Thoma's build was once a debate among players. Thoma is one of many characters Genshin Impact which produces shields or be tankers in party.
Thoma was first released in banners 2.2 along with rerun banners Hutao last October 2021. This assistant of the Kamisato family is a character with elements pyro and use weapons polearms.
Thoma is said to be less good to use because shields the result is less strong than the character shielder other.
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Whereas, shields Thoma relied on the system stack (pile up) mechanics that many people use incorrectly.
This time, VCGamers will discuss everything about build Thoma Genshin Impact starts from priority skills and party which is suitable.
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Thoma Genshin Impact Build Recommendations
This article will cover all the recommendations build starting with priority skills, artifacts, to team recommendations that are suitable for build Thomas Genshin Impact.
Recommended artifacts are aligned with already released artifacts, where new artifacts will be added along the way updates Genshin Impact.
Skill Priority for Thoma Genshin Impact Build

Thoma's elemental skill is Blazzing Blessing will give Thoma shields named Blazing Barrier, also gives AoE pyrodamage to the enemies around Thoma.
Strength shields Thomas counted (scale up) of the maximum total HP owned by Thoma. The main mistake players make when using Thoma is not understanding the mechanics skills and build Thomas.
Shields of Thoma is unique than shields other characters because it has a system stack up shields.
Strength shields Thoma will increase if you accumulate (stack up) repeated use of the shield.
Everytime you use shields just Thoma at the moment shields previously still active, great damage absorbed by shields will get bigger.
Strength shields calculated from Thoma's HP will also increase.
In addition, the duration of use shields will also increase due to usage time shields will return to the beginning as if you just activated shields for the first time.

Crimson Ooyoroi or Thoma's elemental burst will give AoE pyrodamage as well as provide pyrodamage constantly named Scroching Ooyoroi.
Scroching Ooyoroi will give pyro damage constantly when the character uses normal attacks. Even though it's not Thoma or currently inactive at fields, all your characters use normal attacks can activate Scroching Ooyoroi, giving extra pyrodamage.
Using Schroching Ooyoroi will also activate Thoma's Blazing Barrier so you can do stack up shields just now.
If you build Thomas as tankers focus skills what you improve is elemental skill > elemental burst. It is more suitable because of strength shields main Thoma was on elemental skills owned by that character.
If you feel like Thoma is more suitable as support and you don't really need shields, focus build skills and max Thoma on elemental burst first then elemental skills.
You can equate basic or normal attacks with elemental skills from Thoma.
Artifacts Suitable for Thoma's Build

Stats what you should prioritize for Thoma Genshin Impact are Energy Recharge, ATK or ATK%, and HP.
Another weakness of Thoma is that it requires quite a lot of energy, namely 80 total energy to be able to use it elemental skills.
You need an artifact with stat Energy Recharge is high enough to cover this weakness.
The basic HP that Thoma has is quite small, so Thoma is a character tankers not very profitable either.
You can zoom damage from elemental burst especially Scroching Ooyoroi by using artifacts with ATK or ATK% stats.
The best artifact you can use is Emblem of Severed Fate 4 sets or combined with Tenacity of Millelith which will give the 20% an additional HP.
If you use Thoma as support you can use Noblesse Oblige 4 sets or combined with one of the two artifacts mentioned.
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Weapons Suitable for Build Thoma

Weapons or weapon the best is Staff of Homa which will add stat HP suitable for strengthening shields Thomas.
Weapons with Energy Recharge such as Engulfing Lightening, Skyward Spine, Prototype Starglitter or Favonius Lance you can use.
Thoma could use a variety of things weapons as long as you have fulfilled HP or Energy Recharge from artifacts like The catch or Black Tassel.
If you allocate build Thomas as support, Kitain Cross Spear you can use. This weapon can upgrade damage Thomas.
Recommended Team Composition (Party Setup) for Thoma Genshin Impact Build

A number of set party this will suit those of you who want to use Thoma as tankers or support.
Set 1 you will maximize DPS Hydro, namely Childe for vaporize. You can use Thoma, Childe, Bennett, and Kazuha.
Thoma will serve as tankers and support where to give pyro resonance with Bennett so pyro DMG increases and helps Childe as a DPS to gain elemental reactions Vaporize.
Kazuha will debuffs enemy resistance to elemental so damage what you give is bigger.
Besides that, Kazuha can also become crowd control so that your enemies can gather at one point and be easily attacked by Childe.
You can replace Kazuha with Jean as healer and buff or other Anemo characters like Venti and Sucrose for crowd control.
You can replace Bennett with Xiangling if you wear Jean.
Set 2 you can replace party vaporize with the arrangement of Hutao or Diluc as pyro DPS and Xinqiu as hydro support replace Bennett.
Set 2 you will take advantage of melt reactions. Its function is similar to set first but you use DPS cryo like Kaeya or Ayaka.
You can use cryo support such as Chongyun and Shenhe.