Kokomi's build is again being discussed by the player community Genshin Impact. Sangonomiya Kokomi or Kokomi will get rerun banner first on updates 2.5 coming.
Kokomi had received negative views from the players when the release was on updates Last 2.1 September 2021.
Kokomi is considered to have flaws and has no special uniqueness. Players reveal abilities skills lowering passive crit rate until -100% causes Kokomi's build to be difficult.
Besides that, function skills Kokomi is considered similar to hydrocatalyst other. Kokomi will summon an object (jellyfish) that can give damage and wet state (wet) like Mona.
The 4 star character Noelle is also considered even much better than Kokomi.
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This young priest of the Sangonomiya clan is good as healer, but because Kokomi was designed by miHoYo as healer purely, many players decide not to pull on banners this.
Players prefer to save primogems for the next banner, Raiden Shogun.
But Kokomi is well proven as a 5 star character. Though not reach crit, character hydrocatalyst it is capable of producing damage which is big so some players consider to pull in banners 2.5 this.
This article will discuss recommendations for the best Kokomi builds for 2022 that you can customize playstyle what you need:
Discussion of Kokomi Skills

Kokomi as a 5 star character healer indeed in accordance with the use of this character. Before discussing the Kokomi build, it's a good idea to understand first skills of Kokomi's Sangonomiya.
Normal attacks Kokomi consists of 3 consecutive attacks which each attack improves damage given to the enemy. Charged attack Kokomi will give AoE hydrodamage for nearby enemies.
Elemental skills from Kokomi, namely Kurage oath will summon bake-kurage or something like jellyfish that functions to heal (heal) all the characters in the team whether it's solo or co-op.
Bake-kurage also delivers hydrodamage on the enemy and will give the wet status wet constantly while on fields.
You can use characters with other elements to create elemental reactions like frozen (freeze) or evaporate (vaporizers). There is elemental reactions can add damage that you gave to the enemy.
Elemental burst from Kokomi (Nereid's Ascension) will deal AoE hydro damage to the enemy and summon ceremonial galette Kokomi. During ceremonial galette Kokomi is on, sum damage from normal attacks and charged attack will increase.
skills Kokomi's passive reduces stamina party when swimming so as to facilitate exploration. Further explanation skills You can see Kokomi at collected mischellany Kokomi:
Build Kokomi as a Support/Healer
Kokomi's build is actually quite easy. All skills It is good elemental skills or elemental burst counted (scale up) of Kokomi's total HP. Means you just focus on looking for artifacts with stat HP or HP%.
Order skills what you improve is elemental skill > elemental burst.
The best artifact for Kokomi is the Ocean-Hued Clam 4 set. The bonus you get is Kokomi will heal (heal) inner character party and sea foam appeared.

The sea foam will collect the amount of HP recovered from healing, and will explode giving it damage of 90% of the total HP made during healing.
You can use this Ocean-Hued Clam with the Maiden's Beloved set to upgrade healing bonuses from Kokomi.
Tenacity of Millelith can be 2 sets that add HP 20% which you can use together with the 2 sets previously mentioned for Kokomi.
The best weapons for this build are Everlasting Moonglow, Dodoco's Tales, and Prototype Amber.
Build Kokomi as DPS
Kokomi can you build as DPS. Kokomi has considerable potential to become DPS through burstdamage which is big though not as big as the character intended as hydro Another DPS like Childe.
The best artifact for this build is the Heart of Depth 4 set. After using elemental skills, this set will increase normal attacks and charged attack DMG of 30% for 15 seconds.

The skills you need to improve are elemental burst > stale attack > elemental skills.
You can combine Heart of Depth with Tenacity of Millelith because 2 sets of Heart of Depth will increase hydro DMG bonus.
The weapons that you can use are more varied, such as Everlasting Moonglow, Skyward Atlas, Dodoco's Tales, Thrilling Tales, and Prototype Amber.
You can get Everlasting Moonglow together with rerun banner Kokomi because according to the leak will be weapons banner with Engulfing Lightening at updates 2.5 coming.
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