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Recommended Build Roger Sick 2022

Hero Counter Roger
Source: MLBB

You might be looking for the sickest Roger build in 2022. So, this time we will review this in this article.

We need to arrange Roger's hurt build so that the hero we use is more optimal in the game. Roger, who has a role as a Fighter, can face and attack opposing heroes more painfully.

We can choose the build we want. However, we must first understand Roger's Mobile Legends skills before deciding on Roger 2022 build items.

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By understanding skills, we will know what are the needs of the heroes we use in the game. We also know what build items we will buy to overcome deficiencies and maximize the potential of the heroes we use.

Skill Roger Mobile Legends

We need to know Roger's skills in Mobile Legends to determine if Roger's build item hurts. Understand all the skills of this hero so you can play well and determine the right time to attack or run away.

Let's look at Roger's skill with the following explanation:

passive – Full Moon Curse

Roger who is still in human form can give Basic Attacks which cause a slow effect of up to 10 percent to opposing heroes.

Then, when transforming into wolf form he will take additional damage equal to 5 percent of the enemy hero's HP lost when launching Basic Attacks (additional 60 Damage to Creeps).

When using this hero, you can choose a human form when you want to provoke an opposing hero. Then, change into a wolf form when fighting with the opponent's hero that you face in the game.

Also read: Eudora's Build Items Hurt in Mobile Legends, Embarrassing Enemy Heroes!

Skills 1 – OpenFire

Roger's 1st Skill is Open Fire. When using this skill, Roger will shoot quickly 2 times.

The shot will give a total of 300(+120% Total Physical ATK) (Physical Damage).

Then, the first Hunter Net will create a Slow effect of up to 80 percent to the opposing hero within 1.5 seconds.

Meanwhile, Roger's second Hunter Net will reduce the opponent's Hero's Physical Defense to 10 within 5 seconds.

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Skills 2 – Hunter's Steps

Roger's 2nd skill is Hunter's Steps. Roger will make his Movement Speed increase by up to 40 percent in 2.5 seconds.

ultimate – Wolf Transformation

Roger's ultimate skill is Wolf Transformation. When you use this skill, Roger will lunge forward and turn into a wolf.

When using that skill, he will give an attack of up to 200 (+ 100% Additional Physical ATK) (Physical Damage). In addition, it also causes the opponent to be slowed by 90 percent in 0.8 seconds.

Physical Defense and Magic Defense increased by 20 when he transforms into a wolf figure. Apart from that, it will also increase Roger's Movement Speed. Ultimate can be used to pass through walls.

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The Painful Roger Build 2022

After knowing Roger's skills, it will be easier for us to determine Roger's build hurts in the game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

There are some recommendations for the worst build that this hero can use in the game.

You can try this recommended Roger build for you to use when fighting the Land of Dawn.



According to the official website Mobile Legends, this item is recommended for you to buy when you want to build a sick Roger build.

Windtalker has a Unique Passive-Typhoon. Later, Basic Attack can provide 150-362 Magic Damage to 3 opposing heroes. Roger can also provide critical attacks and deal damage to opposing heroes of up to 200 percent.

Ice Hunter's Swift Boots

Ice Hunter Swift Boots oke.jpeg

You also have to buy Ice Hunter's Swift Boots to arrange Roger's painful build in the Mobile Legends game.

This item will provide additional Movement Speed up to +40. In addition, it also provides an additional 15 percent Attack Speed.

Endless Battles

Endless Battle - Zilong's Painful Build

The next item is Endless Battle. This item has the attribute of Physical Attack, Mama Regen, HP to Cooldown Reduction.

Endless Battle has a Unique Passive-Divine Justice. After 3 seconds of using the skill, the Basic Attack that Roger launched earlier will provide additional True Damage of up to 60% from Physical Attack.

War Ax

War Ax okay

The next item is the War Ax. You also need to buy this item to arrange Roger's build.

This item has a Unique Passive-Fighting Spirit. This unique passive can damage your opponent by up to 9 Physical Attack and 3 Physical Penetration every second within 3 seconds for up to 8 Stacks. For heroes with roles Marksman/Mage/Support will only get 33% from stacked effects.

Movement Speed will increase by 15 percent when the Stack is full.

Brute Force Breastplate

Brute Force Beastplate

The next item is Brute Force Berastplate. This item has a Unique Passive-Brute Force.

When Roger uses a Skill or Basic Attack, Roger's Movement Speed will increase by 2%. Then, Physical & Magic Defense also increases by 4.

This lasts 4 seconds with Stack up to 5 times.

Blade of Despair

Blade of Despire

The last item you need to buy in the game is Blade of Despair. You need this item to complete Roger's sick build in the Mobile Legends game.

Roger's Physical Attack will increase by 25 percent when he attacks an opponent's hero whose HP is below 50 percent.

This unique passive will take place within 2 seconds.

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