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Lesley's Sickest Build 2024, One Shot Enemy Dies

There are build items and emblems for the sickest Lesley 2024 which can cover Lesley's shortcomings in the early game phase.
Lesley's Build Testimonial
Lesley's Build Testimonial. Source: MLBB

There is the best build to make Lesley have the worst damage in 2024. This item recommendation can cover Lesley's shortcomings, who has bad early damage.  

Lesley really depends on the items used, if there are only 1-2 items the damage is not very strong. That's why players have to be patient when using this hero.

So in this article we will recommend building both the sickest items and emblems and gameplay tips for facing the 2024 meta. 

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Lesley Meta Season 32 Gameplay Tips

Lesley Meta Season 32 Gameplay Tips
Lesley Meta Season 32 Gameplay Tips. Source: VCGamers

We all need to admit that Lesley is not the strongest hero of season 32. But Lesley's potential has not completely sunk, Lesley can still be a hero with the most damage when played correctly.

This hero still has the possibility to be superior to Moscow, Nathan, and other popular marksman this season.

To make it easier for you to understand Lesley's gameplay, see the explanation of her skill set and the right time to use it.

Use Assassin Emblems 

Even though she is a marksman hero, Lesley is more suited to using the assassin emblem than the marksman emblem. Like marksman in general, Lesley also relies on Basic Attacks. 

The difference is that Lesley doesn't rely on Attack Speed as well as other marksman. That's why Lesley is more suited to using the assassin emblem to increase her Critical True Damage. 

Make sure to always last hit the minion 

You also need to know that Lesley is a marksman with not very good early damage. Therefore, you cannot play aggressively in the early minutes. 

The most important thing in these early minutes is, always get the last hit minion so that Lesley's items can be ready immediately. After getting 2 items, then you can start playing a little aggressively. 

Focus on destroying the tower 

The transition from early to mid game is marked by the missing shield tower. Try to get one turret in this phase and then take part in the team fight. 

The middle phase is actually not the best moment for Lesley to take part in a team fight, just take part once. In the mid game phase, it's actually better for Lesley to split towers while farming minions. Take advantage of team fight moments to destroy enemy towers.

Late Game Phase 

After you have got 3 or 4 items, start always being present in team fights. In this phase, Lesley's damage is starting to hurt, prioritize shooting weak heroes first. 

Lesley has a passive that launches Critical True Damage attacks. When using skills one and two this passive will activate automatically. 

You can use the combo Basic Attack + Skill One + Basic Attack + Skill 2 + Basic Attack.


  • Use Basic Attack when passive is active; 
  • Activate skill one to activate passive again;
  • Use Basic Attack when Lesley's passive is active; 
  • Use skill 2 to activate passive then fire Basic Attack again. 

So, so that Lesley's passive remains on when doing the ultimate, you can see the explanation of Lesley's sickest build for 2024 below!

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Build Lesley Tersakit 2024

Build Lesley Tersakit 2024
Build Lesley Tersakit 2024. Source: Youtube.

Lesley really depends on the combination of emblems and build items used. As mentioned at the beginning, Lesley is more suited to using the assassin emblem. 

Further, you can read the complete explanation of the combination of emblems and items Lesley below this: 

Lesley's Worst Emblem Build 2024 

Build the Painful Lesley Emblem
Copy Build Above. Source: MLBB

If you choose to use the assassin emblem on Lesley. Use a combination of Rupture, Weapons Master, and Killing Spree talents.

You can directly copy the Build arrangement above. But if you want to know more about the reasons, you should read this explanation until the end. 

  • Rupture: For Lesley, this talent is useful for increasing the Physical Attack of the emblem used.
  • Weapons Master: This talent is useful for giving Lesley an additional attack bonus. Weapons Master works by increasing the Physical Attack on the emblem that Lesley wears by 5%.
  • Killing Spree: Using this talent will make Lesley get 15% HP and increase 20% Movement Speed when killing an opponent. 

The assassin emblem is better for increasing Lesley's early damage. But if the marksman emblem you have is of a higher level, prioritize using it in the following order: 

  • Fatal: This talent can increase Leley's Critical Chance by 5% and increase Critical Damage by 10%.
  • Weapons Master: while the Weapons Master talent is useful for increasing Lesley's Physical Attack by 5% from the items used.
  • Quantum Charge: Quantum Charge talent is useful for increasing Lesley's Basic Attack, strengthening HP Regen, and increasing Movement Speed. 

When you hit a Basic Attack on an enemy, Lesley's Movement Speed will increase by 30% and HP will recover by 75-180 HP on a level scale. 

Select the emblem and talent arrangement according to the emblem level. If the marksman is taller then use that emblem even though it will hurt Lesley more when using the assassin emblem. 

Lesley's Worst Item Build 2024 

Build Lesley Tersakit 2024
Copy Build Above. Source: MLBB
  • Shoe: You have to adapt to your playing style. If you have an aggressive attacking style then wear Swift Boots. Lesley is not required to wear certain shoes, it all depends on the conditions on the field. If you prefer to play it safe, wear defense shoes Warrior Boots there's nothing wrong with that either.
  • First Item: get items Berserker's Fury first to increase Lesley's Physical Attack and Critical Chance. Until you get this, don't die, try to play safely in the tower.
  • Second Item: Next, get Endless Battle to increase Lesley's True Damage. This item can provide HP, Cooldown Reduction, Movement Speed, and even Lifesteal to Lesley.
  • Third Item: To thicken Lesley's HP, use it once again  Blade of the Heptaseas. This item is useful for increasing Lesley's Physical Penetration. Apart from that, this iem can also have a slow effect on opponents by 40% for 1.5 seconds. Sell Blade of the Heptaseas items when you enter the late game phase. Buy Malefic Roar or Sea Halberd to replace it, depending on the match conditions.
  • Fourth Item: never use this item in the early game because it is expensive. Use Blade of Despair This is the fourth item to increase Lesley's damage. Apart from providing the highest damage, this item can also increase Lesley's Movement Speed.
  • Fifth Item: buy Immortality to provide Lesley defense while taking advantage of her Immortal passive. Once this passive item is active, you can replace it with another damage or defense item.
  • Optional Items: You can use optional items when Immortal's passive is on cooldown. When you encounter a lot of magic damage enemies, you can actually buy Athena's Shield. But it is more recommended to use Rose Gold Meteor. Apart from that, you can also buy Sea Halberd to break down enemies who have shields or white blood at the end of the HP bar.

To be able to dominate the match, you don't always have to use full damage items. Use defense items also in the early game phase. 

You need to remember in the game Mobile Legends It's not the number of kills that determines victory. But how quickly the player destroys the enemy base. 

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