Xinyan Genshin Impact is arguably one of the most popular characters underrated in Genshin Impact.
Character shielder it was released with Zhongli on updates 1.2, making Xinyan the newest 4-star character at the time.
Many players don't understand the function of Xinyan's talent. Xinyan is a Physical DPS and shielder.
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Player unfortunately it is build Xinyan Genshin Impact as a Pyro DPS who definitely can't maximize Xinyan's potential.
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Xinyan Genshin Impact Build Recommendations
This article will cover all the recommendations build starting with priority skills, artifacts, to team recommendations that are suitable for build xinyan.
Recommended artifacts are aligned with already released artifacts, where new artifacts will be added along the way updates Genshin Impact.
Skill Priority for Build Xinyan Genshin Impact

Xinyan Genshin Impact is an elemental user pyro and Claymore guns.
The advantage of this character is that it is the only character that produces Pyro shields before the appearance of Thoma and Yanfei.
Xinyan's normal attack will deal 5 consecutive attacks that deal physical damage.
Xinyan's Elemental Skill, namely Sweeping Fervor, will give Xinyan will shields (shield) that can block all elements, with the most effective element being Pyro.
The uniqueness of Xinyan is shield-it gets stronger every time Xinyan hits the enemy so you can increase the duration shields xinyan.
In addition, the duration of the power shields Xinyan Genshin Impact is based on the DEF stat, the least used stat in Genshin Impact.
If you make Xinyan as shieldbot then you will simply provide artifacts with DEF stats and Xinyan will be able to protect your team at any time.

Xinyan's Elemental Burst namely Riff Revolution, Xinyan will create a circle of giving areas Physical DMG on the enemies around him.
The next circle will deal Pyro DMG, giving damage addition to Xinyan's attacks.
For build Xinyan, it depends how you want it build Xinyan's position as DPS or as shielder.
For Xinyan Physical DPS, you can prioritize skills Normal Attack > Elemental Burst > Elemental Skill.
If you use Xinyan as support shielder (tanks), you can prioritize skills Elemental Skill> Elemental Burst> Normal Attack.
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Artifacts Suitable for Xinyan Genshin Impact Builds

Stats what you should prioritize for Xinyan Genshin Impact as Crit Rate/DMG, ATK or ATK%, and Physical DMG Bonus.
Many players have the misconception that Xinyan is in build as Pyro, when you should be looking artifacts with stat goblet Bonus Physical DMG.
Artifacts with sub stat You use DEF very well for Xinyan so it strengthens shields used.
Artifact sets that matches Xinyan you can match it with build Which Xinyan do you choose.
Combined 2 sets of Pale Flames and 2 sets of Bloodstained Chivalry will give Xinyan an additional Physical DMG Bonus of 25% each.

You can also combine these artifacts with artifact sets that provide ATK or ATK% such as Gladiator Finale or Shimenawa's Reminiscence.
2 new artifacts released on updates 2.6 this ie Vermillion Hereafter and Echoes of an Offering You can also use it because it will increase ATK.
If you want to upgrade shields Xinyan to make Xinyan Genshin Impact as shieldbot, you can use Husk of Opulent Dreams which will increase DEF +20%.
Weapon Recommendations for Build Xinyan Genshin Impact

Recommended 5 star weapon for Xinyan Genshin Impact almost all the 5 star weapons released when this article was released were all good for Xinyan to use.
5 star Claymore weapon the ones recommended are Wolf Gravestone, Song of The Broken Pines, Redhorn Stonethresher, and Skyward Pride.
You can also use the Unforged to build Xinyan as shielder.

4 star weapon for Xinyan Genshin Impact are Serpent Spine, Akuomaru, Luxurious Sea-Lord, and Blackliff Slasher.
All the weapons before that have stat not much different from the 5 star weapons recommended for Xinyan.
For those of you who are F2P (free-to-play) don't worry because Xinyan is also suitable for Archaic Prototypes and Snow-Tombed Starsilver.
Recommended Team Composition (Party Setup) for Build Xinyan Genshin Impact

Team recommendations for Xinyan Genshin Impact are adjusted to the position of Xinyan that you want to use.
As DPS Recommended team 1 what you can use are standard characters like Xinyan, Fischl, Bennett and Rosaria.
Team recommendation 2 for support you can team up with Xinyan, Childe, Diona, and Xingqiu.
Xinyan will help Childe get elemental reactions Vaporize. You can also replace Xingqiu with Beidou.