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Recommended Items for Xavier's Pain Build in Mobile Legends 2022

Are you looking for a recommendation for a sick Xavier build item? So, we have some that you should try in Mobile Legends 2022.
Xavier's Counter Items

Find out what Xavier's build item hurts on this page. Because we provide some of the best recommendations for him in Mobile Legends 2022.

Xavier, the Defiant of Light, has finally made his debut in the Land of Dawn. On the church's secret mission to eradicate all signs of heresy, she meets the injured Yin and Melissa who were protecting a child on the street while being chased by a demon, and later joins them as the third member of the Forsaken Light. 

This hero will be launched in the near future on the advance server. Like most other heroes, there are bound to be many players who are confused in determining Xavier ML's build. Item build is very important when playing and even determines victory.

Cheapest MLBB Diamonds!

In guide Mobile Legends Today, we will look at recommendations for Xavier's sick build items in Mobile Legends 2022.

Xavier MLBB Build Items

You can try many Xavier builds. All one needs to do is follow the enemy's choices and then decide on a role on the battlefield. We have defined our build template in this guide to try with it on the battlefield of Mobile Legends 2022.

Magic Shoes

Build Xavier

Start the match by buying Magic Shoes for 10 percent cooldown reduction inability. You can also buy Arcane boots to increase magic penetration by +10.

Magic Shoes are shoes that can regenerate the user's mana. The number is not very significant, only +6. But there is an additional unique passive effect of 10 percent if you succeed in eliminating a hero, 6 percent if you only kill minions.

Magic Shoes are often used by scoreboards as they can add 16 percent attack speed. The number in charge makes the effect not sit well. Especially early in the game that, by the way, weak phases are markers.

Of all, perhaps of little use are the tough boots which can reduce cc duration by 30 percent. Since today, many hero goals are based on controlling cc, early in the game, Magic Shoes are quite useful.

Cloak of Destiny

Build Xavier

Next you need to buy core items from the build. Cloak of Destiny can be purchased after boot. Cloak of Destiny adds 25 HP and 4 magic power every 20 seconds up to 12 times.

Reaching the max time, the hero receives an additional 5 percent magic power and 300 mana. A fully stacked Clock of Destiny gives 115.5 Magic Power, 900 Mana, and 915 HP on its own.

Cloak of Destiny is an item of choice for typical Mage heroes who need stacks to increase attack skill damage. Cloak of Destiny from the objective element itself is a typical elemental stack where each increase is a battery, the damage it generates is also greater.

Also, where the use of the hero using the Magician becomes useless when using this attack skill thanks to using the Cloak of Destiny.

You can buy Cloak of Destiny for a fairly cheap price, 1950 gold. With that price you already get pretty good points. Cloak of Destiny can make the first item in the game because it's cheap.

Lightning Truncheon

Build Xavier

This should be followed by buying Lightning Truncheon which echoes the next skill after every 6 seconds dealing 20-1000 Magic Damage up to 3 Times. It scales with the hero's max mana.

Lightning Truncheon's Lightning Resonance scale with Max Mana and Clock of Destiny's extra Magic Power is boosted with a Mystery Holy Crystal providing tons of Magic Power in the process.

Players can build up Sacred Crystals after Illumination clubs which increase Magic Power by 21-35 percent scaling with level.

Divine Glaive

Build Xavier

Divine Glaive should be purchased during the mid-end game play when opponents will have some sort of magic defense in their build.

Divine Glaive has a unique passive Spellbreaker that for each point of the enemy's Magic defense increases magic penetration by 0.1 percent while dealing damage capped by 20 percent.

Divine Glaive is one of the items of choice for Wizard Hero users, when you are in a game with opponents who use Tanks with very high magical defense.

Divine Glaive is perfect for using Tanks that have high magical defense because the Divine Glaive's passive ability can be used to penetrate the opponent's magical defense and deal considerable damage. Divine Glaive can be purchased in game for 1970 only.

It is highly recommended to use this magic item when the game has entered the middle or end game, you can adjust it according to the circumstances. Divine Glaive will also hurt attack skills which become even more painful thanks to the additional stats points.

Also read: Recommended Estes Build Items in Mobile Legends 2022

Winter Truncheons 

Build Xavier

For the last item, players can build Immortality or Winter Truncheon based on whichever passive is available. Immortality gives defense stats and passive Immortal revives heroes 2.5s after death and gives 16 percent of Max HP and 220-1200 shields that last for 3s.

This effect has a CD of 210s. Winter Truncheon although not a defensive item has an excellent passive freeze that freezes enemies when used. The hero can do nothing but be immune to all DMG and debuffs that last for 2 seconds and have a cooldown of 100 seconds.

Also read: Listen! New ML Hero Xavier 2022 You Should Know!

So, those were some of the recommendations for building Xavier's sickest items in Mobile Legends 2022. If you have any items of your own, share them with us in the comments column.

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