Build Miya's Worst Items, Emblems and Spells 2024

By using the sickest Miya build in 2024, it will make you a gold laner who has great damage.
Build Miya Tersakit 2024
Miya Tersakit Build 2024. Source: VCGamers

Hero Marksman often becomes one of the causes of damage to the team. And the Marksman hero which is often used in Mobile Legends is Miya. This time we will discuss the sickest Miya build in 2024.

By following Miya's sickest build in 2024, it will make you a gold laner who has great damage.

So, for those of you who are curious about what items to build Miya Tersakit 2024, let's look at the following discussion!

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Items for Build Miya Tersakit 2024

Build Miya Tersakit 2024
Miya items. Source: VCGamers

The following are Miya's build items as the worst Gold Lane 2024:

Swift Boots

The first item is Swift Boots, this item can provide an additional +40 Movement Speed and 15% Attack Speed.


The second item is Windtalker, this item can provide an additional +40 percent Attack Speed, +20 Movement Speed, and 10% Critical Chance.

Berserker's Fury

The third item is Berserker's Fury, this item can provide an additional +65 Physical Attack and 25% Critical Chance.

This item also has a unique attribute that can provide additional 40% Critical Damage.

Haas's Claws

The fourth item is Haas's Claws, this item can provide an additional +30 Physical Attack, 20% Attack Speed, and 20% Critical Chance.

Apart from that, the unique attribute of this item will provide 25% Lifesteal and provide Movement every time you receive a Critical attack.

Malefic Roar

The fifth item is Malefic Roar, this item can provide an additional +60 Physical Attack.

The unique attribute of this item can later provide 20% Penetration and gain 0.125% additional Physical Penetration for each Physical Defense the opponent has, a maximum of up to 40%.

Demon Hunter Sword

The sixth item is the Demon Hunter Sword, this item can provide an additional +35 Physical Attack and 25% Attack Speed.

The unique passive of this item will provide 8% of the opponent's HP as additional physical damage.

Apart from that, this item can also provide 3% Lifesteal for 3 seconds.

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Miya's Painful Build Emblem

Assassin emblems
Assassin's Emblem. Source: VCGamers

If you want to get lots of kills while playing as Miya, you can use the Assassin emblem with the Killing Spree effect.

The effect you get when using this emblem is that when you successfully kill your opponent, the 15% HP you have will be restored. 

Apart from that, you will also receive an additional movement speed of 20% for 5 seconds.

If you get a good position and can span basic attacks, you can use the Marksman emblem with the Weapon Master effect. 

The more attack items you collect, the higher the level of the emblem you use, the greater the damage dealt. 

This emblem will increase your total physical attack by 12%. 

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Battle Spell for Miya

Purify. Source: VCGamers

If your opponent has a lot of crowd control heroes or stun abilities, you can use the Purify spell to remove all negative effects given by the enemy. 

This spell will provide an immune effect for 1.2 seconds and additional movement speed of 15%.

Apart from that, you can also use the Inspire spell. This spell will have an effect for every next 8 basic attacks that you launch, you will get an increase of 55% attack speed with an attack speed limit of 400%.

And each basic attack will restore 70 (+15% total physical attack) and (+15% total magic power) HP.

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Well, that's the sickest Miya build in 2024. Don't forget to top up Diamond Mobile Legends at the lowest price only at VCGamers Marketplace!

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