Layla's build hurts in 2023, one shot to death is really a trend nowadays. There are so many users Layla popping up on Land of Dawn. Often they are even found in the Legend meta and above.
This is because Moonton as the developer of Daru Mobile Legends has given a revamp and buff to this marksman (MM) hero.
As the default hero that was first used by all Land of Dawn players, Layla is so familiar to everyone.
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On the one hand, this makes Layla so familiar and widely used. But on the other hand, this hero mechanic also becomes predictable. This makes it easy to be picked off by opposing cores who incidentally are hungry to kill.
Even so, if used properly and got a reliable roam escort, Layla can really become the backbone of the team in the late game. So, here VCGamers will provide some recommendations for Build Layla that can support your GG gameplay. Check it out!
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About Layla

When viewed from the type of hero, Layla is a hybrid mm (hybrid) that combines the type of output burst and damage per second (DPS).
This is characterized by its basic attack ability which is effective in repaying enemy blood, as well as its ultimate skill which can spew area of attack (Aoe) attacks with a large scale and burst of damage.
Apart from that, Layla's other skills are poke damage and debuffs. You could say this hero is really designed for offensive purposes only.
This can be seen from the lack of blink or mobility attributes. Like it or not, he can only rely on spells, items, and the help of other teams so he can escape when engaged by enemy damagers.
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The Painful Layla Build 2023 One Shoot Dead

As usual, for discussion of builds, there will be three main points of discussion: emblems, spells and items.
If arranged correctly, your Layla is guaranteed to be able to hit the ulti flat once! Please listen to it!

because Layla is a hero who tends to be strong in the late game, he needs an emblem that can help him build critical damage attributes. The best recommendation is to use Marksman Emblem with Talent Weapon Master.
This talent provides additional physical attacks obtained from item attributes. For the build, Vicigers needs to add Fatal (level 3) which increases the critical chance, and Doom (level 3) for the critical hits.

As previously explained, because Layla doesn't have mobility or blink skills to avoid enemy engagement, she needs to rely on spells to be able to escape. Therefore, of course the spell of a million people: Flicker, would be very appropriate to choose.

There are several items that you need to optimize Layla's skills.
So, here's the list of Layla build items that you should use:
- Swift Boots
A basic item for MMs. Serves to build Layla's attack and movement speed in the early half of the early game.
You need to buy this item so that Layla can move faster.
- Windtalker
Apart from Swift Boots, Windtalker items can also be selected next to increase Layla's attack and movement speed. In addition, the vortex effect also provides significant additional damage.
- Berserker's Fury
This item can make Layla's ult hurt even more. You can buy it after you've finished and successfully own Windtalker.
This item will synergize with the Layla emblem build above which boosts the critical hit and chance attributes.
- Demon Hunter Sword (DHS)
The next item is the Demon Hunter Sword or DHS.
So, DHS is perfect for adding damage skills and basic attacks, life steals, and Layla's attack speed.
This item can also help him sustain when meeting other heroes with thicker health, such as fighters or tanks.
- Malefic Roar
Layla's passive, which gives her the ability to shoot from afar, is very good to use to repay turrets without having to get into her AoE range. This item can really increase damage vs turrets, as well as provide additional penetration.
- Blade of Despair
The final item for the MM is Bkade of Despair or BOD.
BOD is a very significant physical attack enhancer, both for basic attack damage and ultimate skills.
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So, those are the build recommendations for Layla, the mainstay marksman hero. For you users, you can really try this one recommendation so that your Layla can be even more overpowered.
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