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5 Most Painful Roger Mobile Legends Build Items for September 2022

The five Roger build items that you can use are swift boots, war ax, endless battle, windtalkern and the malefic roar item.
build Roger
build Roger

roger is one of the very basic heroes when used in the game. However, for a large competitive class he is still less popular. Even so, if you use the right Roger build, you can cause the most damage.

Moreover, this hero also plays two roles, namely Fighter and Marksman. However, the most recommended job is combat duty. This hero's ability to transform from human to wolf and vice versa provides a real adventure for this hero. 

List of Roger MLBB Build Items

For those of you who want a recommendation item to build Roger Mobile Legends VCGamers version, please read the review below.

Swift Boots

Swift Boots
Swift Boots is the best item for Roger

Roger's first item was Swift Boots. These boots will increase walking speed by +40 and attack speed by +15 percent.

For mobile items, choose hidden ones, because they work well to help increase gold when farming. Special Dedication: During the first 9 minutes, reduce EXP rewards and gold earned from minions and creeps to clear drains for nearby allies.

In addition, you can get an extra 25 percent EXP and gold from the help. Especially giving teammates 8 gold / 20 EXP with a little gold / EXP every 5 seconds. Gives 25 percent more gold / EXP lowest.


Windtalker is the best item for Roger

Because Roger is a hero who relies on basic attacks, his first attack pick is Windtalker. This item will add +40 percent attack speed, +20 movement speed, +10 percent critical chance.

Every 5-3 seconds, the next attack will hit 3 enemy units and give 362 magic damage. This attack can cause stun and give 200 percent damage to minions. 

War Ax

War Ax okay
War ax is the best item for Roger

War Ax is an attack item in Mobile Legends that must be used by Hero Fighters. In fact, this item can increase Roger's fighting power. With increased physical attack, physical input, and movement speed.

This increase comes from the unique passive of the War Ax item. Not only does it have a special passive, this item can also provide an additional +45 physical attack, +550 HP, and +10 percent cooldown reduction to it.

Endless Battles

Build Granger Endless Battle
Endless battle is the best item for Roger

Next up is Endless Battle. This Roger build item is the only one that can provide multiple weapons. The extra consists of +65 Physical Attack, +5 Mana Regen, 250 HP, +10 percent Cooldown Reduction, +5 percent Movement Speed, and the last 10 percent physical health. 

Not only that, the Endless Battle item also has a unique passive that can increase movement speed and enable Roger to deal considerable true damage to his enemies. This makes the ability to fight very strong. 

Also read: These Top 3 Heroes are Suitable for War Axes!

Malefic Roar

Build Granger Malefic Roar
Malefic roar is the best item for Roger

Malefic Roar is an attack that has an additional attribute of +35 percent physical penetration and has a special effect. Each enemy hero with physical defense increases Roger's physical contribution by 20 percent thanks to this item's special property.

Apart from that, the Malefic Roar item can also provide 60 physical damage to Roger. Thanks to the extra physical and high physical penetration provided by this item, Roger can destroy armor while killing enemy tank heroes easily.

Also read: Roger's Best Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends 2022

So, those are five of Roger's sickest build items in the latest and greatest version of Mobile Legends for September 2022. If you want to top up Mobile Legends diamonds, you can order Mobile Legends diamonds directly from VCGamers.

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