Not felt, more or less 27 Season Mobile Legends has passed, and new metas have appeared. Well, one that is currently very trendy is the Lancelot Tank build! Yep, you heard that right!
Adjusting to existing developments, the assassin then transforms into a hero who prioritizes sustain rather than output damage!
Of course this is all popularized by the MLBB premier league pro-players (MPL) who first patented it as their gameplay.
Basically, the presence of assassins with this kind of hard build isn't something that just happened in Lancelot. In the previous meta, this build was "experimented" on Karina, who had previously tasted it.
I do not know where the courtiers MPL this got the idea to combine the formula in Lancelot. But what is certain, the effectiveness of the tank setup for the "sat-set" hero is very high. Naturally, in the end, this build was adapted by many people.
So, for Vicigers who are curious and want to know about the build, you can really see this article!
If so, please try to apply it to your Lancelot gameplay! Come on, let's check the discussion below!
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Build Emblem, Spell and Lancelot Tank Items
As intended by Moonton as the developer, a high mobility and damage meta hero like Lancelot is no longer as effective as before.
There have been many new heroes with mechanics capable of withstanding meta crashes like Lancelot's.
As a result, the Lancelot users had to rack their brains so that their mainstay could still exist in the Land of Dawn.
In the current meta, the presence of thick-bodied tank heroes and massive crowd control (CC) effects is more often relied upon as a team core than soft assassins like Lancelot.
Because of that, Lancelot needs to work hard to be able to push in and deal with the "sucked" junglers, like Akai or Baxia.
So, how about the build combination? To answer this, Vicigers can refer to the following points:
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Along with the existing updates, the Jungler emblem, especially the Mage Killer talent (also known as the Sawi Emblem), can really affect a team's victory rate. As a result, this emblem and talent became a bone of contention for the junglers.
This is because the emblem can support the continuity of the team's core in fighting over the "mega" fauna of the Land of Dawn. So, Lancelot Tank is also a hyper that needs to use these emblems and talents.

In accordance with the discussion above, Lancelot Tank hyper requires intake of the Retribution spell (retrieve). This is in line with the emblem and talent above which serves to prevent the tendency of "retrieve Indomaret".

There are several items that you have to buy to make this hero even sicker in the game.
Here are the details:
- Bloody Retribution (Jungle)
For Lancelot Tank, jungler items with the Bloody Retribution blessing will be very suitable, seeing as the damage output they produce is also minimal and the thickness of the blood that the Jungler has.
- Tough Boots (Movements)
For item movement, Tough Boots can be a mainstay so that the assassin can be more "sat-set". The Fortitude effect given by this item will make Lancelot more sustainable than the cc and slow effects.
- Thunder Belt
The next item is the Thunder Belt. Apart from being able to provide adequate intake of mana regen and decrease in cooldown (CD). In addition, this item can also provide additional damage.
Along with the latest update in last season, the cost of making it is much cheaper.
- Cursed Helmet
Cursed Helmet is another cheap item that is quite worth it when compared to the price it costs.
Can provide additional damage, especially to minions, speeding up the lane clearing process when the assassin has to intervene for split push.
- Guardian Helmet
Yep, this HP item is a mandatory item for tanks in the current meta. Apart from increasing the maximum thickness of blood, its regen effect is almost the same as "snatching" directly at the base! Anti-recall deh!
- Radiant Armor
If you meet a patent DPS mage user like Harley or Belerick, this item can be an effective antidote to various magical damage outputs. Besides that, combined with the Guardian Helmet effect, the regen effect you get is also getting heavier.
- Immortality
And lastly it closes with Immortality as a guarantee if Lancelot has to be picked off by the enemy.
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So that's the recommendation for the Lancelot Tank build that you can try directly on your gameplay. So how about Vicigers? Do you dare to try it in your gameplay? Please provide your testimonials in the comments column, OK?