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This is the Deadliest Hero Dyrroth Build Item in 2021, Auto Win!

Advantages of Hero Dyrroth

Maybe there are only a few Mage-type heroes who can beat Hero Dyrroth one on one in the same lane. This is because Dyrroth is a battle hero who has quite devastating damage and hard lifesteal effects.

Besides that, if Dyrroth uses the right build, then Dyrroth can help other hero friends in battle. In fact, Dyrroth is a very strong hero during the early matches.

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So many players played defensively while on the same path as Dyrroth. Dyrroth also has a crowd control skill that can easily block enemy movements.

Unfortunately, the popularity of the hero Dyrroth is minimal this season. It can be seen from several players who use it in games and ML tournament.

One of the reasons is because there are many agile heroes who can easily counteract Dyrroth's skills or movements.

So, before we give recommendations on building Dyrroth's sickest hero, you have to know the skills he has. Just look at the deadliest Dyrroth hero build items below.

Dyrroth's Deadliest Build Items 2021

Each layer does have its own build item in the ML game, including the Dyrroth build item. But, if fellow vicigers are looking for the deadliest Dyrroth build item in 2021, you can go ahead and find out below.

Warrior/Tough Boots

The first recommended version for Dyrroth build items is Boots. Well, the Boots that are suitable for Dyrroth are between Warrior/Tough Boots.

The choice of boots depends on the enemy that will be faced later. Warrior Boots are effective in combating physical damage. Meanwhile Tough Boots are effective against enemy magical damage.

War Ax

Since its presence, this one hero has always been a pillar of combat heroes, especially playing as a fighter hero. Adding the War Ax item to this hero will add +45 physical attacks, +550 hp and reduce Cooldown Reduction.

Fighting for a long time with an opponent can increase the hero's Physical Attack by up to 9 and Physical Penetration in 3 seconds for 3 seconds, up to a maximum of 8 stacks.


The next item build recommendation from the hero Dyrroth is Hunter Strike. This item will add +80 physical attack and + 10 percent cooldown reduction, and +15 Physical Penetration.

Because Dyrroth is classified as a slower hero, using this item, Dyrroth's penetration will increase.

This item will damage the opposing hero or damage 5 times in a row and increase movement speed by 60 percent minus the fast time in 3 seconds. This effect has a reuse time of 10 seconds.

Bloodlust Ax

This is something that is common if the item Bloodlust Ax is a mandatory item that must be used by fighter heroes in Oflaner. Because with this item, you can regenerate HP by 20 percent when attacking enemies with skills, physical skills and damage skills.

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Apart from that, Dyrroth from this build can also add +70 physical attacks and +10 percent reduction in Cooldown Reduction. Then, apart from increasing the damage, the usage time for the Dyrroth skill will decrease.

After buying an attack item, this item is definitely a defense item. The Brute Force Breastplate item is sufficient for alpha use in early and mid-game. This item can add +770 HP and +45 physical defense.

Brute Force Breastplate

After you buy an attack item, the next item is to use a defense item. The Brute Force Breastplate item is perfect for Dyrroth to use in the mid and late game.

This item can add +770 HP and +45 Physical Defense. Using skills or Basic Attacks will increase Movement Speed by 2 percent. Physical & Magic Defense as much as 4, for 4 seconds. Can be stacked up to 5 times.

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Those are the build items for the deadliest hero Dyrroth in 2021 that you can try in battle. Maybe you already have the build item yourself and feel it doesn't quite fit. So, you should try the Dyrroth hero build item above in the Mobile Legends battle in ranking mode.

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