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Latest Genshin Impact Venti Build 2023

Genshin Impact's Venti build requires recommendation of skill priority builds, selected artifact sets, weapons, and team comps used
venti anemo archon genshin impact

Venti Genshin Impact is a support character Anem best ever released by game RPGs this open world.

Venti's talent ability to fly and attract multiple enemies makes Venti one of the Crowd Controls.

Read on in this article to find out the recommendations for the latest Venti Genshin Impact build for 2023 which includes prioritized skills, artifacts, weapons, parties, and more! 

Build Venti Genshin Impact

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Recommendation build Venti starts from priority skills, constellations, artifacts, weapons, to the composition of the team.

Everything recommended for Venti is adapted to the artifacts that have been released, where the needs of the characters will continue to grow.

Material Talent and Character Ascension Venti

build venti genshin impact material ascension
Material Ascension Venti (source: Devil Takoyaki)

To raise Venti's level to level 90, you will need ascension materials in the form of:

  • Drop from the Anemo Hypostasis boss, Quelled Creeper
  • Vayuda Turquoise (Silver, Fragment, Chunk, and Gemstone)
  • Cecilia flower
  • drop from Slime enemies, namely: Slime Condensate, Slime Secretions, and Slime Concentrate. 

As for talent, Venti will need:

  • Weekly boss Andrius (Lupus Boreas) is Tail of Boreas
  • The Slime enemy drops are: Slime Condensate, Slime Secretions, and Slime Concentrate
  • book talents namely Ballad sets (Teaching of Ballad, Guide to Ballad, and Philosophies of Ballad).
Also read: Complete Guide to Lisa Genshin Impact 2023

The Best Constellation for Venti Genshin Impact Builds

constellation venti genshin
Constellation Venti (source: VCGamers)

In our opinion, Venti is one of several characters who are very good at providing support without needing to rely on Constellation.

However, C2 constellation is the constellation that VCGamers recommends so that Venti can increase the character's DMG because it can lower the enemy's Anemo RES. Or C4 because it can increase the Anemo DMG given by Venti.

Skill Priority for Build Venti Genshin Impact

venti genshin impact elemental skill
Elemental Skill Venti (source: Genshin Impact)

Normal Attack Venti consists of 6 arrow attacks that give physical damage. Meanwhile, Venti's Charged Attack will give Anemo DMG.

Venti's Elemental Skill is Skyward Sonnet, Venti will deal Anemo DMG and create an area.

This area can catapult enemies into the air, holding them back by making them float for a while before falling back down. an Anemo area (domain) around the enemy area. 

If you long press the Elemental Skill button (hold), the Anemo area that Venti generates will have a bigger AoE and Venti or other characters can use it to fly to a certain height.

venti genshin impact elemental burst
Elemental Burst Venti (source: VCGamers)

Elemental Burst from Venti namely Wind's Grand Ode Venti will create a hurricane center or vortex which can deal AoE Anemo DMG.

You can also react to this ability with other elements such as Pyro, Cryo, Electro, or Hydro to give DMG in the form of an elemental Swirl reaction.

You need to remember that the vortex generated by Venti can only react with 1 element to produce a Swirl reaction.

Priority Skill Venti is Elemental Burst > Elemental Skills. Unless you build Venti into a DPS, you don't need to max out the Normal Attack talent level.

Also read: Easy and Cheap Way to Top Up Genshin Impact at VCGamers

Artifact Recommendations for Venti

Gilded Dreams genshin impact artifact
Gilded Dreams

Similar to other Anemo support, Venti builds should prioritize stats Elemental Mastery, Anemo DMG Bonus, and Energy Recharge.

However, you can also build Venti with flat Elemental mastery stats in all major artifact stat sections.

There was a debate among players whether it was better to prioritize Elemental Mastery or Crit DMG/ Crit Rate for Venti because of the debate to increase the DMG produced by Venti.

We recommend putting Elemental Mastery first and making Crit Crit DMG/Crit Rate a sub stat. 

That's because the DMG of Swirl (Anemo's elemental reactions and other elements) is calculated based on the character's Elemental Mastery and Base ATK which only increase from ascension and level.

Therefore, we recommend artifacts Gilded Dreams and Wanderer's Troupe which can provide Elemental Mastery boost bonuses.

You can also use a full set or 2-PC Noblesse Oblige, Emblem of Severed Fate, or Viridescent Venerer for a replacement option with a note prioritizing the required main stat.

Venti Genshin Impact Weapon Recommendations

elegy for the end weapon
Venti Weapon (source: VCGamers)

Almost all 5-star weapons for Venti that have a Crit Rate/ Crit DMG sub-stat would be highly recommended as weapons 5 star weapon for Venti Genshin Impact.

As previously discussed, Venti requires the main Elemental Mastery stat to build.

You can choose a choice of weapons for options to increase Elemental mastery such as using Stringless or Windblume Ode.

VCGamers also recommends weapons that can increase Crit DMG/ Rate such as Skyward Harp, Alley Hunt, or Viridescent Hunt.

Elegy for the End and Favonius Warbow can be an option for Venti if you need additional Energy Recharge.

Recommended Team Composition (Party Setup) for Venti Genshin Impact

Venti team comps
Team Comps Venti (source: VCGamers)

Venti is a support that can be used in any team with a party of any character.

That's because Venti is a character who can gather enemies and act as Crowd Control well compared to other Anemo characters.

We recommend Venti for you to build with DPS characters who can or make elemental reactions as the biggest DMG giver and can apply elements in a short time.

The recommended team example for Venti is depending on the elemental reaction you want for example: 

  • Freeze: Ganyu, Diona, Venti, Mona
  • Mono Pyro: Bennett, Xiangling, Kazuha, Venti
  • Overload: Lisa, Xiangling, Venti, Beidou
  • Electro-charged: Kokomi, Lisa, Fischl, Venti
Also read: Complete Guide to Lisa Genshin Impact 2023

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