Bennett is one of the 4 star characters that you will be able to get at run banner for the upcoming Raiden Shogun and Sangonomiya Kokomi.
If you get Bennett, then you must build your Bennett.
Initially the leader of the Bennett Adventure Team was only considered as an 'alternative' to another Pyro character, Diluc who is a 5 star character.
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Bennett was famous from 2021 when he was a Youtuber Genshin Impact realized how kits Bennett was great.
This character from Mondstadt is one of the best 4-star characters in Genshin Impact. Almost any DPS would suit Bennett perfectly as support.
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Bennett Genshin Impact Build Recommendations

As a character support, Bennett is really versatile. You can build Bennett healer, pyro support, even as DPS.
Bennett is nicknamed the National Team or Holy Trinity among Genshin Impact players along with Sucrose and Mona because the combination of the three characters is often used by players to show damage DPS.
Using a combination of these three characters can produce damage Very large.
So can you build Bennett as a DPS because his attacks also produce great DMG.
This article will provide recommendations build Bennett starts from usability skills and skills which one should you prioritize, the artifacts to match, and also the weapon to match.
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Skill Priority for Build Bennett Genshin Impact

As a sword user and Pyro element, Bennett has a normal attack with 5 consecutive attacks.
Elemental skills from Bennett namely Passion Overload will make Bennett issue a sword attack that deals Pyro DMG.
This attack is timed cooldown which is small enough about 5 seconds so it can easily ye spamming his attack.
Elemental burst from Bennett namely Fantastic Voyage is skills very noteworthy from Bennett.
This skill is also what you should prioritize the most for build Bennett Genshin Impact is good as support and DPS.
Fantastic Voyage will deliver buff to the ATK of all characters in the circle elemental burst Bennett.
In addition, if the character in the circle has an HP of less than 70%, Bennett will heal your character's HP earlier.
Damage generated elemental burst it is also quite large which is about 400% of base attacks Bennett so you can make Bennett a DPS that is quite productive damage sick'.
If you build Bennett as DPS you can prioritize elemental burst and elemental skills. Normal attacks you can ignore it or you can upgrade it later because damage biggest build Bennett's DPS comes from his elemental abilities.
builds Bennett as support well it's Pyro support or for any DPS you just prioritize build Bennett you're in elemental burst just been followed by two more of Bennett's attacks.
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Artifacts Suitable for Bennett Genshin Impact Builds
Stats which artifacts should you look for build Bennett customized as you want build Bennett you to be what position.
Unlike DPS in general, Bennett tends not to focus stat on ATK. Fantastic Voyage will count on how big it is base attacks.
Base attack is different from ATK or ATK% in that it can only be obtained from level up and ascend character or from weapons only.
builds Bennett as DPS will need you to search for artifacts with stat main Crit Rate/DMG, Energy Recharge, and Pyro DMG Bonus.
You can also search stat secondary or sub stat Elemental mastery for Bennett when you use characters support with other elements for build Bennett.
If you build Bennett as support or pyro support, you can prioritize skills HP and Energy Recharge. You can also prioritize healing bonuses when you make build benett you as full healer or healingbot.
Keep in mind that you really need the Energy Recharge stat so you can spamming elemental bursts on second build Bennett because indeed all of Bennett's abilities come from elemental burst.
There are 3 artifacts that will be very suitable for you to use build Bennett. For build DPS Bennett the most suitable artifacts are Crimson Witch of Flames or Thundering Fury.
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4 sets of Crimson Witch of Flames will be perfect if your Bennett DPS is used together support Cryo or Hydro.
This artifact will increase Overloaded and Burning DMG by 40%, increase Vaporize and Melt DMG by 15%.
In addition, the Crimson Witch of Flames will increase the 2-Piece Set Bonus (+ Pyro DMG Bonus + 15%) by 50% from its initial value for 10 seconds if you use elemental skills Bennett.
Thundering Fury 4 set will be perfect for Bennett if you use characters electro as support DPS Bennett.
This set will improve damage caused by elemental reactions Overloaded, Electro-Charged and Superconduct of 40%. In addition, it will reduce time elemental skill cooldowns by 1 second.
When you use Bennett as full support you can use Noblesse Oblige or Emblem of Severed Fates.

The Noblesse Oblige set will increase elemental burst DMG +20% from 2 sets will also increase elemental burst +20% for 12 seconds for all characters if you use elemental burst Bennett and other characters followed.
Use of 4 sets of Emblem of Severed Fate can increase Bennett support you extra Energy recharge and elemental burst DMG 25% from big energy recharge Bennett.
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Weapon Recommendations for the Bennett Genshin Impact Build
Elemental burst Bennett all counted (scale) from base attacks Bennett. You won't be able to get stat such from artifacts unfortunately.
You can earn stat base attacks of the weapon used for your Bennett.
You can also upgrade base attacks from raising Bennett's level as well as from ascend.
Basically guns with stat main base attacks you can use for all build Bennett and every sub stat (except DEF) would be great to upgrade damage Bennett you.

5 star sword weapon such as Primordial Jade Cutter, Mistsplitter Reforge, and Aquila Favonia would be great for Bennett. You can also use Skyward Blade to upgrade energy recharge from your Bennett.

Bennett's 4 star weapon for now it is Festering Desire which can be increased base attacks Bennett the most and also energy recharge. Unfortunately you can't get this weapon for new players because this sword is obtained from events 1.6 ago.
You can also use the Favonius Sword, Prototype Rancour, or Lion's Roar for Bennett.
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Recommended Team Composition (Party Setup) for Bennett Genshin Impact Build
You can actually use Bennett with anyone if you are Bennett as support.
DPS like Xiao, Ganyu, or Kamisato Ayaka will be very good for you to use with Bennett.
For Bennett DPS, you can use 2 team recommendations by relying on 2 different elements, namely the Cryo team support and the Electro Hydro team support.
Team recommendation 1 is to use Bennett as DPS and Chongyun as Cryo support.

This combination will be very suitable because Chongyun will change Bennett's attack to Cryo so you can produce reverse melt continously.
Chongyun will also lose cooldown Bennett if you have got Chongyun in constellation 2 so Bennett's attack speed is for melted higher.
You can use other team members, namely Anemo characters such as Sucrose, Jean, or Kazuha to give elemental reactions swirl. Other Pyro characters like Amber to produce a Pyro Resonance boost damage You can also use Bennett.
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Team recommendation 2 is support Electro and Hydro. You will use this team very well if your Bennett uses Thundering Fury.
You can max out various elemental reactions Overloaded, Electro-charged, and Vaporise.
Generally this team you can use Bennett. Lisa, and Xingqiu. Lisa was chosen to be Electro support because campu applies Electro attacks very quickly compared to other Electro users.
Xingqiu you can use to produce other elemental reactions that enlarge damage Bennett you.
You can use Fischl or Beidou for your other team members which will generate Electro Resonance with Lisa.