Maybe the only hero who can fight Roshan is only at level 4-6 with relative ease. She is Ursa Dota 2, to make it even scarier you need to use the best Ursa build in 2022.
This fuzzy-wuzzy hero, despite hailing from the peaceful land of the jungle, comes with skills that easily enough make him one of the most ferocious 1v1 heroes in the entire land.
Well handled, and every engagement will ensure you dish out at least 1 or 2 MVP or support enemy heroes.
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In order to achieve that level of dominance there are many strategies and builds to follow depending on the requirements from the start, and although Ursa Dota 2 is heroes who needs vital support from his teammate's skill selection and inventory, this build will help you survive without them. So let's see!
Best Ursa Dota 2 Builds
Below are several types of builds for Ursa Dota 2 that you can use in 2022. So, choose the one that is the best.
'Fuzzy-Wuzzy' Safe Build

With this you will play slower, you can't think about counters mid-game. You can always revive, as long as you don't get lost for too long, don't die too often, keep farming, leveling up and sticking to the safest build you know will work.
To ensure a steady and powerful increase in domination, this build will require you to play it safe while focusing on items and abilities.
What's 'key' here is survivability, patience, item upgrades, and team play. Help as many in-lanes as you can, but always remember to focus on yourself to get stronger, because if you can't focus on what role to take, just focus on getting a level, getting rid of Roshan, and team-fighting tanks.
- Phase Boots
- Magic Wands
- Orb of Venom
- Morbid Mask
Team Build

A great way to play in a team-focused game is, of course, as a team, and in his words of wisdom, Ursa knows exactly how important that is.
His survivability is more dependent on the abilities and items that his teammates bring to the battlefield. However, the build type that Ursa follows is just as, if not more, important.
Remember Ursa Dota 2 isn't a hero that needs to focus on item damage yes they do help but she's great without it and using her as a core initiator for team fights is the best bet as it's Ursa's job to get her in and disrupt enemy attack or defense with take out the softest hero quickly.
- Assault Cuirass
- Abyssal Blade
- Drums of Endurance
- Blink Daggers
- Scythe of Vyse
Ganking Build

This build will not only help score 'first blood' on the bounty rune, but will also help punish those who oppose you in the lane.
The 'Shock & Awe' effect of this build will create initial pressure in all lanes, and help teams push aggressively. But remember, for this to work you need vision, quick hands and good judgment.
For e.g. If you have two ranged heroes on the lane, you will have to wait a bit longer until you can get aggressive.
- SilverEdge
- Desolator
- Blink Daggers
- Abyssal Blade
- Black King Bar
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Tank Build

Perhaps it was his spirit that kept him safe, and not just the armor. However, claim it to be true, and the 'only' armor is what will keep him alive, longer. Being an important initiator, Ursa often faces the same deadly dangers that almost every other initiator faces.
With this build, our goal is not just to get Ursa into battle like a big tank, but to help her get out of it, alive.
Because, if each initiation equals the death of the initiator, it will turn into a strategic prediction that can be used against the team. And that's not good. So here's what we think will help Ursa Dota 2 stay alive longer.
- Blink Daggers
- Heart of Tarrasque Or Vladimir's
- Offer Assault
- Cuirass Aeon
- Black King Bar disc
Also read: Reasons Why Shadow Fiend Heroes Are Chosen During TI 11 Dota 2!
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