Xiao Genshin Impact is one of the DPS characters that is still popular today. Previously, Xiao had earned rerun banner in updates 2.4 ago.
Xiao is playable character with Anemo elements and using weapons polearms. This character from Liyue is known as one of the best DPS in the world games Genshin Impact.
Xiao in fact is still loved by players as damage dealers or DPS chosen by the player. Among Genshin Impact players, they are known as Big Three Liyue or DPS Liyue.
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This term originates because Genshin Impact released 3 very strong DPS characters in close time namely Xiao, Ganyu, and Hu Tao.
There is a new domain that was released on updates This 2.6 and new set of artifacts turned out to be a good match for build xiao.
This article will discuss everything about build Xiao Genshin Impact starts from artifacts, skills, weapons recommendations, and so on.
Xiao Genshin Impact build recommendations
DPS is indeed the most appropriate designation for Xiao. builds Xiao was designed by miHoYo to be a giver damage or damage dealers which is quite 'sick'.
Xiao including character DPS which gives damage big but easy to use. The slight drawback of Xiao is the lag build Xiao requires quite a bit of time and investment.
You need patience and budget a little more extra for build Xiao because you need good artifacts and weapons that support your Xiao to be optimal.
But Xiao of course is still one hyper carry the best of all the characters Genshin Impact has released. Scale damage Xiao is quite big and easy to reach crit.
Without maximizing the level skills when you build Xiao, will result damage what Xiao Genshin Impact will produce is also stable and large.
Skill Priority for Build Xiao Genshin Impact
This article will cover all the recommendations build starting with priority skills, artifacts, to team recommendations that are suitable for build xiao Genshin Impact.
Recommended artifacts are aligned with already released artifacts, where new artifacts will be added along the way updates Genshin Impact.
Normal attacks Xiao consists of 6 consecutive attacks that give physical damage to the enemy.
Xiao has a uniqueness where you will use it more often plunge attacks or an attack where you use Xiao to jump and attack from a height.
Plunge attack that Xiao gave to the enemy, will also give anemic damage and is a source damage Xiao's biggest.
When you do plunge attack, Xiao will not get damage so HP will not decrease. This also applies from whatever height Xiao performs plunge attacks.
Elemental skills from Xiao namely Leminstatic Wind Cycling will give the enemy anemic damage. Xiao is agile with high speed, will charge the enemy forward and deliver damage.

skills you can also use this while browsing Genshin Impact map when Xiao is at altitude or is using gliders. You can explore places where the terrain or geography is difficult and save the stamina that is usually used when flying.
When you have got skills passive Dissolution Eon : Heaven Fall, you can use elemental skills Xiao 2 times in a row without any pause cooldown between the 2 uses.
damage for 2 times use elemental skills it will increase when Xiao uses charge attack.
Elemental Bursts Xiao is the Bane of Evil all attacks Xiao will be converted from physical damage Becomes anemic damage. Anem damage this cannot be merged (infuse) with other elements.

As long as Xiao uses elemental burst or ulti, AoE anemic damage and damage the attack from the second Xiao would increase significantly.
Xiao's ability to jump is also greatly improved so you will be free to use plunge attacks which will produce damage the biggest of all Xiao's attacks.
You have to pay attention to HP Xiao when using it ultimate and also time build xiao. when using elemental Burst, Xiao's HP will continue to decrease until you replace Xiao from fields with other characters.
skills Xiao's other passive Conqueror of Evil : Tamer of Demons will make damage as long as Xiao use elemental burst increased height.
You can find out more about this skills Xiao from the Collected Mischellany Xiao video uploaded by Genshin Impact on Youtube:
builds Xiao as DPS will need priority skills that is: normal attack > elemental burst > elemental skill.
skills what you should focus on build Xiao is normal attacks and elemental burst because damage biggest Xiao is from plunge attacks. You have to maximize the level normal attacks first to upgrade plunge attack damage xiao.
Elemental burst you have to maximize it in order to enlarge the AoE anemic damage and you just keep on doing plunge attacks. Furthermore, if your material is still enough, you can maximize it elemental skills xiao on build Xiao but level 8 is actually enough.
Artifacts Suitable for Build Xiao Genshin Impact

builds Xiao as a DPS requires play stats on the artifacts you should look for is: ATK%, anemic DMG bonus, and Crit rate/DMG.
You also have to prioritize sub stat artifacts: Crit Rate/DMG% > ATK% > Energy Recharge% > flat ATK order damage build Your Xiao is maxed out.
Artifact sets recommended and suitable for build Xiao Genshin Impact is to use these 4 artifacts namely: Viridescent Venerer, Shimenawa's Reminiscence, Gladiator Finale, and Vermillion Hereafter.
Vermillion Hereafter itself is a new set of artifacts issued during the area the Chasm open for The Lost Valley domain.
You can combine Viridescent Venerer with Shimenawa's Reminiscence 2 sets each with goblet that have Anemo DMG Bonus stats free of any type or can be called odd piece artifact.
However, it would be much better if you could get one goblet anemo DMG Bonus from the same artifact set.
Viridescent Venerer will give Xiao Anemo DMG Bonus an additional +15% and Shimenawa Reminiscence will give Xiao an additional +18% ATK.

For Shimenawa, you can replace it with Gladiator Finale or Vermillion Hereafter because it has the same function to get bonus ATK +15%.
The combination of Gladiator Finale and Shimenawa's Reminiscence can also be used as an alternative to Xiao's artifact. You have to get extra bonus anemo DMG of the artifacts it has stat good.
You can also use 4 sets of Vermillion Hereafter. After using Elemental Burst, Xiao Genshin Impact will get an extra extra ATK and also when Xiao's HP decreases, ATK will increase by 10% more which you can stack.
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Best Weapon for Build Xiao as DPS
5 star weapon best for build Xiao as DPS is Staff of Homa and Primordial Jade-Winged Spear. You can get these two weapons at banners.

These two weapons will provide additional ATK and Crit rate/DMG that you need for Xiao to achieve damage maximum.
You can get the Primordial Jade-Winged Spear at standard banners and the Staff of homa will probably be more difficult because it's just on limited weapons banner. Staff of Homa last became the Weapon Event Banner in 2.2 then concurrently with rerun banner Hut ao.
Weapon limited what you can use for Xiao is the recently acquired Vortex Vanquisher or Calamity Queller rerun on updates 2.4 ago. These two weapons will increase Xiao's ATK.
Even so, these two weapons might not perform any better than using the Staff of Homa or the Primordial Jade-Winged Spear. You have to search for artifacts with Crit rate/DMG good enough to meet the requirement build xiao.
Comparison Crit rate/DMG recommended for build Xiao is 1:2 with a minimum crit rate 70 new you can get crit stably.
Alternative 4 star weapons recommended for you to use together build Xiao is Deadmatch and Blackliff Pole. The function of these two weapons is similar and can replace 5 star weapons.

Deathmatch can provide additional crit rate and ATK stats. This weapon was suitable for replacing the Primordial Jade-Winged Spear. skills The Gladiator from Deathmatch will also increase Xiao's ATK and DEF.
You can replace the Staff of Homa with Blackliff Pole where both of them have stat ATK and Crit DMG substats. skills Blackliff Pole's Press the Advantage can increase Xiao's ATK for a certain duration.
You can get Deathmatch in the Battle Pass and you can exchange Blackcliff at Paimon's Bargain by exchanging Masterless Starglitter.
You cannot exchange the Blackliff weapon series at any time and can only do it once every two months because it will alternate with the Royal series.
The four recommendations for weapons for Xiao really require cost more to get. For those of you who find it difficult to get the four weapons above, you can look for weapons and can still use the Lithic Spear and Favonius Lance as alternatives.
Recommended Team Composition (Party Setup) for Build Xiao Genshin Impact
Xiao is an agile character with results damage the big one. As a character, of course, Xiao has weaknesses, so you need a combination of teams or party setup which can make up for Xiao's flaws and make up build Your Xiao is getting optimal.
Energy issue is lacking Xiao what you need to underline during you build xiao. this character requires energy (energy cost) which is quite large to use ultimate burst or elemental burst. Xiao needs 80 energy cost to be able to activate ultimate.
Although it requires a lot of energy, Xiao unfortunately unable to generate particles energy big one so it takes you a long time to get used to it elemental burst from Xiao.
Besides that. there is a time duration gap between when Xiao performs plunge attacks up to land and deliver damage. This makes Xiao very vulnerable to being hit damage from enemies.
When you fight an enemy that has two different elements, you will definitely have a hard time because you will be hit damage from elemental reactions.
For example an enemy can cause overload or freeze, Xiao could have frozen in the air before attacking. Xiao would die faster from being hit damage and also elemental burst Xiao who continuously reduces HP.
You should consider the composition of the team combination to support build Your Xiao DPS.. You will need character shielder and healer who can 'save' Xiao from dying so easily.
Xiao will also be in dire need of character Anemo elements others as support to be anemo battery which is able to accelerate and provide additional energy particles so that Xiao duration to use elemental burst can be faster because energy cost fulfilled more quickly.
Recommendation party first is using anemo support as battery. You can use an array party : Xiao, Bennett, Albedo, Jean/Sucrose. Jean and Sucrose will act as to regenerate energy particles anemic for Xiao. Bennett can act as buffers and healer who alternated with Jean.

Albedo will give AoE geo damage addition to Xiao. Besides, Albedo could improve elemental mastery so it can happen damage from elemental reactions when you use bursts from Bennett and Jean or Sucrose together.
You can also use Venti or Kazuha to replace Albedo as crowd control if you fight the enemy with quite a lot. On build This Xiao Ye is more focused on function healer which helps to prevent Xiao's HP from draining easily.
Recommendation party second is to take advantage of elemental resonance. party setup what you can use is Xiao, Bennett, Albedo, and zhongli.

Albedo and Zhongli will provide damage addition of georesonance resulting from. Zhongli will also provide shields for Xiao so that it is more free to attack.
In addition, Zhongli will give a petrification effect that freezes the opponent so that Xiao can give it freely image without fear of receiving damage. Bennett will act as buffer healer passive which confirmed Xiao's HP.
Bennett on build You can replace this Xiao with Jean as healer to get damage addition of anemic resonance.
Healers other that can be recommended is qiqi, Bennett, and Jean. Barbara and Kokomi actually you can use it as an alternative, but you have to be careful, especially when fighting enemies who use it cryo because Barbara delivers wet state on all skills-his.