From the title of this article, the writer believes Vicigers has already guessed what the writer will discuss this time build regarding Fisher Genshin Impact.
The development of new artifacts and weapons is almost quite a lot, so of course it affects the variety build characters including Fischl.
Fischl is a character that already exists in early game and indeed very superior compared to other 4-star characters.
Even on the tier list, Fischl can be categorized as an S Tier because he is very good as DPS and Sub DPS so he is often called a hidden 5-star character.
Fisch is also an Off-field support strong like for a Taser team with DPS Kamisato Ayato or Childe.
It's so good, for those of you who get Fischl it's a shame if you don't build well.
This time, VCGamers will provide recommendations build Fischl Genshin Impact for build Your fish.
Fischl Genshin Impact Build Recommendations
This article will cover all the recommendations build starting with priority skills, artifacts, to team recommendations that are suitable for build Fischl Genshin Impact.
Artifact The recommended ones are adjusted according to already released artifacts, where new artifacts will be added along the way updates Genshin Impact.
Skill Priority for Build Fischl Genshin Impact

Fischl is a 4 star character released by HoYoVerse at the start games Genshin Impact.
As a Main DPS character who uses Electro elements with weapons bow.
Fischl's Normal Attack consists of 5 consecutive attacks that deliver physical damage to the enemy.
Although it has base attacks which is big enough and you can build for Physical DPS, I think Fischl is more efficient for you build become Electro Sub DPS.
This is because Fischl can provide off-field support which can support your character even if you don't use Fischl.
Fischl's Elemental Skill is Nightrider where Fischl will summon Oz, Fischl's familiar crow who can deal AoE Elctro DMG with a small area.
Oz will attack the enemy continuously, dealing Electro DMG for a certain duration.
This Elemental Skill can also be you hold or long press, to place Oz in the position you want.
You can also use this ability even if you replace it with another character, so you can make Fischl a character off field.
You can also combine this Elemental Skill with Fischl's Passive Skill, namely Stellar Predators.
You can perform a Charged Attack on Oz so that Oz will expand his attacks to produce AoE Electro DMG with a wider area.

Fischl's Elemental Burst is Midnight Phantasmagoria similar to the function of Elemental Skills.
The difference is that Fischl will transform into Oz and deal Electro DMG on 1 target.
After that, the attack will change to Oz attacking, exactly with his Elemental Skill.
According to the author, all skills provide damage which is very okay. However, for build Fischl it's good you prioritize to maximize Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst.
If you want to make Fischl your Main DPS then you can maximize Normal Attack as well.
The author personally uses Fischl more as a Sub DPS so that he prioritizes Elemental Skills and Elemental Burst.
This is because the author uses Kamisato Ayato and Childe as DPS, so they often use Taser teams.
Also Read: Build Childe Genshin Impact, miHoYo's Favorite DPS Character!
Artifacts Suitable for Fischl Genshin Impact Builds

Stats what you should prioritize for Fischl Genshin Impact are Crit Rate/DMG, ATK or ATK%, and Electro DMG Bonus.
As a Sub DPS, you'll often combine Fischl's attacks with other elements that can cause elemental reactions.
To zoom in damage elemental reactions, the author recommends that you also look for artifacts with sub stat Elemental Mastery for Fischl.
You can also choose the artifact set for Fischl according to the artifact you have stat best meets the needs of Fischl Genshin Impact.
The author saw the Tenacity of Millelith artifact set highly recommended for Fischl.
4 sets of Tenacity of Millelith will increase ATK all team members 20%.
But according to the author, this set reduces damage personal from Fischl though supports DPS and other characters to gain damage bigger.
If you don't mind that and focus on damage Your DPS, then Tenacity of Millelith is very good for you to use.
4 sets of Thundering Fury is the first most recommended set of classic artifacts for build Fischl Genshin Impact.
The set can increase all damage from the reaction of the elemental Electro with other elements.
You can also use 4 sets of Thundersoothers which will increase Fischl's DMG if the enemy is hit by Electro.
But if you use this artifact, you have to use mono Electro Team where all your characters use Electro like using DPS Yes Miko, Raiden Shogun, and Kujou Sara.
When you want build Your Fischl Genshin Impact as a Hybrid Build, you can combine Thundering Fury with ATK artifacts like Shimenawa's Reminiscence, Gladiator Finale, Echoes of an Offering, or Vermillion Hereafter.
Weapon Recommendations for Build Fischl Genshin Impact

Recommended 5 star weapon for Fischl Genshin Impact almost 5 star guns released now are all good for Fischl to use.
You can use Polar Star, Thundering Pulse, and Skyward Harp. The newest Bow released in patch updates 2.7 i.e. Aqua Simulacra is also great for Fischl.
In addition to providing additional ATK and Crit Rate, Polar Star will provide additional ATK DMG after Fischl uses Elemental Skills and Elemental Burst.
You can also use Thundering Pulse and Skyward Harp as they will also be good for Fischl.
Skyward Harp will increase Crit Rate while Thundering Pulse will increase Crit DMG.
A 4 star weapon suitable for build Fischl Genshin Impact are Viridescent Bow, Rust, and The Stringless.
The Stringless will suit you very well build Fischl Genshin Impact you as bursts DPS.
The 4 star F2P weapon option that can also be used for Fischl Genshin Impact is the Blackcliff Warbow which you can exchange at Paimon's Bargain.
The weapon options that you can make are the Hamayumi Bow and the Crescent Prototype will also be good for Fischl Genshin Impact.