The Geo Element has a lot of character support superior like Albedo Genshin Impact, one of the many characters that go inside wishlist the author's desired character.
Albedo is a 5 star character that was first released by Genshin Impact in updates 1.2 and already get rerun patch 2.3 ago.
Albedo is a character that can make your DPS shine even more with its abilities as a Sub DPS and support.
The element used by this character is Geo so that it is flexible for you to use in various team compositions and DPS.
Albedo's abilities can also shine even more in Mono Geo teams (all characters use Geo) such as being together zhongli or gorou, especially with the new DPS Geo like Arataki Itto.
This time, VCGamers will discuss it in full build What does Albedo Genshin Impact start from skillsher, matching artifacts, and also weapons.
Understanding skills is very important according to the author for you to know so that you know the function of each skill and which ones will be recommended to be maximized.
Of course, with this you can save more materials to level up talents because as Genshin Impact players know, farming very hard isn't it? Vicigers sImak continues to recommend how to articles build This Albedo Genshin Impact!
Albedo Genshin Impact Build Recommendations
This article will cover all the recommendations build starting with priority skills, artifacts, and weapons suitable for build Albedo Genshin Impact.
Artifact The recommended ones are adjusted according to already released artifacts, where new artifacts will be added along the way updates Genshin Impact.
Skill Priority for Build Albedo Genshin Impact

Albedo Genshin Impact is a 5 star character that uses Geo elements with a sword weapon.
Albedo's Normal Attack consists of 5 consecutive attacks that deliver physical damage to the enemy.
Elemental Skill from Albedo namely Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma, Albedo will give an attack in the form of AoE Geo DMG.
This attack will bring up a Geo area with Geo construct named Solar Isotomas.
All enemies hit damage in that area, both Normal Attack, Elemental Skill, and Elemental Burst will appear Transient Blossom which can provide additional Geo DMG.
The amount of DMG dealt by Transient Blossom is calculated from Albedo's DEF.
If Albedo Genshin Impact has obtained Passive skill called Calcite Night, Transient Blossom produced by Elemental Skill can provide damage 25% is more for opponents whose HP is below 50%.
The attack earlier, although not from Albedo, will also produce Geo energy particles so they can become battery for Geo DPS like Arataki Itto to fill his Elemental burst energy.

This solar isotome is shaped like a flower and has several functions that you can use.
First, its function can be a foothold like an elevator for characters to attack from a high place.
It is suitable for extending the attack range such as for example Klee which has a small posture or can be used as a place for Plunging Attack.
You can also use Solar Isotoma to produce resonance with other Geo constructs, for example Ushi has Arataki Itto or pillar of zhongli.
Apart from that, Solar Isotoma can also be used as a foothold during exploration so that it is easier for you to reach high places.
For example, from the author's experience when you use Albedo, you will save energy while doing it farming material because it will rarely climb.
You can farming material that is in high places like Philameno Mushroom or just take it Geoculus or Electroculus.

Elemental Burst from Albedo namely Progeniture: Tectonic Tide, Albedo will give a flower-shaped explosion that deals AoE Geo DMG.
If the Solar Isotoma from is still present when you use Elemental Burst, the Solar Isotoma will be replaced with an explosion of 7 Fatal Blossoms that deals Geo DMG.
If you already got passive skills Homuncular Nature, after you use Elemental Burst it will increase the member's Elemental Mastery party for 10 s with the addition of EM 125.
It can make Albedo support or Sub DPS which is good especially for teams that use DPS that are able to produce damage from high elemental reactions such as Childe.
Build Albedo Genshin Impact will prioritize skills Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst where you can maximize the level talents Elemental Skills first.
Besides Skill, in the case of Albedo, the higher the character's ascension level will be good because it will increase Albedo's total DEF so it is highly recommended that you maximize your character's level if you can reach level 90.
Also Read: Build Genshin Impact Klee, Small DPS for Cayenne Pepper!
Artifacts Suitable for Genshin Impact's Albedo Build

Stats what you should prioritize for Albedo Genshin Impact are DEF, Crit Rate/DMG, and Geo DMG Bonus.
As Sub-DPS, Albedo will provide damage which is big enough so you need Crit Rate/DMG as one stat for build Albedo.
Because all skills Albedo was measured (iscale) of DEF so the author highly recommends using the Husk of Opulent Dream artifact set for build Albedo.
You will get additional DEF +20%. From 2 sets as well as additional bonuses from 4 sets.
Bonus given from 4 sets will be given in the form effect named Curiosity. Curiosity can stack up to 4 times, each grants 6% DEF and 6% Geo DMG Bonus.
Sometimes, the artifact gacha isn't good enough so it's not certain that players can get 4 sets of Husk of Opulent Dream with stat the good one.
You can combine this artifact set with the Noblesse Oblige 2 set which can increase Elemental Burst DMG +25%.
Noblesse Oblige 4 sets can also be used considering you will also use Albedo a lot of Elemental Burst in a short time. These 4 sets increase ATK and Elemental Burst DMG +25 if you use Elemental Burst Albedo.
Before the existence of the Husk of Opulent Dream artifact, Archaic Petra it would also be great if you use it in combination with Noblesse Oblige to get additional Geo DMG Bonus.
If you use Archaic Petra, focus your stats on DEF as stat what you're looking for in the artifact goblet used.
Weapon Recommendations for Build Albedo Genshin Impact

Albedo Genshin Impact's weapons will focus on adding the stats you need.
There are 3 weapons that are sufficiently recommended for Albedo, namely Primordial Jade Cutter, Cinnabar Spindle, and Harbinger of Dawn.
Cinnabar Spindle is the most recommended 4 star weapon for Albedo or it can be called as signature weapons Albedo due to increase sub stat DEF.
You can get this weapon for free from events which exist in rerun Albedo Genshin Impact 2.3.
However, as said before that you can use a variety of weapons to meet your needs stat required by build Your albedo.
Examples include the 5 star weapon Mistsplitter Reforged or Haran Geppaku Futsu. You can still use this weapon to make damage Your albedo shines but you will use it more optimally on your DPS.