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5 Painful Natan Build Items For September 2022

Natan's build items can use swift boots, windtalker, berseker fury, scarlet phantom and demon hunter sword.
Build Nathan
Build Nathan

Nathan is a hero Mobile Legends that uses a devastating special burst/Magic. To maximize the skill, you need to use the hurt Natan build item.

Even though he is now a sought-after hero after receiving a lot of nerfs, if you use Natan's build to hurt him, the user will become invincible. Because he was a warrior with great fighting speed. 

In addition, the resulting damage is no worse than the current Marksman META hero. Especially if the main attack can be collected. He also has a crowd control skill that can make enemies tremble. All of his skills are reserved for use in skill combinations. 

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Therefore, if the enemy catches the trap, then from the damage it takes, the enemy will be killed. Since he is rumored to be getting the last skin, we hope Moonton will try this time traveler hero.

List of MLBB Natan Build Items

Each player has his own choice of item materials. In addition, the selection of these items also depends on the situation and enemies encountered during the game. So, if you want to try using the VCGamers version of the Natan build, here's the information: 

Swift Boots

Swift Boots
Swift Boots is the best item for Natan

Natan's top recommendation is Swift Boots. This item will add +40 Movement Speed ​​and +15 percent Attack Speed. Since Nathan is a hero who relies on speed, these shoes are perfect for him. Apart from that, the Magic Shoes item is also good for reducing Natan's Cooldown skill.


windtalker is the best item for Natan

Another sick option that Natan has is Windtalker. This item will add +40 percent attack speed, +20 movement speed, +10 percent critical chance.

Every 5-3 seconds, the next attack will hit 3 enemy units and give 362 magic damage. This attack can cause stun and give 200 percent damage to minions. Every time a number was thrown, movement speed would increase by 5 percent for a short time. 

Berserker Fury

The Painful Balmond Build
Berker fury is the best item for Natan

Next you have to buy Berserker Fury, this item can increase Natan's physical attack by 60 and add 25 percent critical chance.

With this ability, you can inflict painful wounds on enemies. Apart from that, Berserker's fury also has the ability to pass which can add 40 percent critical chance. This ability allows him to deal critical damage so he can quickly kill his enemies. 

Scarlet Phantom

Scarlet Phantom
scarlet phantom is the best item for Natan

Scarlet Phantom can increase physical attack by 30, increase attack speed by 30 percent, and increase critical strike chance by 25 percent.

This item must be his because Natan has very high damage and attack range so you can always attack his opponent with his basic attacks.

Also read: Recommended Build for Natan Mobile Legends 2022

Demon Hunter Sword

Demon Hunter Sword
The Demon Hunter Sword is the best item for Natan

The next item is the Demon Hunter Sword or DHS. This item provides 35 more physical attacks and increases attack speed by 25 percent.

DHS has almost the same function as Scarlet Phantom, which is to increase attack speed so you can kill enemies more quickly. Apart from that, this item also has the ability to make Nathan steal meat. 

Also read: Natan's Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends, Enemies Are Desperate!

So, those are five of Natan's sickest build items for September 2022. Instead of being curious, it's better to try them. If you want to buy Mobile Legends diamonds, you can order Mobile Legends diamonds directly from VCGamers.

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