Razor is a strong single target DPS character at Genshin Impact. Check this post to find out more about the best Razor DPS builds.
Razor is an Electro Claymore user in Genshin Impact. He is one of the few Physical DPS characters in the game.
With the ability to deal good damage with his own auto attack. She is a great choice if players want to run an unorthodox Phys build but don't have Eula.
In this article, we will show you the best Razor DPS Genshin Impact build guide, including talent, gear, and team comp.
Who Is Razor?

He is a boy who lives among wolves in the Wolvendom of Mondstadt, far from human civilization. He was as agile as lightning. After a chance encounter with Varka, the current Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius and Knight of Boreas, he slowly begins to interact with humans again.
- Naturally high Physical DMG
- Elemental Burst provides a large damage and defense boost.
- Combines Physical and Electro DMG, which greatly benefits from Superconductors.
- Elemental Burst disappears when switching characters.
- Attacks and skills have a short range.
Build Razor DPS Genshin Impact
Razor Constellation and Talent Priority

Razor's DPS build benefits moderately from the higher constellation tiers. Since he is a 4 star, it is possible to get his C6 in the end. Overall, his most useful constellations are C4 and C6.
C4: When casting Claw and Thunder (Press), the opponent affected by their DEF will be reduced by 15 percent for 7 seconds.
C6: Every 10s, Razor's sword charges, causing his next Normal Attack to release lightning that deals 100 percent of Razor's ATK as Electro DMG. When Razor is not using Lightning Fang, a lightning strike on an opponent will grant Razor Electro Sigil for Claw and Thunder.
C4 destroys the enemy's DEF, giving Razor Genshin Impact more physical damage. C6, on the other hand, gives Razor extra Electro DMG processing, allowing him to apply Superconduct more often.
Being a DPS, Razor's DPS build requires all parts of its kit to be maxed out. The player must get his Burst first, as he needs it to deal damage effectively. Skills and attacks normally have a lower priority.
Manage Electro Particles from his Elemental Skills

Maximize Razor's Energy Charge using her Elemental skills Razor has no problem regenerating energy for her Bursts, as both of her skill modes regenerate energy.
Tap mode grants the Razor up to 3 sigils, which is equivalent to a 60 percent energy recharge. Players can remove them using hold mode, dealing high Electro damage and recovering Razor energy. All in all, switching this ability's mode to maximize its damage is a must.
By building DPS Razor into an Electro Physical Claymore character, players can definitely use it in the Superconduct + Freeze range to maximize the damage potential of his Phys. Since Razor is immune to electrocution, he won't have a problem with having Hydro's support in the team.
Lightning Fang summons a wolf in Razor and drastically increases his attack speed, Electro and Interruption RES and complements his Physical Attack with Electro DMG.
Similar to Xiao, Razor's blast will end immediately if you change character. Players will need to plan their rotations carefully if they want to sustain those massive DPS boosts. This is also the reason why Razor is only suitable for the main DPS position.
Best Weapons and Artifacts

- Best Weapon: Song of Broken Pines
- Alternative weapons: Wolf's Gravestone, Serpent Spine, Snow-Tombed Starsilver.
- Best Artifact: Pale Flame x4
- Alternative artifacts: Echoes of an Offering x4, Gladiator's Finale x4
- Eon Sand: ATK percent
- Eonothem Cup: Physical DMG Bonus
- Logo Circle: CRIT DMG or CRIT Rate
- Substat priority: ATK percent > CRIT Rate > CRIT DMG > Recharge
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Best Team Build DPS Razor

Simply use the Cryo Sub-DPS ability on the ground before her Burst to continue Superconducting her Electro attack. This greatly increases the damage his Physical Attack can do.
- Razor + Fischl + Xingqiu + Diona
Fischl provided Electro resonance and off-pitch damage, which solved the team's Energy Regeneration problem. Xingqiu comes in as a versatile enabler – his Hydro application can cause Electro Charged to damage electro chains or Freeze in combo with Diona's Cryo.
Diona is here to heal and protect Razor, in addition to triggering the Superconduct. This is very important for Razor to be able to deal Physical DMG. Kaeya could be a good alternative for this role, as its Cryo app has a pretty low CD.
- Razor + Xingqiu + Shenhe + Rosaria
This Comp focuses on inflicting Superconduct and maximizing physical damage from Razor. The physical bonuses from Superconduct and Cryo resonance increase Phys Razor's damage significantly. Stack Phys res Debuff Shenhe and Phys res Rosaria debuff on top and you will have a Phys DPS engine.
Also read: Build Razor Genshin Impact. Physical DPS With 'Sick' Damage!
Xingqiu is here to apply Hydro with his Burst, which triggers Freeze from Shenhe's explosion. Players can apply Shatter using the Claymore Razor attack.