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Build recommendations for Wanderer Genshin Impact December 2022

Wanderer is one of the newest characters in the Genshin Impact game with Anemo's vision and has a role as the main DPS.

Wanderer is the newest character in Genshin Impact, released at the same time as a new character named Faruzan. This character was formerly known as Scaramouche which already existed in the Genshin Impact game from version 1.1.

Genshin Impact players, of course, already know about the changes from Scaramouche to become a Wanderer as a playable character. This time, VCGamers will discuss builds for Wanderer so that the damage produced is even higher.

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Gameplay of Wanderer Genshin Impact

Damage Charged Attack Wanderer
Wanderer Gameplay with Shimenawa Full Set and Lost Prayer. Source: VCGamers

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In accordance with the gameplay and skillset owned, Wanderer is an addition to the DPS roster as Anemo DPS.

Elemental Skill from Wanderer makes him fly in the air and issue Normal Attacks to Charged Attacks with higher damage. He will get his own stamina which will run out as an indication of the duration of Elemental Skills.

Next, Elemental Burst from Wanderer will deal damage Anem in succession up to five times to a fairly small area.

Elemental Burst is actually not the core of Wanderer's gameplay because after using Elemental Burst, the duration of Elemental Skill will end.

As a DPS character with Anemo vision, he has a fairly limited selection of Support characters. Don't worry! We will discuss the composition of the team at the end of the article.

Previously, we will discuss about the choice of artifacts that you should prioritize for Wanderer. Curious about what artifacts are suitable for Wanderer? Come on, see the discussion below!

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Artifact Selection

Artifact of Choice for Wanderer Genshin Impact
Artifact of Choice for Wanderer Genshin Impact. Source: VCGamers

Wanderer uses Elemental Skills and releases Normal Attacks to Charged Attacks to deal damage.

Therefore, Shimenawa's Reminiscent is perfect but you have to sacrifice some Elemental Burst Energy when using Elemental Skill to get +50% Normal and Charged Attack for 10 seconds.

Apart from Shimenawa, you can also farm in the new Artifact Domain to get the Desert Pavilion Chronicle set. The full set of these artifacts will add Attack Speed, damage from Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack, to add Anemo Damage up to 15%.

If you haven't got the Desert Pavilion Chronicle artifact set, then you can use 2 artifact sets such as 2 Viridescent Venerers and 2 Shimenawa / Gladiator / Desert Pavilion.

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The Best Weapon for the Wanderer

Wanderer Weapon
Wanderer Weapon. Source: VCGamers

The best weapon in Genshin Impact that you can use for Wanderer is Tullaytullah's Remembrance.

Wanderer will get a bonus Attack Speed of 10%, Crit Damage of 44.1% level 90, and additional Normal Attack damage after using Elemental Skills.

Apart from that, you can also use Lost Prayer which provides high base damage and also the Crit Rate sub stat for a better crit ratio so that the damage dealt is more consistent.

Another option that you can use is a named 4-star Catalyst The Widsith. This 4-star weapon is very good because it provides Crit Damage as a sub stat and buffs against Elemental Damage, Elemental Master, and ATK% randomly.

Of course, The Widsith can be an option for players who don't have the 5-star Catalyst above. Other weapon choices are Dodoco Tales which provides a buff against Charged Attack, Skyward Atlas, Memory of Dust if you have a shield character, and Blackliff Agate.

Selection of the Wanderer Genshin Impact Team

Team Composition
Wanderer Team Composition. Source: VCGamers

Wanderer has a very diverse team composition. One of them is the composition of the Mono Pyro team. Wanderers can get the Elemental Pyro combination buff and get the bonus ATK%.

After that, you can also get bonus damage when you Swirl with Elemental Skills. The damage from Bennett and Xiangling's supports will be greater with Kazuha's help.

The second team that you can use is Hyper DPS Wanderer with Bennett, Zhongli, and Faruzan. Bennett can contribute additional damage from his ultimate, Zhongli provides a shield to make it more stable in the air, and Faruzan is an Anemo battery and provides a buff against Anemo.

Thus the discussion regarding the Genshin Impact Wanderer game build, I hope this is useful! For those of you who haven't gotten Wanderer yet, I hope you get it soon!

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