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The Painful Build of Zhask Hero in Season 24 of Mobile Legends

In season 24 of Mobile Legends, you can use this Zhask hero build recommendation to win the battle.
Build Hero Zhask

Have you used the deadly Zhask hero build? If not, you should use the recommendations from VCGamers. This item can be used in season 24 Mobile Legends.

Zhask is a Hero Mage with deadly magic damage in Mobile Legends. Di can do a lot of damage in the Early Game. Which allows him to play in a bar and kill enemy heroes in the Early Game very quickly.

However, in order for this hero to get sicker in the Early Game and Late Game, you must use the right and correct Zhask hero build. This time we will provide recommendations for the most painful Zhask hero build in season 24 of Mobile Legends. Want to know what the items are? Come on, just look at the following reviews. 

Zhask MLBB Hero Build List

Cheapest MLBB Diamonds!

Zhask is one of the most painful Mage heroes for 2022. He can be used to fill 3 roles or lanes at once namely Hyper, Gold Lane and EXP Lane.

As a hero with the main role of Mage, he has very high damage in the early game but very low resistance. The Hero Mage seems to be able to very easily kidnap and infiltrate the opponent's mage or kidnap the opponent's assassin.

Swift Boots

Build Hero Zhask

Every hero in Mobile Legends needs an action item to increase his movement. Well, the moving object that is suitable for Zhask's hero build is Swift Boots.

This movement object aims to increase its movement speed and attack speed to make it faster. Swift Boots are boots with +40 movement speed plus +15 percent extra attack speed.

As Attack Speed ​​(ASPD) increases, this boot is ideal for some of the heroes that depend more on Attack Speed, such as Marksman.

Feather of Heaven

Build Hero Zhask
Feather of Heaven

Another thing that must be Zhask's build hero is Feather of Heaven. This item is a magic item that will provide additional magic power, attack speed, and movement speed to it. By purchasing this item, Zhask's attacks will increase magic damage at the start of the game.

This item also has a passive ability, where Basic Attack allows you to use 40 percent of Zhask's Magic Attack as additional magic damage.

This item is very suitable for use in early play because it has a much stronger passive. Apart from using a relatively high set of magic damage, this item can add 25 HP and 4 magic attacks every 20.

And this ability can stack 12 times, which means you get an additional 300 HP and 48 magic attacks. Of course the damage is very high, considering this item is very cheap.


Build Hero Zhask

This item only deals physical damage to the target, but every three seconds the basic action hero deals 360 magic damage to enemies, stacking up to three enemies. Every time basic aggression hits versus, movement speed increases by +five.

Using items Windtalker to get additional stats in the form of 40 percent attack speed, 10 percent critical hit chance, & +20 movement speed. Adding this very high attack speed will always make the shooter hero that you use perfectly and work with a speed of 20.

This is of course very beneficial for positioning shooters. An additional 10 percent critical chance deals damage based on attack ability, but is more likely to take critical damage.

As mentioned earlier, this item is popular not only for additional stats, but also for very useful passive gains. The unique passive effect is that the basic action you do puts additional damage every 53 seconds in the form of a typhoon that can attack three enemy units.

The damage caused by the typhoon is 150302 magic damage. In addition, you will get 50 percent additional damage based on minions. When the typhoon's passive itself is activated, you can gain an additional five movement speeds at a moment's notice. 


Build Hero Zhask
Lightning Truncheon

As the name suggests, Lightning, this item is very good in combos with CoD items because it increases the damage issued. This item is like electricity which can reflect damage to nearby opponents.

Every 6 seconds, the next skill will bounce & put 10000 Magic Damage to the surrounding enemies, three opponents at most. Besides that, Lightning Truncheon also has a passive ability - Resonate.

This passive ability can provide Magic Damage incentives in an area every time you use Magic skills. Bonus magic damage is calculated from the total which is obtained. The more mana you have, the greater the total magic damage incentive. 

With the addition of these attributes, Lightning Club is perfect for the hero mage who has the ability to do damage over a relatively long cooldown period.

It's also ideal for hero mages using lots of mana clusters. This item is usually combined with a fate clock to increase mana gain. 

Also read: Best Zhask Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends 2022

Holy Crystals

Build Hero Zhask

This item has attributes other than magical power, but as you can see, the magical power it gives is very good. Apart from that, this item also has a unique passive ability, or passive combo, which is perfect for all mages.

When a mage consumes skills in a row, the magic attack given will increase the total magic damage he has by 2135.

This item is a magic item that gives Zhask's hero build 100 percent more magical power. This item also has a passive ability that increases Zask's magic attack power, which is higher with level, by 2135 percent. 

Also read: 5 Strongest Hero Counter Zhask in Mobile Legends 2022

That's the list of recommendations for the worst Zhask hero builds for season 24 2022. This time, a modern patch is here using the strongest emblem. The Zhask hero build that we recommend is a recommendation article for Jess No Limit, Pro Player, and Global Top 1.

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