Diluc Genshin Impact is one of Genshin Impact's first 5-star DPS which is still very popular to use today.
From the first time the author played Genshin Impact until now, Diluc is still very much loved as a DPS. Diluc's build isn't difficult and is still suitable for F2P.
This time, VCGamers will provide recommendations regarding build Diluc Genshin Impact will make damage that Diluc gives you optimally.
Diluc Genshin Impact Build Recommendations
This article will cover all the recommendations build starting with priority skills, artifacts, team recommendations, and weapons to match build Diluc Genshin Impact.
Artifact the ones recommended are aligned with the artifacts already released at the time this article was written VCGamers.
Skill Priority for Diluc Genshin Impact Build

Before discussing the others, it's good for us to know the capabilities skills Diluc Genshin Impact so that later you will know which ability you better prioritize to maximize first.
Diluc's Normal Attack consists of 5 consecutive attacks that provide Physical damage.
Diluc's elemental skill is Searing Onslaught, Diluc will deal an attack that deals Pyro DMG. This skill can be used 3 times in a row.
You have to be fast in using skills this is because if you don't use it, skills will enter cooldown if not cast again in a short time.

elementals bursts from Diluc Genshin Impact namely Dawn, Diluc will issue a Phoenix bird that deals Pyro DMG and makes the enemy retreat and explode when it reaches a certain point.
After using Elemental Burst, all of Diluc's attacks will be changed to Pyro DMG.
If you already got skills passive Blessing of Phoenix, after using Elemental Burst will add stat Pyro DMG Diluc for a certain duration.
Required skill or talent you prioritize build Diluc Genshin Impact is Normal Attack > Elemental Skill = Elemental Burst.
According to the author, Diluc's talent will be very good if you maximize all levels because it will support each other's talents.
Also Read: Glossary of Terms in Genshin Impact, Beginners Must Know So Pros!
Artifacts Suitable for Diluc Genshin Impact Builds

Diluc Genshin Impact is a character that was designed as play DPS so you need to prioritize stat artifacts that is Crit Rate/DMG, Pyro DMG Bonus, and ATK or ATK%.
From the author's experience, sub-stat Elemental Mastery is also good for Genshin Impact to produce damage a huge amount of elemental reactions when you use the character support with other elements like Hydro by Xingqiu.
Artifact sets recommended for build So far, according to the author, Diluc Genshin Impact is the best, Crimson Witch of Flames.
4 sets of Crimson Witch of Flames artifacts arguably the most suitable artifact for Diluc because it will increase the elemental reaction Overloaded and Burning DMG by 40%, as well as increase Vaporize and Melt DMG by 15%.
In addition, the Crimson Witch of Flames will increase the 2-Piece Set Bonus (+ Pyro DMG Bonus + 15%) by 50% from its initial value for 10 seconds if you use elemental skills Diluc.
These artifacts from the Zhou Formula domain are tricky to get, so you need extra patience to get good artifacts.
You can also equip this artefact with artifacts that provide additional ATK bonuses such as Gladiator Finale, Shimenawa's Reminiscence, Vermillion hereafter, and Echoes of an Offering.
You can also give Diluc an artifact Lava walkers 4 sets with notes on use support Pyro like Xinyan or Thoma although still the most recommended is the Crimson Witch of Flames.
Weapon Recommendations for the Diluc Genshin Impact Build

One of the strengths of Diluc Genshin Impact that the writer likes is that this character doesn't need very 'OP' or weapons 5 star weapon to produce damage the big one.
So you don't have to force yourself to get a 5 star weapon to make damage Diluc got big.
When I first got DIluc, I only used the Archaic Prototype and it was already producing damage which is quite okay.
You can also use 3-star weapons like Debate Club, although it is highly recommended to use at least a 4-star weapon.
5 star Claymore weapon the most recommended are Wolf Gravestone and Song of The Broken Pines.
You can also use Redhorn Stonethresher and The Unforged which incidentally is considered the worst Claymore released by Genshin Impact.
If you're using The Unforged, the author recommends you pair Diluc with shielder like Xinyan or Zhongli.
You can also use Skyward Pride because you have one stat Pretty high ATK however stat Energy Recharge will be a little less useful for Diluc.
4 star weapon for Diluc Genshin Impact are Serpent Spine, Akuomaru, Luxurious Sea-Lord, and Blackliff Slasher.
All the weapons before that have stat not much different from the recommended 5-star weapon for Diluc.
For those of you who are F2P (free-to-play), DIluc is also suitable for Archaic Prototypes.
Recommended Team Composition (Party Setup) for the Diluc Genshin Impact Build

Diluc will suit you very well with a team that produces elemental reactions. This character will be more suitable for you to fight big bosses, not for large numbers because the AoE area range is quite small.
Recommendation party for Diluc is you can pair Diluc with Sucrose, Xingqiu, and Bennett.
Xingqiu will serve as Hydro support what makes damage Diluc was getting bigger from the elemental Vaporize reaction.
Bennett will act as buffers and provide a resonance element as a character of fellow Pyro elements.
For the Sucrose part, this is suitable for CC so that it collects enemies in one place and also provides additional Elemental Mastery which will make damage Vaporize is getting bigger.
This part of Sucrose can be flexible where you can replace it shielder like zhongli or other Anemo characters like Kaedehara Kazuha or Venti.
If you want to use party Melt, you can pair Diluc with Rosary, Chongyun, or Kaeya who replaced Xingqiu.