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5 Johnson Mage Build Items in Mobile Legends

You can use fleeting time, arcane boots, genius wand, holy crystal and ice queen wand as a Johnson Mage build.
build Johnson Mage
build Johnson Mage

Johnson is one of the tank heroes Mobile Legends with considerable damage potential. To make it even more damaged, you can make a Johnson Mage build.

Even though his base class is a tank, he can use a construction mage because Johnson deals painful magic damage. If you want to try to make Johnson Mage in Mobile Legends, you better read the discussion below!

Which items are suitable for building Johnson Mage? Instead of being curious, it's better to see the discussion below, guys!

List of Johnson Mage Build Items

Here is a suggestion on how to build the Johnson Mage build in Mobile Legends, it's a troll build but it works great!

Arcane Boots

Arcane Boots as a mage item for Johnson

To increase damage, this hero needs magic penetration to maximize his damage potential. Therefore, Arcane Boots is the best choice for Johnson as it can greatly increase magic penetration and help increase early-game damage.

The extra movement speed of the boots was also very useful to him, allowing him to wander other paths very quickly. 

Fleeting Time

Fleeting time okay
fleeting time as an item mage for Johnson

Fleeting time is great for Johnson because in addition to 70 mana and 15 percent cooldown reduction, Hour of Time has a passive that reduces his final cooldown by 30 percent when Johnson is killed or assisted.

Genius Wand

Genius Wand
Genius Wand as an item mage for Johnson

Then you can buy the Genius Wand which has 75 mana and 5 percent off the exercise bike. Passive is useful for Johnson, there is magic penetration.

When a hero deals damage to an opponent, magic defense will decrease by 3-10 for 2 seconds. Of course, this goes hand in hand with the ultimate, which is turning into a car and crashing into your opponent.

Also read: The Strongest Counter Hero Johnson in Season 25 Mobile Legends

Holy Crystals

true damage mobile legends calamity reaper
holy crystal as a mage item for Johnson

Johnson's third damage build is a holy crystal with 90 mana stats. Passive grants additional magical power for 3 seconds. Of course, this item would make him sicker. 

Ice Queen Wand

Ice Queen Wand
Ice Queen Wand as a mage item for Johnson

One of the features of the Ice Queen Wand is its passive which gives 15 percent slow when we use skills. Plus attribute 75 magic power and 10 percent vampire magic. You can easily kill low health characters with this item.

Also read: The Best Johnson Skins in Mobile Legends, So Cute!

That's an explanation of the best items for building Johnson Mage in Mobile Legends. You can try it and win the battle. But first make sure the team has tanks. Otherwise, of course if you are in a gang, it will be difficult for us to survive.

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