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Beatrix's Painful Emblem, Spell and Item Builds 2023

Build emblems, spells, and Beatrix items that are suitable for you to use in the 2023 meta so that your performance in goldlane will be even more sustainable!
Beatrix Items
Beatrix Items. Source: VCGamers

Beatrix indeed one of the newest MM from Mobile Legends its still so warm. His mechanical compatibility with the current meta makes him often the best choice for goldlaners. It's no wonder that many people search for keywords to build Beatrix emblems, spells, and items.

That said, Beatrix is the ideal form for the Marksman (MM). Yes, with the many shooting modes available, it has such broad gameplay flexibility. In addition, his ability to combine weapons also makes the possibilities even more limitless.

If supported by the right build, this MM can be very strong and capable of solo laning. So all that's left is how Vicigers can access the best build recommendations for the MM.

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Well, for that matter, don't worry! We will give a leak of the best recommendations for the MM. If you use these recommendations, I'm sure your Beatrix gameplay will be even more terrifying! Therefore, please listen carefully!

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Beatrix Mechanical Adjustment

The Strongest Hero in Mobile Legends
Hero Beatrix. Source: Mobile Legends

As one of the currently meta MMs, Beatrix is a hero with mechanics that can answer all the complaints of goldlaners so far. He is a complete hero "in one package".

If the various MMs that were previously released were only equipped with one or two shooting modes, then for Beatrix it's not half-hearted: she has four shooting modes. In addition, each of the existing modes is also equipped with different characteristics.

So it's fair to say that Beatrix is four heroes who are summarized into one. Of the four weapons they have, most users only rely on at most three shooting modes.

This is because the fourth shot mode is close-range and only functions to counter melee heroes who are trying to get closer. Seeing this phenomenon, the build arrangement also needs to be adjusted.

That's why VCGamers is trying to compile a build that fits the various gameplays of the MM stretcher. And here is the presentation:

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Build Emblem, Spell and Item Beatrix Hurt

The build recommended by VCGamers this time will focus on these three aspects. This is considering that the three of them often confuse players.

Even if it is properly prepared, this will greatly affect the performance of the hero.


Emblem For Beatrix
Emblem For Beatrix. Source: VCGamers

Beatrix herself is an MM hero who is more inclined towards late game characteristics. For that, he needs an emblem that can support his damage output needs in the early to mid phase. The emblem that is suitable for this purpose is an Assassin with the talent Killing Spree.

For the choice of attributes, Vicigers can maximize Bravery (level 3) for physical attacks and Invasion (level 3) for penetration.


Spell Beatrix Flicker
Spell Beatrix Flicker. Source: VCGamers

Even though Beatrix already has the blink skill, more often than not it is used more for the purpose of cocking her weapon. That's why he still needs additional blink skills. To meet these needs, the right choice is Flicker's "one million people" spell.


Beatrix Items
Beatrix Items. Source: VCGamers
  • Swift Boots (Movements)

The movement items for most of these MMs are also suitable for the hero. This can increase the attack speed you have to support laning needs in the early game.

  • Blade of Heptaseas

This item is suitable to be the second for Beatrix. Her passive damage collector and, recently added by Moonton, the effect of adding damage to thick-bodied heroes can make Beatrix more sustainable when she has to fight cores that "slip" into the gold lane.

  • Haas Claw

Don't forget lifesteal! Haas claw can be the best choice! Apart from adding to the acquisition of physical attacks, this item will also multiply the HP drain from each basic attack launched by the MM.

  • Wind of Nature

In order to be strong by one when laning or after entering the late game, WON must be made as early as possible. As a result, this item could become the MM's fourth item.

  • HunterStrike

The next item can really choose Hunter strike to increase physical attack and reduce the cooldown of the marksman's skills.

  • Blade of Despair

In the last slot, Beatrix can immediately buy BOD so that the damage from her ult becomes even more painful.

Also read: Updated 2023 Mobile Legends ranking list

So that's the discussion about Beatrix's build, the marksman meta 2023. For those who have tried this recommendation, please leave a testimonial in the comments column provided!

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