drop Locations in Free Fire's New Alpine Map
Not Using the Right Characters

Since Caroline is aimed at Free Fire for shotgun Free Fire users, you will make a big mistake by not selecting her. Other characters that help with healing, such as DJ Alok, Dimitri, and others, can also be used to increase HP properly.
Not Using Pets

Like the characters in Free Fire, pets are useful with their unique abilities. You should always use a pet that helps restore health when using the Free Fire Shotgun to take down enemies quickly.
Don't underestimate the existence of pets in battle. If you don't equip yourself with this one feature, chances are you've made a big mistake.
Also read: The Best Combination of Free Fire MAX Weapons for Solo vs Squad
For now, the type of player in the Free Fire game is indeed quite unique and of course has a different way of playing. But for that, don't choose the wrong Shotgun free fire which will be explained above. Because these mistakes are still often made, where many players die because they use them incorrectly.