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5 Painful Aurora Build Items in Season 25 Mobile Legends

You can use arcane boots, lightning trucheon, clock of destiny, divine glaive and holy crystal as Aurora build items.
Aurora builds
Aurora is Aulus' counter hero

Aurora is one of saThat's the most painful mage hero for 2022. Aurora can be used to fill 3 roles or lanes at once, namely Hyper, Gold Lane and EXP Lane. however, you must be able to choose the right Aurora build item to make it damage.

As the main mage hero, he has high early game damage but very low durability. Hero mages seem to be easily kidnapped and infiltrated by enemy mages or kidnapped by enemy assassins.

The cooldown of each hero skill is also strong enough to kill opponents many times. Like the Marksman role, he is often used to kill low-defense enemy heroes such as Mage, Marksman and other assassins. Not only that, in the late game you can easily kill fat heroes like Fighters or Tanks.

List of Aurora Season 25 MLBB Build Items

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If you are still confused about making the best items for this hero in season 25 Mobile Legends, you can listen to the following reviews.

Clock Of Destiny

Clock of Destiny
clock of destiny as the best item for Aurora

This item is very suitable for use in the early game because it has a very strong passive. Apart from bringing a fairly high set of magic damage, this item adds 25 HP and 4 magic attacks every 20. 

And this ability can be stacked up to 12 times, which means you get an additional 300 HP and 48 Magic Attack. The damage distributed is clearly very high considering this item is very cheap.

Divine Glaive

Divine Glaive
Divine Glaive as the best item for Aurora

This item is very suitable for use with Genius Wand and Holy Crystal because it has a unique ability that is good for Mage-type combo bursts.

The higher the opponent's magic defense, the greater the magic penetration given, up to a maximum of 20 percent. This item is great for using items to destroy weapons and full combos. 

Arcane Boots

Arcane Boots as the best item for Aurora

The next Aurora build item is Arcane Boots. These boots give you an additional +50 movement speed and +10 magic penetration. Or you can also use Demon Shoes to change Mana.

Lightning Truncheon

Painful Xavier Build - Painful Kagura Build
Lightning Truncheon as the best item for Aurora

If you have purchased Clock of Destiny, then Lightning Truncheon is a required companion item. Because Clock of Destiny items are very convenient to combine with Lightning Truncheon passive items.

This item adds +75 magic power, +300 mana and +10 percent cooldown reduction. So it's only natural that the combination of these two things is perfect for this hero build.

Also read: 5 Advantages of Hero Aurora in Mobile Legends 2022, Huge Damage!

Holy Crystals

true damage mobile legends calamity reaper
holy crystal as the best item for Aurora

Another painful Aurora build item is the holy crystal. This item drastically increases the hero's magic power. This is very useful when the game comes in the mid or late game.

The Holy Crystal item adds +100 magic power. Unique passive can increase magic attack by 21-35 percent (level up).

Also read: Latest Aurora Build Items 2022, Damage OP!

So, those are the recommended builds for Aurora in season 25 of Mobile Legends 2022. Keep visiting VCGamers to always get the latest information about other Mobile Legends hero builds.

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