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Build Gord MLBB for Burst Damage and Cooldown Reduction

Gord is an MLBB mage hero who has recently become less popular. Even though to this day Gord is still relevant in the midlane.
Hero Gord

Gord is probably one of the most popular MLBB heroes. Because, most players scramble to use it Nana, Vexana, Aurora, and Chang'e or Valir to fill in midlane

But did you know that Gord is actually a relevant hero for you to use. Because, he also has skills that are useful for achieving victory.

If you don't believe it, you can try it using the following two Gord MLBB build options below! 

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Also read: Counter Fighter Mobile Legends 2024 Items, Fight Dead Style!

Gord Build Items and Emblems Full Damage

Build Burst Gord MLBB
Build Emblem and Item Burst Damage. Source: MLBB

Your first option is to use build items and full damage emblems with the following combination: 

Build MLBB Gord Emblem

Gord MLBB Skin Legends
Source: VCGamers

You can use Build Gord Full Damage if you want to get a super sick hero. 

To get the most damage to Gord, you can adjust the combination of emblems. Prioritize using mage emblems with a combination of Agility, Weapons Master, and Lethal Ignition attributes.

The Agility attribute is useful for increasing Gord's movement speed by 4%. With this attribute, the high damage you have will not be in vain because you can flexibly rotate to team fight locations.

Then for Weapons Master it is useful for increasing Gord's magic power by 5% from emblems, talents and skills. 

Meanwhile, Lethal Ignition deals 7% more damage than the opponent's HP 3 times in 5 seconds. 

This attribute effect can burn enemies and deal 162-750 adaptive damage which scales with level.

Build Full Damage Items

Gord New Baron
Gord New Baron. Source: DevianArt

Use shoe mana or Demon Boots to make Gord's use of mana feel more economical. Gord is also a wasteful hero so it is highly recommended to use this movement item. 

Next, for spicy damage from the start, you can use Lightning Truncheon. The reason is that with this item, Gord will have a burst damage effect that will immediately hurt. 

Don't forget to use Glowing Wands when you use the Lethal Ignition attribute. Because with this item the burn effect produced by Gord's skill will be even more painful. 

Enemies with low HP can die on the way to escape due to the burn effect produced by the item. 

Then you also can't forget the Divine Glaive which you really need to use if you previously used Holy Crystal. Because the Devine Glaive item can penetrate the defense of the Athena Shield defense item. 

Lastly, to get high damage as well as additional HP from Blood Wings. Actually, this item is not really necessary because during intensive matches you need Immortal items much more.

Also read: 5 Most Effective Counter Mage Items in Mobile Legends 

Gord Build Item and Emblem Cooldown Reduction

Build Cooldown Reduction
Build Item and Emblem Cooldown Reduction. Source: MLBB

For those of you who like spam skills using the MLBB hero Gord, you can use the following combination of items and attributes: 

Build MLBB Gord Emblem

Nick ML Anime
Gord. Source: esportsku

First, you can use the Cooldown Reduction attribute which can reduce the Cooldown by 5%. The second talent you can use is Weapons Master. 

But you can also use Wilderness Blessing to make it easier for you to rotate. Attribute number two is not mandatory, you can adapt it to the team's goals. 

If you play solo rank, you can just use Weapons Master. 

Finally, for the main attribute, you can use Impure Rage. With this attribute you will get damage from 44-256 additional adaptive damage which scales with level. 

Build MLBB Gord Items

MLBB Mage Heroes
Source: VCGamers

To speed up the skill set cooldown, you can use Magic Boots. But the consequence is that you can't get the mana regen effect from these shoes. 

If you are used to using mana regen items, you will definitely feel wasteful when wearing these shoes. 

Then secondly, you can use Enchanted Talisman and Concentrated Energy as core items.

Otherwise, you can use Holly Crystal and Devine Glaive to penetrate the defense of opponents who use the Athena Shield.

Also read: Best Mobile Legends Fighter Hero in Season 32

Have all the best Gord skins with cheap and fast MLBB diamond top ups at VCGamers Marketplace!

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