There must have been a lot Vicigers who are curious about the Zhuxin build: hero mage MLBB The latest release is patch 1.8.92, right? You could say, his playstyle is also very different from other mages!
As a suitable hero to fill midlane, its presence can really help the team when war occurs! Yep, these are potential heroes who will get banned! Come on, check out the build review!
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Build Zhuxin Mage Crowd Control (CC)

Without going into too much detail, let's get straight into the main discussion, namely the Zhuxin build. Here we will discuss in full the recommendations for spells, emblems, and don't forget the items. Check it out!
Starting from spells, Zhuxin himself is a type of mage who relies on movement speed (MS) and positioning to be able to launch his combos. Because the best choice for the spell is of course Sprint!
Apart from being able to be used to escape when ganking occurs, it can also be used to chase opponents who are running away. This is suitable for both aggressive and defensive playstyles.
However, if you prefer to be mid support, Flicker and Purify can also be used for escaping and engaging from a safe distance.

From the emblem build line, as explained above, Zhuxin will be optimal when his movements are flexible enough. Therefore, the Mage Emblem needs to be accommodated with a General Talent that focuses on MS.
General Talent Slot 1 can be filled with Agility which provides additional basic MS. Meanwhile, General Talent 2 can be allocated to Wilderness Blessing for additional MS in river and jungle areas.
And for the Main Talent, this can be filled with Impure Rage! This talent is very suitable for wasteful heroes like Hylos, Alice, and includes Zhuxin.

So, now the most eagerly awaited part is the build item. Make sure you follow these recommendations so that your Zhuxin can have CC with damage spicy one:
Rapid Boots
A movement item that is suitable for Zhuxin of course Rapid Boots. That way, he can move more freely without having to worry about being hit by the slow effect of the opponent's hero.
Clock of Destiny (CoD)
In the second slot there is also CoD. This item, which has just received a revamp, is really suitable for generating defense as well as mana intake from the very "thirsty" Zhuxin.
Genius/Glowing Wand
In the third slot, you can immediately buy a Wand. You can adjust it to the conditions of the draft pick. If your opponent's hero has a lot of heal, spell vamp, life steal, or shield, you can use Glowing.
Meanwhile, if you want to increase your team's magic damage output (there are lots of magic heroes), Genius would be a more appropriate choice.
Ice Queen Wand
For the next slot, Ice Queen Wand could be the right choice. This item can strengthen Zhuxin, which tends to support CC rather than damage dealers.
Wishing Lantern
A mandatory item for Zhuxin which has also just been released specifically for the hero is the Wishing Lantern which is suitable for the fifth slot. That way, this mage can provide additional magic damage when teams fight each other!
Blood Wings
And the final item for the mage of course Blood Wings. Apart from providing additional shields, this can also add MS to the mage!
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So, that was a complete discussion regarding the Zhuxin build starting from spells, emblems and items for the newest MLBB mage.
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