Jean Genshin Impact is one of several 5-star characters released early games by HoYoVerse.
Jean is known as crowd control (CC), healer, and attacker at the same time that makes this character a complete package.
Although one character standard banners that often makes spook Limited Banner, Jean is still very famous and often used by players.
Not infrequently, many players choose Jean Genshin Impact Becomes waifu their favorite.
Jean's build is easy and doesn't require any special understanding to do it build Jean as healer which produce damage big at once.
This article will discuss the full method build Jean Genshin Impact that can produce big damage and also as support healer reliable.
Jean Genshin Impact Build Recommendations
This article will cover all the recommendations build starting with priority skills, artifacts, to team recommendations that are suitable for build Jean Genshin Impact.
Recommended artifacts are aligned with already released artifacts, where new artifacts will be added along the way updates Genshin Impact.
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Skill Priority for Build Jean Genshin Impact

Jean is a 5 star character that has been released by HoYoVerse in the beginning games Genshin Impact was released with Diluc.
As an Acting Grand Master, Jean is very skilled with swords and vision The anemism it has.
Jean is one healer flexible, meaning you can enter this character in almost any team combination.
Normal Attack Jean will give 5 consecutive attacks that give Physical Damage.
If you use Jean's Charged Attack, the attack will be combined with the wind so that the enemy can be lifted into the air or fall.
Jean's passive attack is Wind Companion will help Jean restore all members' HP party 15% Jean's ATK every time Jean attacks using Normal Attack.

Jean's Elemental Skill is Gale Blade going to make an attack Jean delivers Anem DMG to enemies.
You can hold on long (hold) this Elemental Skill button so that the enemy will be attracted and gathered in one place, which makes it easier for other characters to attack the enemy at once.
Another most fun thing is that you can pick up the enemy, fly it into the air, so that the enemy will be hit damage from falling (falldamage).
Even if you are close to the river you can make the enemy sink.

Jean's Elemental Burst is Dandelion Breeze is skills most profitable of Jean.
A named area circle Dandelion Fields will form. You will be able to restore the HP of all team members at once measured by Jean's ATK percentage.
Apart from that, Dandelion Field will also provide Anemo DMG that you can swirl with other elements like Pyro to provide elemental reactions Swirl with damage big.
If the character's HP hasn't recovered to 100%, all you have to do is use that character in the Dandelion Field area which will heal your character's HP.
For build Jean Genshin Impact you can prioritize skills Elemental Burst with the same level you raise Elemental Skill, only then Normal Attack though talents this is not really needed.
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Artifacts Matched to Jean Genshin's Build impact
Stats what you should prioritize for Jean Genshin Impact are Crit Rate/DMG, ATK or ATK%, and Anemo DMG Bonus.
You need to remember that the Energy Recharge and Elemental Mastery stats are also important sub stat Jean Genshin Impact due to zoom damage Swirl and allows you to use Elemental Burst faster (spam skills).
An artifact suitable for build Jean Genshin Impact is very much. This is Jean's strength because you can combine various kinds artifact sets all you have to do is adjust the stats.

4 sets of Viridescent Veneers is the artifact set that is most suitable for you to use for Jean Genshin Impact.
This set will add Jean's Anemo DMG Bonus on the side increases Swirl DMG, reduces enemy Elemental RES to elements combined with Swirl elemental reactions.
You can also use 4 sets of Noblesse Obliges to Jean Genshin Impact for increasing Elemental Burst DMG and increases ATK of all characters when Jean uses Elemental Burst.

You can combine the two artifacts or use artifacts like Gladiator Finale or Shimenawa's Reminiscence to increase ATK.
The latest Genshin Impact artifact set from The Lost Valley domain viz Vermillion Hereafter and Echoes of an OfferingThe .2 set can also provide additional ATK 18% such as the Gladiator Finale artifact.
Weapon Recommendations for Build Jean Genshin Impact

Recommended 5 star weapon for Jean Genshin Impact almost all the 5 star weapons released when this article was released are all good for Jean to use.
5 star sword weapon such as Primordial Jade Cutter, Mistsplitter Reforge, and Aquila Favonia would be great for Jean. You can also use Skyward Blade to upgrade energy recharge.

4 star weapon for Jean Genshin Impact enough you use weapons that can provide base ATK, ATK, or ATK% is great besides giving sub stats like Energy Recharge.
You can use Festering Desire, Favonius Sword, Prototype Rancour, or Amenoma Kageuchi on Jean.
Recommended Team Composition (Party Setup) for Build Jean Genshin Impact

Jean Genshin Impact is support which is very flexible to use with any team.
Jean's ability will shine even more when you use a character who can do it Swirl like Bennett who can circle Dandelion Field Jean Swirl Pyro from Elemental Burst Bennett.
You can use team recommendation 1 like Raiden Shogun, Jean, Bennett, and Xingqiu to earn damage the big one.

Team recommendation 2 Another thing you can use is a combination of mono elemental (one element) with Jean as support and healer.
You can use Xiao, Jean, Albedo, and Zhongli for the Mono Anemo-Geo team as support Xiao DPS.
Or you can also use Fischl, Kujo Sara, Raiden Shogun, and Jean in the Mono Electro team.