You PUBG Mobile players, especially Bigetroopers, surely know BTR Alice, who used to play Bigetron Red Aliens. So, this time we will discuss his profession, starting from his career journey to his achievements.
The esports scene in Indonesia seems to be showing quite rapid development in the last few years. This can also be seen from the increasing number of communities that play a number games competitive.
One of games Competitive competition included in esports is PUBG Mobile which is an adapted version of PUBG: Battleground.
The Gameplay which is intense and suspenseful make games This 2018 release is one of them games what makes genres Battle Royale is getting more and more popular. It was the excitement that finally succeeded in attracting many players.
With increasing players games this, finally rolling the competition to become a place for potential players to show their abilities. Popular competition by name PMPL it also ended up giving birth to many talented players with skills qualified.
Even though most of them focused on male players, it turned out that there were also a lot of players ladies who succeeded in stealing attention thanks to his playing abilities.
In fact, now the organizers have also held a special competition for the scene ladies PUBG Mobile. The competition is titled PUBG Mobile Pro League (PMPL) – Indonesia Ladies.
One figure that has been in the spotlight is BTR Alice, who was part of the Bigetron Red Aliens main team. For those of you who follow the development of the PUBG Mobile scene, of course you are familiar with these players.
Not only a charming face, Alice's BTR abilities at that time were indeed quite impressive. It's not surprising that he has a lot of fans and they are quite curious about the figure's profile.
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Alice's BTR profile

BTR Alice is one of the Brand Ambassadors of a well-known esports team, namely Bigetron Esports which used to be pro player in the Red Robot team.
She is a figure who has the original Maureen Gabriella Stephany or who is familiarly called Maureen. Even so, in the world of esports he is more popular by name in-game BTR Alice. One of The prettiest BA in Indonesia it is a girl born in Jakarta, 22 September 2001.
The owner of the real name Maureen Gabriella Stephany apparently took the name in-game from one of the characters in the movie Alice in Wonderland.
His impressive playing ability seems inseparable from his hobby, which really likes to play games. he liked games FPS which finally got him interested in PUBG Mobile.
A number of games BTR Alice's favorites include PUBG Mobile, Apex Legends, The Sims 4 and Animal Crossing.
Meanwhile, Alice's BTR positions when playing PUBG Mobile are Support and Sniper. He also has a favorite weapon that is often his mainstay, namely the M416 and Kar 98k.
Apart from that, he is also a celebgram and content creator who has many fans. In fact, he has 2 Instagram accounts that each have followers which is quite a lot.
On his first account, the number of followers is currently very large, reaching 2.4 million followers, while the second account has followers amounted to about 187 thousand.
He is also active in creating content about PUBG Mobile at channels His YouTube now has a number subscribers a lot, namely 1.4 million subscribers.
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BTR Alice's progress in the world of esports

As previously explained, BTR Alice does have a hobby of playing games and he began to pursue his hobby to become pro player.
The name BTR Alice really started to rise when she joined one of the popular esports teams, Bigetron Esports in 2019.
To be precise, on April 16 2019, the team that is identical to the Red Robot logo recruited the player born in 2001 to the PUBG Mobile team. ladies, Belletron Ace. On the team, he filled positions as Rusher and Scout.
Thanks for his good performance with the team ladies Meanwhile, on March 2, 2020 he received a promotion to enter the main ranks roster the boys' team, Bigetron Red Aliens. At that time, he filled the 5th player or support player.
Unfortunately, some time ago there was a team reshuffle and BTR Alice's position in the team was replaced by Liquid. In addition, he also experienced health problems that made him resign as a member pro player and replaced by Liquid.
Not long ago on February 5 2021, BTR Alice returned to the world of esports instead of being pro player, but rather become the Bigetron Esports Brand Ambassador. As a BA, he continues to support the Bigetron Esports team that competes in Indonesia's competitive scene.
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Alice's BTR Achievements

With quite capable playing skills, it's only natural that Bigetron Red Aliens recruited him to play in the men's team.
With the team, she took part in a number of prestigious international competitions and became the only female player.
So, he was registered as a Bigetron Red Aliens player when the team won a number of prestigious competition titles.
In addition, he has also helped the team ladies Belletron in 2019 by winning the 2019 PINC Ladies competition.
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For more details, here are a number of BTR Alice's achievements while at Bigetron Esports.
- 1st place in PUBG Mobile Indonesia National Championship (PINC) 2019 – Belletron
- 1st Place in PMPL ID Season 1 (2020) – Bigetron Red Aliens
- 1st Place in PMPL South Asia Season 1: Scrims Season 3 – Week 1 (2020) – Bigetron Red Aliens
- Runner-up PMPL South East Asia Season 1 (2020) – Bigetron Red Aliens
- 1st place in PUBG Mobile World League 2020: East – Bigetron Red Aliens
- 3rd Place in PMPL South East Asia Season 2: Four Countries Battle (2020) – Bigetron Red Aliens
- 1st Place in PMPL South East Asia Season 2 (2020) – Bigetron Red Aliens